are there many dutch people here ?

hehe... greetings from PISA :lol:
never had problems with violence on my school (but with English prepositions. fuck it! I'll never learn it :roll: )

hey, Sniper, I prefer to life in a fucked up country 'cos I'm a fucked up person
PsychoSniper said:
Deutchland is fucked up.

Not any more than any other nation right now.

Well, maybe with the exception of Luxembourg, I'm not aware of any problems in that "country".
Someone should really invade and annex Luxembourg someday.

It's too small to be allowed to exist.
Ashmo said:
Yeah, but apart from the third grade in elementary school we never covered Germany in class. Our entire geography lessons revolved around the topics "Mass starvings", "Overpopulation", "Obesity", "Global Warming" and "The world sucks" with main focusses on Asia, Africa and the USA. And we only had geography for four grades because of the lack of teachers in Germany.

Not like our history lessons were much better. After covering the 16th century we jumped to the industrialisation, made a short excourse to the topic "Why Nazis are evil and we should be ashamed of being German and say 'Sorry' whenever a foreigner looks at us" aka the Third Reich. After that we directly jumped to the Cold War which we only covered in details (I didn't take history in grade 13 where the focus would have been "You're German so be fucking sorry about your history" aka WW2 tho).

And according to our English books the typical English speaking person looks like some weird kid from the early 90s and is called Sue.

And people seriously wonder why our school system sucks. I've been to the highest level of school we have and yet I've been near-wittness to some kids beating each other up with baseball bats in front of the school.

Yeah, I've heard that. The whole OMFG GERMAN HISTORY ONLY EXSISTS TO TELL PEOPLE HOW BAD THE GERMANS ARE OMFG is absurd. I heard they where even getting rid of Bismark-related holidays. Dude, it was the greatest nation in the world for a while, think they would try to teach that as well.

That Sue thing is'nt that bad. In my German book, one of the main characters name is Ahmet, and half the characters are either
A) Turkish
B) African
C) Italian
D) In a fucking wheel chair

PC is'nt a German thing
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
That Sue thing is'nt that bad. In my German book, one of the main characters name is Ahmet, and half the characters are either
A) Turkish
B) African
C) Italian
D) In a fucking wheel chair
PC is'nt a German thing
All shcool textbooks I've had have been a little like that. Strangely, Maths books tended to be the worst.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Jebus said:
Someone should really invade and annex Luxembourg someday.

It's too small to be allowed to exist.

Kinda like Belgium huh?

The Vault Dweller

*shoots VD*

No, seriously - there's no need for a bufferstate anymore to prevent Belgium from invading France and Germany. We've learned new, pacifist ways now.
Jebus said:
*shoots VD*

... We've learned new, pacifist ways now.

(patches up his wound)

:roll: Ya like Im gonna believe that.

On another note your the first person on THIS forum to shorten my title to "VD". On other forums I have been called "Vault" or "The Dweller", but at some point everyone has a discussion when someone thinks to call me "VD". Its ends up basically being jokes about VD standing for "Venereal Disease". Sadly...I often have to use VD in chat rooms since "Vault Dweller" let alone "The Vault Dweller" doesnt fit.

So everyone open up with jokes on the VD...I can take it.

8) ,
The Vault Dweller
Jebus said:
*shoots VD*
Jebus, you should see a doctor about that. Oozing's bad enough, but shooting?

Hey, Clappy, you should stop moaning about your name before some enterprising Mod changes it for you, then blackmails you before they'll change it back. This is a hint to any mod reading this. Do this now.
In other words, you should have thought about that when choosing your name. It is pretty obvious.
Southern Exposure

Southern Exposure


Mark Twain wrote about why the American Southerners were so inclined to recall their history, and to obsess about "The War".

The Union: approximately one third fought or had kin folk that fought.

The South: 100% were so directly connected to "The War".

Consider a similar 100% impact of WW 2 on Germany and, maybe we can rationalize the denial of self worth that institutionalizes this "victim" status. When "being bad" is out of context, it morphs into abuse that 'victimizes' the descendants of the 'victimizers'.

Hardly a "win - win" scenario that the psycho buzz among the politically correct intelligentsia market in these indoctrination tomes.

The negative world view supports "the world sucks" nihilism, or opens the co-dependant door of religious self intoxication.

In this universal condition of the self identification with 'local' history, each individual is hypothetically cast into a sea, and must swim for their life, ... spit out the brine, splash, float, through what is true for yourself, and - get over it -.
