Are Bethesda games too buggy?

yea, but chances are unless you are a newbie to WoW, you did pay them $50 + for your P2P game.
All I know is that I've had more crashes of both the GECK and Fallout 3 itself today than I have had other programs crash in the last few years. I'm still only on the second quest for a mod I am working on an it keeps on stuffing me around, crashing for no reason. If it keeps on doing that then people won't even be able to play through the mod, and all of my effort will have been for nothing.

At least Oblivion was semi-stable when it came to adding on extra quests.
I would like to point out that the fact that the VATS sometimes doesn't detect some enemies isn't a bug, it's a design problem, and the fact that headshots don't kill isn't a bug, it's a design problem, and the fact that some areas behave weirdly and are weirdly scale isn't a bug, it's, again, a design problem.
Bugs? Hmm, the only ones I ever noticed in either Fallout 3 or Oblivion was one in Fallout where you could repeat a dialogue for XP and that Vampire quest in Oblivion (Bugged up the ass).

And they are pretty big games. The little things like that would just fall by the beta-testers attention.
When I had the chance to play Oblivion I didnt run in that much bugs either.

But that doesnt mean they are not there. Similar for Fallout 3, tough I experienced more errors and issues then in Oblivion. Most of the time wrong loading of textures, frame issues and cliping errors. But the game also crashed a few times hard. Not something I would call stable. But I heard the X-Box version seems to be the same way if not even worse.

What ever if one like or disslikes Bethesda games. But they are not known for stability. That already since Morrowind though. But It got worse over the years with those DLCs. I mean seriously, they cost you a lot of money and they cant manage to give you a decent game when it comes to stability. And we are not talking about small errors here. I mean simply not working or starting. And I doubt its all the error of Microsoft as it seems many other content you can download form them works like a charm.

You can twist it as much you want, say you never run in errors while "you" play. That still doesnt change the fact that Bethesda has no clue how to make bug-free games (and with Bug-free I mean serious bugs, not small things like a wrong loaded texture once in a blue moon).