Ask me your questions, Bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.

Yes you do have all the weapons at a keystroke and on the mouse wheel, but you still have a primary, secondary, tertiary and so on. To not have at least a primary and secondary is simply another example of very bad game design. Hell even in oblivion you had up to 9 quick switch weapons.
Yeah and you can see in the videos that FO3 still has the 8 cardinal dpad directions/keyboard 1-8 bind menu.

I'm not sure what you think makes this inferior to 2 quickslots.
Also, forget about the two quick items found at the bottom of your inventory (in the originals) as Turn-based is completely dispensed with. In this system, one is faced with equipping a single item or weapon at a time.

This made it seem like you could only have 1 weapon at a time and in order to get another you had to go into your inventory to get another one.
[insert teddy bear joke here].

The music seems a bit mellower than the originals but along the same lines. Also, not orchestral at all. Maybe they had the radio on?