Are cat pictures funny anymore?

Don Mikey

First time out of the vault
Besides the common 10-12 year old, does any body find these or ever found these funny? I mean come on.. its one thing if you look at the occasional "LOL CAT" video but it gets a little annoying when people (mainly at my school) start printing thousands of copies and taping them to their folders and binders..
I_eat_supermutants said:
Let's be honest. They never really were funny to begin with.

I quite agree.

I've never found them funny, there's the odd one where it's just cute, but never really anything humorous that didn't feel very forced.



How are these not funny? >.>
I like them, or at least, a fair percentage of them.

I mean, I don't exactly go combing the web for piles of LOL Cats to sift through for hours or anything, but when I do happen to stumble over one here and there, it usually gets at least a chuckle.

That's doubly true when I see one being used in a particularly appropriate place, or where the thought required to create it was something a little above the norm.

( Come on... That's cute and thought provoking. What's not to like? ) )

It's akin to how I appreciate a good cerebral comedy much, much more than the typical "comedy" today, which is usually little more than forced and tired slapstick and fart jokes.

Of course, as with any internet phenomenon, there's piles of them which are anywhere from old and tired to just outright stupid and forced, but really, when was the last time anything stayed pure and perfect once it spilled out across the 'net?
Keep laughing...
...It makes them wonder what you're up to. :lol:

I like them, because they aren't based on sex themes and are quite witty sometimes. I don't think it is a matter of intelligence and\or level of maturity.
they've been overly used and often not funny at all, but there are some gems out there...
lolcatz is dead, Long Live Keyboard Cat


PastaMasta said:
Cute as they may be, they are still vicious bastards.

Go huddle up in a corner and die.

Anyway, lolcatz is as funny or unfunny as it ever was. If you never liked it, you never liked it. If you're over-exposed to it, yeah you'll be bored with it. What's there to discuss?
Cats get into funny poses and positions all the time so they will always funny. Adding text to images always been generally unfunny.
Brother None said:
lolcatz is dead, Long Live Keyboard Cat


PastaMasta said:
Cute as they may be, they are still vicious bastards.

Go huddle up in a corner and die.

Anyway, lolcatz is as funny or unfunny as it ever was. If you never liked it, you never liked it. If you're over-exposed to it, yeah you'll be bored with it. What's there to discuss?
That is comic gold. Huddling up in a corner and dieing.
I guess everyone's relation with pet cats is different, I really love mine.
They have never scratched me, other than accidentally out of playfulness, and the house feels quite empty when they are outside.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I guess everyone's relation with pet cats is different, I really love mine.
They have never scratched me, other than accidentally out of playfulness, and the house feels quite empty when they are outside.
Yeah I can agree with that, there's something reassuring about a cat being in your house for some reason.