Apostrophe's are not used for plural's.


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Can someone please explain what the heck is going on in these people's' brain's?

I really don't understand the reason's any person in a first-world country with free public education school's would think that plural's are indicated by apostrophe's. It's self-evident by the fact that such usage look's ridiculous, and I'm pretty sure the correct usage's of apostrophe's is taught in grade school class'es.

By default I assume that they are complete idiot's. It's even more painful to see instance's of it on business sign's or other official posting's. It's an embarassment to our country's' school's and its citizen's.

It's' exspecialy frustrating that nobody let's them no thats rediculous, your useing apostrophe's to librally.
I used to just ditch all apostrophes altogether. In fact, for over a decade I had two writing formats in my mind - literary - and chat, and the latter I allowed to be much more relaxed (although correctly written, syntax-wise and such).

After coming here, I realized it was frowned upon, and I found it difficult to juggle my now newfound habit of writing correctly on just one forum, while being my sloppy ol self on the others. Eventually you bastards made me change the way I write online in general.

I now write correctly on all forums and chats.

He Alec! My post count it's bigger than yours, damn right it's bigger than yours, I can teach you, but I have to charge

wait a min, Lexx is a moderator? Gratz man.
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The fact that your postcount is higher than mine even though you became a member more than 5 years after I did, tells me one thing and one thing only:


I've been there, so I know I can't learn anything from someone like that.:newevil:
I always figured the bigger the post-count number, the bigger the mental illness...which makes me think BrotherNone must be bat shit crazy.
He Alec! My post count it's bigger than yours, damn right it's bigger than yours, I can teach you, but I have to charge

wait a min, Lexx is a moderator? Gratz man.

I've had similar post-counts on other forums.
Forums that are no longer here, that were dismantled

leaving no evidence!
I've been trying to reach three zeros for over a year, have no idea how Crni has 14 times more posts than me, even though he joined later. There just isn't enough material on these boards to score as much, which makes Crni the Kobe Bryant of posting.
English is actually pretty confusing when it comes to grammar. A lot of people who speak English as a second language struggle with tenses and use of apostrophes because those ideas are not expressed the same way or don't even exist in their language. For example, in Chinese I believe tenses are indicated using a separate word rather than changing the world prefix or suffix; plurals and similar are often implied based on context.

In german, we dont have the present perfect simple for example. Quite confusing sometimes.
I've been trying to reach three zeros for over a year, have no idea how Crni has 14 times more posts than me, even though he joined later. There just isn't enough material on these boards to score as much, which makes Crni the Kobe Bryant of posting.

I've been trying to reach three zeros for over a year, have no idea how Crni has 14 times more posts than me, even though he joined later. There just isn't enough material on these boards to score as much, which makes Crni the Kobe Bryant of posting.
You should've posted more in the earlier years then, since there was much more Fallout-y stuff to post about.