Apple Urges Government to Outlaw iPhone Unlocking


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Apple says terrorists could use iPhones to attack cell phone towers

Apple has tried everything to stop iPhone unlockers. Bricking iPhones didn't work -- it just generated more headaches and bad PR. Apple's internal protection technology turned out to be just as weak and poorly implemented as its consumer security on the iPhone -- the hackers quickly overcame the latest protections Apple threw at them. Now with its shiny new iPhone 3G S becoming yet the latest handset to be freed, Apple has turned to none other than the U.S. government for help.

Source: DailyTech

I just found it hilarious how desperate Apple must be to try something like that :mrgreen:
DexterMorgan said:
Fuck 'em. I don't buy their overpriced shit anyway.

Good point actually...

Even their Mac OS X is not so impresive any more...Windows 7 works great and im still on testing edition 7100 need to buy RTM but i still got time to 03-2010 im almost 1,5 year on free windows :)
it's just vendor lock-in.

1) the baseband software isn't relevant when jailbreaking. baseband software on an un-jailbroken iPhone can be tampered with just as easily as a jailbroken one.

2) if cellphone towers can be (D)DoS'ed, then fix the protocol used to communicate and the software managing the tower's software.

3) plenty of user friendly smartphones allow you to tamper with nearly anything. hell, you can simply BUY an antenna to attach to your PC and enable it to send information over cellphone basebands. you don't need a bloody iBrick to take down a cellphone tower if the protocol or software running it is so fucking fragile.

4) make iPhones untrackable & 'useful for terrorists'. i lol'ed. yes, we'll give up all our stuff because terrorists threathen us. oh wait, doesn't that mean they already won?

5) DDoS attacks on cellphone towers IS ALREADY ILLEGAL. why does jailbreaking have to be illegal to protect cellphone towers? how about arguing a case about jailbreaking phones, not about what you can do with any phone... it's just smoke and mirrors and totally besides the point.
Terrorist cell tower DoS'ing? Isn't there an APP for that? :wink:

...In all seriousness, I wonder how credible Apples information is to suggest terrorists would commit such an act. Something tells me they've got little to no proof asides from proof of concept.

could terrorists not disable cell phone towers with other smart phones? Heck a portable/directional EMP would be just as practical.

Like SuAside said, why not fix the towers... It's silly all around and were it a few years back, Apple might have got folks to buy into it... Ohh the monies that could have been...

I've not seen the need to unlock my iPhone. I've found that unlocking generally results in little functionality gain over the official version.
Maphusio said:
I've not seen the need to unlock my iPhone. I've found that unlocking generally results in little functionality gain over the official version.
being able to change provider is pretty important for some.

and since Apple is being totally nazi about their app store from which you can choose your applications, well... reason enough to jailbreak as far as i'm concerned.

but of course, i'd never buy an iBrick in the first place, so it's not my bloody problem.
"You think you're cool because you buy a $500 phone with a picture of a fruit on it. Well guess what? They cost 8 bucks to make and I pee on every one!"

Personally, as long as it cannot stand me running it over with a car, sending it through the washer, throwing it into the wall or be used to stir my drinks I don't want it.
SuAside said:
... it's just smoke and mirrors and totally besides the point.
Yeah but at least the names "apple" and "iphone" are again imentioned in the media! What ever that is worth now ...

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
If I bought the damn phone, I should be allowed to do whatever I want with it.
hmm ... letz modify that a bit shall we :P

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
If I bought the damn nuclearweapon, I should be allowed to do whatever I want with it.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
If I bought the damn hooker, I should be allowed to do whatever I want with it.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
If I bought the damn ape, I should be allowed to do whatever I want with it.

I wish I had a nuke . . . I'd put it on my mantle. Maybe use it to boil water now and then.

