Apple release iPad tablet

Hotel California

Mildly Dipped
I know some of you may start with the naysaying and Apple flaming but say what you will: I think Apple has given us the future from the geeky sci-fi shows of our past and made it real.

Slim, sexy, intuitive multi-touch and reasonably affordable.

Its like a big dock off iPhone without all the need for that silly scrolling and zooming!

I'm off to sell a kidney!

engadget live feed
Looks extremely unnecesary, over expensive and generally retarded. Whoever buys this might have too much money to spend. I'll stick with my Ipod touch. ;)
It looks like a laptop, with the lower keyboard part removed.
Its a laptop with the keyboard removed isnt it.
Patton89 said:
It looks like a laptop, with the lower keyboard part removed.
Its a laptop with the keyboard removed isnt it.


Looks like a fun thing to have. I don't have the spare change, so I won't have it. The fact that so many people who can barely afford such things still buy it is a lot more worrying than anything else.

Apple or Microsoft, which one is leading the race to eat your soul?
Buying this would make my iPhone pretty much redundant, save the phone part (it's pretty lousy at that to be honest). So yeah, fuck you Jobs.
was only a matter of time. a bit like a reader thing, with the functionality of a netbook minus the keyboard?

might be handy for taking notes via stylus in class, good for reading stuff etc.
but i'll never buy it.
I'm actually considering getting it when/if my netbook gives in...

I have a first/second generation Eee PC 1000H that I bought in the fall of '08, and there's a glitch in the battery connection, so the transformer reaches egg-frying temperatures.

I like the idea of a virtual keyboard actually, even if it dramatically reduces work area (although you can connect it to a monitor, that completely removes the primary function). Actual keybaords, even on netbooks, get fucking gross after a while. Crums, soda and coffee stains, you name it. But I'd be real fucking scared of getting those stains on that expensive screen, instead. With the iPhone, it turns out that's not much of a problem, since it's so small.

Also what no one is considering here is the ergonomy... Try putting your monitor flat on a table, and write a text document. I dare you. Your neck is going to go after less than half an hour. To be ergonomically viable, it'd have to come with a support, but then that would make typing difficult. I don't know what to make of it, really.

In fact, it seems the only people who can use it are the failed 30-something "I'm working on my movie script about New York!" douchebags who spend their time computer in lap at coffee shops, wasting away government resources with their unemployment and sick leave because of "hitting the wall":


Seriously, all the people who are using it in the screenshots and NOT typing with one finger like a retarded amputee monkey are supporting the thing in their lap. :roll:

500 dollars isn't expensive. That's what I paid for my netbook.
Not for me... I don't even have a "smart phone" because data plans in Canada are ass-rapingly expensive.

Not sure the use for this... it seems to be addressing a problem that doesn't exist.
I honestly don't see the point. It's just an over-sized Ipod touch. You can't really 'work' with it like you could with a regular laptop (unless you buy a bluetooth keyboard), so wtf is it for? It's too gimped to replace a laptop but too big to be just an organizer type of thing.
Also: How are you supposed to carry this thing? Women have purses, so that seems OK, but for a a guy? It's too big to be put in a pocket, so if you're going to buy a case, you might as well buy a laptop.

Also, for the good version, you'll be shelling out the same amount of cash as you would for a notebook computer.

Like I said... this is a solution to a problem that nobody has.
Looks like an overly expensive way of accidentally bludgeoning someone.
I already think the iPhone slips out of your hand without any added protective surface. But then again, the iPhone is small enough to be grasped between fingers. This thing looks like it's going to be like trying to hold on to a block of ice in a sauna.
rcorporon said:
Like I said... this is a solution to a problem that nobody has.

as with everything else Apple does, you mean?

when will people get that Apple is all about cool design and nothing about quality and functionality?
aenemic said:
as with everything else Apple does, you mean?

when will people get that Apple is all about cool design and nothing about quality and functionality?

I wouldn't go that far. I really like my iPod.

Although, I've never really wanted a mac, and this new iPad doesn't appeal to me whatsoever.
yeah I love my iPod too and I loved the one I had before that, but both could easily be replaced by an mp3 player that would probably be more reliable but not nearly as pretty. I've had problems with both my iPod's. in the first, the battery became useless only weeks after I got it, and it was buggy as hell. with my current, it often screws up the playlist and it shuts itself off at random. and a couple of days ago my friend had to turn in his brand new iPhone for a two week repair because the charger wouldn't charge it.

if these were isolated cases it'd be one thing, but I hear stuff like this all the time about Apple products.
With all those restrictions one should call it iSlave rather than I pad. No multitasking, iTunes, no flash... come on this is just an oversized iPhone for the Na'vi! :roll:

I will not buy any hardware that I have to modify by using a "Jail Brake" to use it the way I want to and not the way Steve patronizes me to do so. I will wait for a slate from other manufacturers that support open source or at least relatively open software standards.

I really doubt that the 25Wh battery will run for 10h!

Right now nearly every netbook has more usability that the iPad.