Fahrplan said:
Anyway whats that all about the SCAR programm? Is it any good?
it's a rifle designed for US SOCOM (special forces). it is has different versions and different calibers. most common are SCAR-L in 5.56mm NATO and SCAR-H in 7.62mm NATO. there are CQB versions, sniper versions, 7.62x39 (Russian) battle pickup, etc. all parts are 90% interchangeable between versions. it's designed for absolute reliability in SOCOM commissions.
if you do some research, don't get turned off by the color of the samples. it is often colored in the basecolor that is most used and easiest to repaint to SOCOM wishes.
Magus Zeal said:
Ok, do you have some sort of proof of better penetration? I provided proof, which comes from HKPro.com, and right now you're just giving opinion, which frankly, seems to come from observations of video games.
how nice of you to call me an internet gamer gunnut wannabe.
actually, most of my info comes from 3 people:
1) the head of the Flemish Krav Maga Federation (of which I'm member). he happens to be a belgian paracommando that has extensive training with the P90 and has toyed with the HK PDW as well.
2) a belgian army captain in the testing team for the board of weapons acquisition for the belgian army.
3) a retired paracommando ("Adjudant-chef", i guess that's sergeant-major?), that is still member of a military only shooting club which is allowed to use military shootingranges and on occasion get to take a few 'new' trinkets for a testrun.
Magus Zeal said:
Also please note that those tests are taken against gelatin, which has just about the same consistency as human flesh. They're also given under titanium and kevlar, the consistency of some body armors.
i know full well how ballistic gelatin behaves...
you are talking about pure armor or pure gelatin.
i'm talking armor + gelatin, without relation to penetration length or pure power (your Joules). that would be stupid anyway, since the P90's ammo is specifically designed NOT to overpenetrate and stop after the first 'soft' target.
Magus Zeal said:
Sure, 10 round difference. Next you're going to be telling me that a P90 is superior to all 30-round rifles since it goes longer without reloading. Or that Beta-C drum magazines, while problematic, are better since they hold 3x as much ammo.
comparing rifles with SMG/PDW's? will you stop being an asshat? you know full well you're raping my words, so i'm not even going to explain this...
i'll only add that see-through mags on top of a weapon can be very handy, when compared to normal bottomfeed black mags.
Magus Zeal said:
Effective range of both weapons is 200m. No more, no less. Barrel length can be irrelevant in regards to accuracy as well. Superior rifling and stabilized ammunition can provide better accuracy than a meter-long barrel.
yeah, according to wikipedia or world.guns.ru, right? dude, don't make me laugh, you critic my sources, but yours don't seem very reliable at all...
wikipedia is out to date as fuck when it comes to weapons and guns.ru is a semi-decent site but his sources are mostly thirdhand and just as out of date as the wiki.
also, when talking about same generation weapons with almost the same role, it is likely barrellength does factor into the equation.
EvgeniBuzov said:
BTW, SuAside, what was Mosin's main role in WW2? You said that each rifle had it's own purpose.
in WW2? in the Mosin's case: being cheap, tested/reliable and easy to handle for the average farmerboy.
don't forget the weapon's design was started in 1880s and completed in 1891. later design upgrades were pretty minor.
yet it is worthwhile to note, one of the finnish national heroes was a farmer with no military training whatsoever, simply picked up a Mosin-Nagant and became one of the most lethal snipers of his era. (over 500 confirmed kills i believe & a shitload of unconfirmed)