Anyone have idea why New Vegas is already under $20.00?

Easy, thats Quag again using words, and references to thigns he doesn't know anything about to make his posts look more isnightful when they are not.
That or he thinks a Battle for control of territory is esoteric.
Walpknut said:
That or he thinks a Battle for control of territory is esoteric.

If you side with the NCR and get a group of Veteran Rangers to help you with the Battle of Hoover Dam, you can tell them to lead the way and do all the fighting. The guy says "sounds like a suicide mission to me, but ok". Then you can sit back and watch them kill all the Legion forces that come onto the Dam.

And if they followed you into Legate's Camp, I'm sure they wouldn't have too much trouble taking out the 3 or 4 Praetorian guards and the Legate. Ok, maybe they would need 10 or 12 Veteran Rangers to do it, but still the fact that there is all this build up for something so simple.... that is slightly esoteric.

edit: wow, i just realized the similarities between what I just described, and how the war in Afghanistan had years of stalemate battles that meant nothing, then they send in a small group of elite soldiers and finish the job in 1 day, lol.
Walpknut said:
Who do you think?
I just described a situation that is esoteric, but I am new around here and don't know if you and Dragula are good buddies or something, so....

don't be esoteric.
outofthegamer said:
TheGM said:
Fallout 3 acts like the bombs dropped 30 years ago and is totally confused with it's own story lines. If it did say it happen 30 years ago instead of 200+ it would make a helluva lot more sense.
I really don't want to defend Fallout 3 on this forum...
*puts up flame shield*
but Washington D.C. would be the the main target of a nuclear attack, and therefore be much more badly damaged and irradiated than The Mojave Desert, which is not a strategic target for a nuclear attack. So, logically, it would take a lot more time for any kind of settlements to spring up.

Not defending the plot-holes, just that one aspect of the Capital Wasteland, compared to the Mojave Wasteland.

It is was the main target shouldn't be one big ass radioactive crater? Because it sure as hell doesn't look it. It looks like a earthquake happened....or Detroit.

And even then it has been 200+ years. that is allot of time.

Fallout 3 looks like 30 years after the bombs fell, the people act like it just happened not to long ago, and the game just says yeah it was like 200 years ago......once again for some reason.
TheGM said:
once again for some reason.
That reason is...
*drum roll please*

And yes, it should be a big giant crater, but how would a video game take place in a giant crater. you have to have some imagination and take it for what it is.

I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the radiation levels were so high that no one could safely leave the vaults until 30-40 years earlier. And, in contrast, the Mojave was less damaged and irradiated, and could support life for the last 100 years or so.

Therefore, you have 3 times as much progress towards building settlements and the like.
outofthegamer said:
TheGM said:
Fallout 3 acts like the bombs dropped 30 years ago and is totally confused with it's own story lines. If it did say it happen 30 years ago instead of 200+ it would make a helluva lot more sense.
I really don't want to defend Fallout 3 on this forum...
*puts up flame shield*
but Washington D.C. would be the the main target of a nuclear attack, and therefore be much more badly damaged and irradiated than The Mojave Desert, which is not a strategic target for a nuclear attack. So, logically, it would take a lot more time for any kind of settlements to spring up.

Not defending the plot-holes, just that one aspect of the Capital Wasteland, compared to the Mojave Wasteland.

Actually the Chinese were invading Alaska and planning to go South from there, so the West coast would be a strategic location and would logically get bombed more. I guess they bombed D.C. for uh... symbolic purposes?

I'd imagine that the places that got hit the worst were the West coast and the area around the Gulf of Mexico.
outofthegamer said:
Walpknut said:
Thats not esoteric... thats why you should go use a dictionary, they are your firends.
wow, you just lost the internet, bro.