Though, comparing an iPhone to a nuke and a hooker is goin' a lil' far. I mean, both are used, and both cause crashes, but . . . Mmm. Carry on.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I had no idea that iPhones have nukes, hookers and apes built in.

judging by Apple's reaction to jailbreaking, it just might all be integrated but left inactivated. can't let the terrorists win by allowing jailbreaking iPhones!
Why they would use iPhones if they have perfectly good internet to hack whatever the fuck they want on the planet? :question:

Pure advertisement and a need for more publicity, I say. Although nuclear ape hookers sound as a fun add-on for future iPhones :P
if jailbreaking and adding custom apps to the iphone will let it crash a cell phone tower, then i dare say someone needs to do some security.

easiest solution imo is if apple writes an update for their OS that has a security check for jailbreaking, and if its detected to be jailbroken, firewall the phone and require them to go into the store for a restore on the phone "un-jailbreaking" it.

why does apple need to make it illegal for people to jailbreak their phones, just make it so if people do jailbreak the phone, the cell towers detect un-approved trafic or the phone sends something saying its jailbroken and it stops working.

problem solved.
People Apple is just making commercial or they are total idiots i bet on first option...

They just wanted to try make commercial they iphone that its so powerfull it can hack everything...and plus magic word illegal...well what sells better than illegal stuff?:)

Its like they say "Dosent matter how they speak about us its important that they speak about us..." and people speak about Apple i bet it will rise their sales...
i hate cell phones.

hell, i hate phones in general.

i even went 3 years without a phone of any kind.

i wont buy an iphone. i may eventually end up getting a blackberry (for work), but i dont want an iphone.

this is the first time i have owned a cell phone that is just a phone. what did i get? a LG Xenon.

i bought it because my mom wanted to get all 3 of us ( including my brother ) on her plan. she knows i hate cell phones and talking on the phone. this is the first time i have ever had more than 200-250 minutes and its a shared 700 minute plan.

the reason i got this phone? of my available choices ( affordability) it did what i wanted and had good reviews for those things.

i wanted to play MP3s, it does that pretty well. not as good as a dedicated mp3 player and the headphones are not top grade, but they work well.

i wanted to watch my asian dramas wherever i went if i needed to waste some time. the screen is relatively small, and its hard to read some subtitles on some shows, but lots of them i can watch.

it has the slide out keyboard so i am not constantly touching and beating up the screen of the phone when typing msgs out. and im not using a number pad to write a text message or aim or what have you. i can say what i want without having to use too much shortspeak/phonespeak/leetspeak

havent really tested out the call thing, but i have heard good things.

i like the touch screen for some things, and its the things i want to use a touch screen for.

all in all, its the perfect phone for what i wanted without going horribly expensive.

while an iphone could do these things, and probably better, it has a bunch of stuff i didnt want.

i dont mind my bloatware OSes on my computer. i dont want them on my cell phone.
Why do they mind unlocking them? (I mean this is to install software and stuff, right?)

Seriously, why do they care?
Username said:
Why do they mind unlocking them? (I mean this is to install software and stuff, right?)

Seriously, why do they care?

1) they are partners with the providers like AT&T that can sell iPhones. if you jailbreak it, you can take any provider you want. thus less revenue.

2) their appstore generates a lot of money for Apple, even if they dont make the apps. they take a big share home. jailbroken phones don't require the apps to come from Apple's appstore.

TheWesDude said:
easiest solution imo is if apple writes an update for their OS that has a security check for jailbreaking, and if its detected to be jailbroken, firewall the phone and require them to go into the store for a restore on the phone "un-jailbreaking" it.

why does apple need to make it illegal for people to jailbreak their phones, just make it so if people do jailbreak the phone, the cell towers detect un-approved trafic or the phone sends something saying its jailbroken and it stops working.

problem solved.
Apple tried to make it secure enough to prevent jailbreaking and failed. took them 2 days or so to break it.

but still, if you update a jailbroken iPhone with software from Apple, it turns into an iBrick. as far as i know, you cannot get Apple to restore the functionality of your iBrick if you've jailbroken it.
i'm sure some hackers can though.

people always whine about microsoft, but in my eyes Apple is even worse...