Are shots to testicles really funny?

Per said:
So we have several people in this thread saying groin shots weren't in NV and one saying they were. Which is it?

They were not in unfortunately.
TorontRayne said:
Per said:
So we have several people in this thread saying groin shots weren't in NV and one saying they were. Which is it?

They were not in unfortunately.

They are in the game. Unfortunately, they fall down under the mostly cut material.
Perhaps an experienced modder will one day integrate them?
For those interested: A hard enough strike to the testicles can cause instant death. It's a pity that wasn't included in the game, but maybe the designers weren't aware of this.

There are several nerve clusters in the human body that if enough force is applied (sometimes a very specific kind of force) can cause immediate unconsciousness, and even immediate death. No, I'm not going to tell you where the other ones are.

Anyway, this is probably only likely to happen in the hands of an experienced and specially-trained fighter, but like I said with enough power / precision, a strike to the groin of a male can cause a neurological system overload, leading to "reboot", which means the brain shutting down, which means death.
Have you any sources about that?
That sounds pretty urban-legendy, and also like the usual „the mystical warriors from the Far East can kill you with a single blow“ romanticism.
Hassknecht said:
Have you any sources about that?
That sounds pretty urban-legendy, and also like the usual „the mystical warriors from the Far East can kill you with a single blow“ romanticism.
Eh, not in writing. Google probably knows, though.
Sduibek said:
leading to "reboot", which means the brain shutting down, which means death.

Around here is where my scepticism gets the upper hand.
Per said:
Sduibek said:
leading to "reboot", which means the brain shutting down, which means death.

Around here is where my scepticism gets the upper hand.
No seriously, I read it from this really reputable website that talked about why foil hats are so important.

Google for "Can a person really die from hit to nerve cluster" -- leads to some interesting stuff. I suppose I could be wrong about the death part, which is fine. :shrug: But nerve clusters are definitely real (although you may prefer to use a different term than "nerve cluster" such as pressure point etc), as are bad things happening if you hit then hard.

Example- knock outs in boxing and other matches such as UFC many times happen from a hit to the jaw. This is one of the reasons we wear mouth guards. The reason for the KO reaction itself? Nerves near the jaw that freak out when strong pressure or sudden force is applied to them.
Hassknecht said:
Have you any sources about that?
That sounds pretty urban-legendy, and also like the usual „the mystical warriors from the Far East can kill you with a single blow“ romanticism.

Woman Kills Man By Squeezing His Testicles


The man on the graphic photo below is a 42-year-old shop owner in the Meilan District of Haikou City, in Hainan, that big island south of mainland China. He is dead. A 41-year-old woman killed him. By squeezing his testicles.

Update: Yes, you can die from extreme testicular pain. Here's the scientific explanation, by urologist and San Diego Sexual Medicine's director Dr. Irwin Goldstein.
According to witnesses talking to China News 24, the woman was riding a scooter and tried to park it in front of the man's shop. She was going to pick up her son, who attends the elementary school in that neighborhood.

The man went out of the shop and told her that she couldn't park her scooter there. She protested and a the shouting match started. After a while they started to fight physically. The woman called her husband and brother, who came to the scene. But things got a lot worse than just a few smacks here and there: the woman grabbed the man's testicles and squeezed them so hard and long that the man shutdown. He collapsed on the ground out of the pain and, worse, he was dead. Yes, people. dead by ballsqueeze.

The paramedics tried to revive him on the spot to no avail. He was rushed to the hospitals, but doctors couldn't do anything for him. I really want to know what the death certificate says. And I really want to know how the hell one can die from ballsqueezing.
Seems legit, although the photo is obviously 'shopped. I can tell because of some of the pixels, and having seen quite a few photoshops in my day.

Plus as we all know,

Buddha and Christ said:
Bitches be crazy.
SorgFall said:
TorontRayne said:
Per said:
So we have several people in this thread saying groin shots weren't in NV and one saying they were. Which is it?

They were not in unfortunately.

They are in the game. Unfortunately, they fall down under the mostly cut material.
Perhaps an experienced modder will one day integrate them?

This of course stands just for New Vegas...
Groinshots are always funny and should always be in Fallout games (heck, if you can't knock them out by targetting their heads, the second option tends to be the best).
Better than groin shots, I wish heads exploded in Fallout 1 & 2 on eye shots or head shots like they do in Fallout 3. Splattered brains is always hilarious, and moreso than nutshots.
Hm, now I haven't played 3, but it sure sounds funny with exploding heads too. Can imagine something like this:

"Hey, have you heard about this crazy killer?"
"No, what about it?"
"Rumour tells the feller likes to shoot people from afar, and specializing in hea-"
*head explodes, parts rain over the other person standing dumbfounded, until that head also explodes*
Sduibek said:
Better than groin shots, I wish heads exploded in Fallout 1 & 2 on eye shots or head shots like they do in Fallout 3. Splattered brains is always hilarious, and moreso than nutshots.

Doesn't the whole body and the head explode?
Mohamed2001 said:
Sduibek said:
Better than groin shots, I wish heads exploded in Fallout 1 & 2 on eye shots or head shots like they do in Fallout 3. Splattered brains is always hilarious, and moreso than nutshots.

Doesn't the whole body and the head explode?
Probably. It's been a while since I played. But you have both, you have exploding heads and decapitation.
I always liked blowing someone to pieces with the missile launcher in Fallout 1. That was worth wasting a very expensive missile.