AR's or FN FAL's?

In Fallout 1, my main character uses a Desert Eagle as his main sidearm, though he does have a .223 Pistol.

EvgeniBuzov said:
FO2 defently had a better asortiment of weapons than FO1, but some of those weapons were pretty useless.
Hell, Fallout Tactics. Had as many melee/unarmed weapons as F1 and F2 had weapons, period.
Yeh, and their point? Knucleknives, switchblades, shivs(if remember right). Lot's of weapons which had no use... Not even to mention that lots of them sucked.
I only used a knife in fallout when I had to (ie the early stages of the game when you don't have much ammo) for some reason i don't like close combat, i don't like energy weapons much either they just bored me, However I liked the guss rifle and pistol if i was playing a advanced tec game.
I loved unarmed combat in mostly all the fallouts(Cepts Tactics. The animation looked a little weird).

Close combat IMO is pretty cool in Fallouts, but as I said in Tactics alot of close combat weapons were just useless and boring.
Muff said:
I like most of the weapons from FOT

So basically you like fallout being raped in the ass?

Seriously! Haven't you ever thought about the fact why there aren't any real life weapons in the 1st Fallout?

Thats what I hated most about FO2... too many weapons that didn't belong there and fucked up the atmosphere. Jesus K Rist! the G11? Jackhammer? P90? even the FN FAL was out of place.Rainbow Six maybe - Not Fallout.

I still can't understand why people are so obsessed with having real guns in Fallout. Personally I love to discover a new gun in FO. Although everyone loves the Bozar... I still believe that they should have stuck to the Minigun system for machineguns.
Fahrplan said:
Muff said:
I like most of the weapons from FOT

So basically you like fallout being raped in the ass?

Seriously! Haven't you ever thought about the fact why there aren't any real life weapons in the 1st Fallout?

Thats what I hated most about FO2... too many weapons that didn't belong there and fucked up the atmosphere. Jesus K Rist! the G11? Jackhammer? P90? even the FN FAL was out of place.Rainbow Six maybe - Not Fallout.

I still can't understand why people are so obsessed with having real guns in Fallout. Personally I love to discover a new gun in FO. Although everyone loves the Bozar... I still believe that they should have stuck to the Minigun system for machineguns.

I just liked the weapons in FOT i don't know why and i love the weapons in F1 & F2 i am not bothered about if they included real weapons or not.
Fahrplan said:
Seriously! Haven't you ever thought about the fact why there aren't any real life weapons in the 1st Fallout?

Thats what I hated most about FO2... too many weapons that didn't belong there and fucked up the atmosphere. Jesus K Rist! the G11? Jackhammer? P90? even the FN FAL was out of place. Rainbow Six maybe - Not Fallout.

I still can't understand why people are so obsessed with having real guns in Fallout. Personally I love to discover a new gun in FO. Although everyone loves the Bozar... I still believe that they should have stuck to the Minigun system for machineguns.
Um. No real weapons in the first Fallout? First one springs to mind is the Desert Eagle .44. The Hunting Rifle is a Colt Bushmaster. The 10mm Pistol and 14mm Pistol are a Colt and Glock, respectively. Even Winchester got on in the action with the Plasma Rifle. I even believe the Assault Rifle is a AKM-112.

Why would those weapons be out of place? They would have belonged to collectors and been scavenged from the military/law enforcement, or even reproduced by those with the blueprints, technical know-how and machinery. While the H&K CAWS, Pancor Jackhammer and H&K G11 were all cancelled, prototypes and blueprints were bound to be found somewhere. Even the remainder of the weapons were re-built (the Brotherhood of Steel even admits to manufacturing weapons and state that any weapons found in the Wasteland are most likely their doing) or scavenged.
Magus Zeal said:
Um. No real weapons in the first Fallout? First one springs to mind is the Desert Eagle .44.
because it's an holywood badass weapon.

Magus Zeal said:
The Hunting Rifle is a Colt Bushmaster.
but also totally generic & patched up.