In terms of formal definition, "Esoterism" signifies the holding of esoteric opinions or beliefs,[1] that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small group or those specially initiated, or of rare or unusual interest.[2] The term derives from the Greek ἐσωτερικός (esôterikos), a compound of ἔσω (esô): "within", thus "pertaining to the more inward", mystic. Its antonym is "exoteric".
From a scholastic perspective, the term designates a series of historically related religious currents including Astrology, Alchemy, Christian mysticism of Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, and Henry Suso, the Christian Theosophy of Jacob Böhme and his followers, Illuminism, Mesmerism, Magic, Rosicrucianism, Swedenborgianism, Spiritualism, the theosophical currents associated with Helena Blavatsky and her followers, and Rudolf Steiner. There are competing views regarding the common traits uniting these currents, not all of which involve "inwardness", mystery, occultism or secrecy as a crucial trait.
Courier said:
I guess they bombed D.C. for uh... symbolic purposes?

I'd imagine that the places that got hit the worst were the West coast and the area around the Gulf of Mexico.
What? D.C. is the....
(wait for it)
Capital of the United States. The central location of government and military operations. That's why the capital of a country is always the prime target of any attack or bombing. I feel stupider for having to explain that.

And, the Gulf of Mexico? What strategic significance is there? But the Mojave desert, that's where an enemy wants to drop bombs. Seriously?
outofthegamer said:
TheGM said:
once again for some reason.
That reason is...
*drum roll please*

And yes, it should be a big giant crater, but how would a video game take place in a giant crater. you have to have some imagination and take it for what it is.

I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the radiation levels were so high that no one could safely leave the vaults until 30-40 years earlier. And, in contrast, the Mojave was less damaged and irradiated, and could support life for the last 100 years or so.

Therefore, you have 3 times as much progress towards building settlements and the like.

Too hard for you to follow aye.

I'll break it down for you. all where. up down and left...sometimes right.

Radiation choking everything.......we'll lets ask Emil. Emil?

Emil: BECAUSE IT IS FOR SOME REASON! *eats Ham in anger*

The entire planet got fucked Bombed that day........

But lets break it down(while breaking it down)

1:Entire Planet gets super fucked murder bombed fire bath end everything.

2: DC more so then the rest of the planet.

3: Even though it doesn't look like it because "Fuck you Thats why!"

4: Background Radiation stifles growth for 200 years because "Fuck you thats why and stop thinking about it you might enjoy it more you smartass"

..............I don't really see those as good reasons.....most would....for some reason.
outofthegamer said:
What? D.C. is the....
(wait for it)
Capital of the United States. The central location of government and military operations. That's why the capital of a country is always the prime target of any attack or bombing. I feel stupider for having to explain that.

Not historically really, there's a reason the U.S. bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki rather than Tokyo. Plus, almost all the government employees in D.C. had evacuated and D.C. had no strategic importance.

And, the Gulf of Mexico? What strategic significance is there? But the Mojave desert, that's where an enemy wants to drop bombs. Seriously?

Oil, and lots of it. They were called the "resource wars" for a reason you know.

Edit: Of course they're going to heavily bomb that area of Nevada, as like half of Nevada is made up of military bases.
Actually it is the other way around, skip.

Since I have made actual post regarding the Hunh? Inspiring parts with Fallout 3's setting...

you have posted "Uhhh No *hides*" and "Because no" in response.

So......You try.

And you keep bringing up the Mojave....

Cali was pretty fucked up. Hell L.A was flattened.

Background Radiation stifles growth for 200 years because
because radiation kills people. Is that a simple enough answer?

Then everybody should be dead.....let's add that to "derp" pile on Fallout 3.
Dragula said:
In terms of formal definition, "Esoterism" signifies the holding of esoteric opinions or beliefs,[1] that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small group or those specially initiated, or of rare or unusual interest.

Exactly, now for your next task. Apply that to the fact that a small group of Rangers can easily waltz in and kill the Legate without your help. But instead they decide to quiver in fear and wait four years for some random courier to show up and do it for them.

Or, would you like me to break it down for you.