UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I love Liam Neeson, but I can't help but feel like he didn't care about his performance, like the paycheck was in the other room.
He sounded sleepy.
Also his lines sucked.
Mostly because the story sucked.
Dude gets a bug up his ass about fixing the silly purifier and runs away for some reason.......because the vault changed from a vault to a "NOBODY LEAVES EVER!" vault because....yeah, even though people at one time did leave, and they let you in because Paps said he was a doctor.....and he learned to super scientist at........yeah.
Then you go jump trough some hoops for the Boy Scouts of Americ.....err I mean The Brotherhood of Steel

efenders of the Weak and bringers of Justices because......yeah.
Can't even side with the Enclave so the only options of how you want the story to play out is
A: Good Guy.
B: Total Dick for some reason.
Some reason seems to be a running gag in Fallout 3.
Talon Company fights a War with the Super Mutants for some reason. Also act like total jerks for some reason.
Super Mutants were made in a Vault with a modified strain of the FEV virus....for some reason. And for some reason they are looking for something.
Also Somebody said something about the Raiders outnumbering the Legion. What is up with all the Raiders?
You have this 10,000 member Gang called The "Raiders" who raid....really nothing since there is nothing to raid. 2 towns in the entire game. and around 7 villages. And are just kinda all over the god damn place.
Speaking of towns brings us to the nonsense that is rivet city. It is founded by the remnants of some Naval Research Group. Shouldn't it be the remnants of the remnants since those guys would be like 287 years old? Oh that is right, Fallout 3 acts like the bombs dropped 30 years ago and is totally confused with it's own story lines. If it did say it happen 30 years ago instead of 200+ it would make a helluva lot more sense.
But people like to say Fallout 3 has a better story and setting.....for some reason.