First time out of the vault

I like mosin nagant, since it's a rifle that did it's huge part in the war. Also the Mosin has an intresting bayonet as an attachment. Instead of knives that Nazis used (I think they were called 42)
the Mosin's bayonet design was a very thin shtik.
It's pretty useful for warfare since it can go through life-vital organs with great ease without getting stuck in the ribcage or other bones(since it's so thin). Hold on, il get a picture.
Other soldiers had problems in trench warfare with bayonets though. After thrusting it in the enemy, the 42 knife could get stuck in some bone or the enemies equipment. This would cause the soldier to try and pull out the knife. While doing this he was a very easy target for the other enemy soldiers that were on the battlefield.
BTW, here's the knife for the German Kar98.
the Mosin's bayonet design was a very thin shtik.
It's pretty useful for warfare since it can go through life-vital organs with great ease without getting stuck in the ribcage or other bones(since it's so thin). Hold on, il get a picture.
Other soldiers had problems in trench warfare with bayonets though. After thrusting it in the enemy, the 42 knife could get stuck in some bone or the enemies equipment. This would cause the soldier to try and pull out the knife. While doing this he was a very easy target for the other enemy soldiers that were on the battlefield.
BTW, here's the knife for the German Kar98.