Magus Zeal said:
The 10mm Pistol and 14mm Pistol are a Colt and Glock, respectively. Even Winchester got on in the action with the Plasma Rifle.
but none of those actually exist.

Magus Zeal said:
I even believe the Assault Rifle is a AKM-112.
it is not... it's name might be "AK", but it has almost nothing in common with any AKM variant. if anything, i think it resembles an AR-10 prototype more.

i think it should've been named AR-112, not AK. a minor slipup from the devs.
Magus Zeal said:
Why would those weapons be out of place? They would have belonged to collectors and been scavenged from the military/law enforcement, or even reproduced by those with the blueprints, technical know-how and machinery.
because our past & Fallout's past is not the same... our timelines (luckily) are not similar and way the history affects trade amongst nations etc would have a big impact on the guns.

Magus Zeal said:
While the H&K CAWS, Pancor Jackhammer and H&K G11 were all cancelled, prototypes and blueprints were bound to be found somewhere. Even the remainder of the weapons were re-built (the Brotherhood of Steel even admits to manufacturing weapons and state that any weapons found in the Wasteland are most likely their doing) or scavenged.
once again: most of these weapons would not exist in FO. and actually, they dont. the only similarity is cosmetic. G11 feeds bullpup style in fallout, with the mag behind the grip, while irl the magazine is in the front of the weapon on top of the barrel. the CAWS shoots other ammo irl while in fallout it shoots 12 gauge, etc etc etc.

a lot of people will tell you that real life weapons, like a 1911 etc do not fit the setting and should be avoided (regardless of the coolness factor). the FO2 devs fell for the coolness trap and in doing so hurt the setting. in FO1, there were very little guns who fell out of the setting (DE being an example)
SuAside said:
Magus Zeal said:
I even believe the Assault Rifle is a AKM-112.
it is not... it's name might be "AK", but it has almost nothing in common with any AKM variant. if anything, i think it resembles an AR-10 prototype more.

i think it should've been named AR-112, not AK. a minor slipup from the devs.
I have a theory about it. There's a loading screen with two vault dwellers with AK-74 (or 47?) and M-16. Also, there's an unused ".40 cal" ammo type in proto.msg.
I think that they planned using RL weapons in Fallout, but realised that they wouldn't fit the setting. That would explain why there's .223 ammo for sniper/hunting rifles instead of more powerful calibers (could be intended for M-16) and a second ammo for AK-112 assault rifles (could be former 5.45mm).

So, I think that they simply removed (or didn't add) M-16 and replaced AK-74 with AK-112.
SuAside said:
but also totally generic & patched up.
Still a Bushmaster.

SuAside said:
but none of those actually exist.
Gee, no shit.

SuAside said:
it is not... it's name might be "AK", but it has almost nothing in common with any AKM variant. if anything, i think it resembles an AR-10 prototype more.
Yet in Fallout 2, when you have the Assault Rifle upgraded, the upgrader refers to it as an AKM-112, if memory serves. Maybe not AKM, but certainly AK, at the very least.

SuAside said:
because our past & Fallout's past is not the same... our timelines (luckily) are not similar and way the history affects trade amongst nations etc would have a big impact on the guns.
What? All of the events in Fallout take place long after the current day -- the US didn't even close their borders due to the FEV until 2052, if memory serves. Fallout takes place 80 years after the bombs dropped. I don't see why it would have a big problem with the availability of weapons.

SuAside said:
once again: most of these weapons would not exist in FO. and actually, they dont. the only similarity is cosmetic. G11 feeds bullpup style in fallout, with the mag behind the grip, while irl the magazine is in the front of the weapon on top of the barrel. the CAWS shoots other ammo irl while in fallout it shoots 12 gauge, etc etc etc.
Former has a variety of answers. Since the project was cancelled, it could have been re-founded and re-designed as a bullpup for better efficiency. Remember, even in the wasteland, R&D still occurs. The Gunrunners in the Boneyard were machinists, not soldiers. The latter is an even easier answer: to keep from cluttering the game with a wide variety of ammo. If you limit the CAWS to the magnum shells intended for it rather than all 12ga shells, then it has extremely limited use based on ammo.
Magus Zeal said:
SuAside said:
but also totally generic & patched up.
Still a Bushmaster.
1. WTF is a Colt Bushmaster?
2. No, it's not. It's a fictional Colt Rangemaster rifle.

Magus Zeal said:
Um. No real weapons in the first Fallout? First one springs to mind is the Desert Eagle .44. The Hunting Rifle is a Colt Bushmaster. The 10mm Pistol and 14mm Pistol are a Colt and Glock, respectively. Even Winchester got on in the action with the Plasma Rifle. I even believe the Assault Rifle is a AKM-112.
You are talking about RL manufacturers, not RL weapons.
RL manufacturers != RL weapons.
Desert Eagle was a (misplaced) reference to pop culture.

They could put Ak-74, M-16, UZI, etc. in Fallout 1. Heck, they even had a loading screen with them. But guess what? It seems that they have noticed that they don't fit the Fallout's "future of the 50's" universe.

Magus Zeal said:
SuAside said:
because our past & Fallout's past is not the same... our timelines (luckily) are not similar and way the history affects trade amongst nations etc would have a big impact on the guns.
What? All of the events in Fallout take place long after the current day -- the US didn't even close their borders due to the FEV until 2052, if memory serves. Fallout takes place 80 years after the bombs dropped. I don't see why it would have a big problem with the availability of weapons.
It's because the Fallout universe diverged from ours after WWII. So, no G11 or CAWS, because they are 80s weapons.
some has been said by Sorrow, but i'll shime in anyway.

Magus Zeal said:
Yet in Fallout 2, when you have the Assault Rifle upgraded, the upgrader refers to it as an AKM-112, if memory serves. Maybe not AKM, but certainly AK, at the very least.
"AKM" is not used anywhere in FO or FO2. cant speak for FO:Tictacs and FO:PoS.

AK-112 however is, obviously as it is the rifle's name. but it freaking aint a Kalashnikov, alright? saying it is goes entirely against the FO setting.

Magus Zeal said:
SuAside said:
because our past & Fallout's past is not the same... our timelines (luckily) are not similar and way the history affects trade amongst nations etc would have a big impact on the guns.
What? All of the events in Fallout take place long after the current day -- the US didn't even close their borders due to the FEV until 2052, if memory serves. Fallout takes place 80 years after the bombs dropped. I don't see why it would have a big problem with the availability of weapons.
did you even play the game more than 5 minutes? ever bother to look up a lil' history? our past and the FO past diverges, it is NOT the same.

Magus Zeal said:
Former has a variety of answers. Since the project was cancelled, it could have been re-founded and re-designed as a bullpup for better efficiency.
haha, because a bullpup back loader beats 50 round clips and 2 extra spare mags (at 50 rounds each) on the receiever?

it's obvious you have no clue whatsoever on how a G11 worked, so don't try to blabber your way out, ok?
BTW what about the FO1, FO2 Melee weapons such a Combat Knife? It's desigh clearly shows that the knife is of modern times.

IMO even though the game's weapons are shown from the lost 50's, theres still some guns that are clearly from our times. The Combat shotgun for an example.
Muff said:
I wonder why such weapon's weren't a success in the first place?
ineffective, inaccurate, low range, poor reliability, low mag capacity,...

EvgeniBuzov said:
BTW what about the FO1, FO2 Melee weapons such a Combat Knife? It's desigh clearly shows that the knife is of modern times.

IMO even though the game's weapons are shown from the lost 50's, theres still some guns that are clearly from our times. The Combat shotgun for an example.
i think you're a little misguided there. weapons can look modern, that's not the problem.

besides, have you seen a combat knife from WW2 (not a bayonet or dagger)? the difference really aint that big...