Asking for your Fallout inspiration and ideas

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello my fellow Fallout fans on NMA,

In my spare time I have been working on a couple of fan ideas for Fallout such as concepts for groups, locations, storylines, that sort of things.

But unfortunately I keep running into writers' block from occasion to occasion because of my lack of knowledge on the field of Americana, concepts from the golden age of science fiction pulp, sometimes geography, and several other subjects.

Now I would like to ask the people on this forum if they have any ideas or suggestions for interesting groups, locations, storylines etc that have not appeared in Fallout before, or perhaps have been barely mentioned.

If you want, I will mention your username or real name when I see something I like and write down in my current design document.

Here are some of the details of what I exactly am looking for.

Interesting locations or places to visit.
In general it is not that hard to come up with general settlements in the Fallout setting, but more interesting places are sometimes trickier.

Especially Van Buren had tons of very imaginative places I would have loved to visit such as Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon after it was ruined by mining, Burnham Springs, The Reservation, The Nursery, Ouroboros, Twin Mothers, Boulder Dome, Jericho, Bloomfield Space Port, B.O.M.B.001.

So far Helios One in Fallout New Vegas also sounds very interesting; a Pre War experimental solar energy station that is equipped with a powerful laser named Archimedes 2.

I am looking for such sort places, preferably something that is based on something real and slightly warped to fit the Fallout setting better.

Government projects, experimental power plants, such sort things.

One of the problems I have been running into is coming up with fun names for raider groups or the various trading caravan houses.
Coming up with a raider group concept or a caravan company isn't such a problem, giving them a good name, that is somewhat hard.

I also would like to hear from people interesting ideas for unique groups or factions.
These would differ from settlements or groups such as raiders as they pursue a certain ideology or idea.
Some examples of interesting groups or factions are as follows;

The Brotherhood of Steel
The Circle of Steel
The Followers of the Apocalypse
The Unity/The Children of the Cathedral
The Children of the Wasteland
The Reavers
The Church of the Lost

Try to think something along those lines.

I have written summaries of previous Fallout games, both released and canceled titles, with the exception of Fallout Extreme, Bethesda's Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas.

Fallout Extreme is in my opinion just terrible and I think it is a good thing it was never made.

I do not consider Bethesda's Fallout 3 canon as its plot is basically a rehash of Fallout 1 and 2 with some terrible subplots and quests added by the Bethesda writers.
The same goes for the Fallout 3 DLCs, especially Mothership Zeta.

There is no information yet on what Fallout New Vegas is about so I can not add that one yet.

I have put all of these here with the hope that it might lead to some inspiration, but please do not copy any of it or parts of it.
The last thing I want is repeat of previous ideas that have already been used before.

So please no “The Super Mutants are strong again” or “The Enclave has rebuilt” kind of storylines.
Both factions/groups were the threats in the previous Fallout stories, I don't want them back again.
At best they are an element within the concept; a group of Super Mutants or left over Enclave forces, but not the focus.

Rather I would like people to think outside the 'box', do something new or different.

Fallout 1

Before the War the West Tek corporation on contract of the US government starts the Pan Immunity Virion project and creates FEV1 and later FEV2 which could possibly create super soldiers

Decades after the War a group of explorers searched for the source of mutant animals, they discover the military base and a man named Richard Grey is accidentally exposed to FEV, turning him in time in a mutant genius named the Master.

The Master believes man needs to evolve in order to overcome its own nature and the harshness of the wasteland caused by the War, for this goal he creates the Unity and convinced a post war cult called the Children of the Cathedral to serve him as his eyes and ears.
In secrecy the most suitable members of the cult as well as kidnapped people are turned into Super Mutants, footsoldiers for the Master's army and what he believes to be humanity's evolved form.

The Unity is almost barely stopped by a hero called the Vault Dweller.
The Master is assassinated/commits suicide, and the FEV vats are permanently destroyed.

Fallout 2

The Enclave, the descendants of a secret government and their followers within the US government managed to survive the War by taking shelter on the Poseidon Oil Rig which also serves as a nuclear shelter.
From this location they monitor the Vault survival shelters and the social experiments that are carried out within their walls while preparing for the day to return to the mainland and rebuild the United States.

When scout teams report the presence of mutated life, including mutated humans, the leaders of the Enclave fear that all humans on the continents in the world are mutated far beyond the human norm and are impure.

Not having the man power for a conventional military campaign the Enclave instead resorts to bio warfare.
Its scientists have modified a strain of FEV and have made it lethal to any humans that are slightly mutated and that aren't inoculated.

The Enclave is only barely stopped by the Chosen One, the hero of the village of Arroyo who came to the Poseidon Oil Rig to save his fellow tribe people and the Vault Dwellers from Vault 13.

The president of the Enclave, his top agent agent Horrigan, and most of the Enclave are destroyed when the Poseidon Oil Rig self destructs, leaving only scattered remnants of Enclave personnel in the wasteland.

Van Buren/Fallout 3

Decades after the Chosen One saved the wasteland from the Enclave, the New California Republic is suffering from a prolonged war with the Brotherhood of Steel while suffering from internal corruption and economic depression.

Professor Presper, the scientific adviser of the NCR president blames the corruption of caravan houses and Brahmin ranchers for the inevitable collapse of the NCR and he wishes to start over again with his selected people.

Presper finds like minded spirits in Coleridge and his NCR soldiers who will provide military muscle while Presper seeks for a method to cleanse the wasteland of the filth that currently occupies it.

From records Presper learns of Limit 115, the New Plague or the so called Blue Flu, the disease that was ravaging the world before the War, and he also learns about ODYSSEUS and the B.O.M.B.001 orbital missile platform.

Presper sends people he finds suitable for his new world order to a distant scientific installation called Boulder Dome that could serve as a nuclear fallout shelter.
There they would be put in cryogenic hibernation and Presper can use CODE to make these people accept his ideas and vision.

The professor's plan now is to spread Limit 115 across the region where Tibbet's Facility is located, waking up ODYSSEUS and having it try to round up the infected people.
If the computer would determine if the disease has spread to far it will send activation codes to still armed nuclear missile sites such as B.O.M.B.001.

Presper plans to be on board the station and fire the missiles at locations of his choosing, eliminating the rabble that is preventing the rebirth of civilization.

Presper and his ally Coleridge and his men are stopped by the Prisoner, one of the people that was infected with Limit 115 but who managed to escape Tibbet's Facility.
The Prisoner discovered Presper's plan but during his journey stopped the decline of the NCR, established a peace treaty between the NCR and the BOS, set works in motion to develop a cure for Limit 115, and put civilization back on track again.

Fallout Tactics

A Pre War super computer installed in Vault Zero 'wakes' up a century after the nuclear war when Super Mutants enter the facility.
The Calculator, damaged by the lack of back up systems and corrupted donor brains determines that all life is mutated and needs to be sterilized before it can start rebuilding civilization again as it was instructed.

It activates an army of pacification robots that it sends out into the wasteland to eliminate life wherever they can find it while reclaiming factories and other facilities the Calculator can use to increase its forces' numbers.

Mutants and raiders are driven East where they run into the Mid West Brotherhood, a splinter group of the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel.
Seeking to unite with their West Coast brethren, the Mid West Brotherhood moves West wards, eliminating hostiles while absorbing settlement after settlement, increasing their ranks with humans, Ghouls, Super Mutants etc.

At some point they run into the Calculator's army, and a war starts between both super powers.
The Brotherhood seeks to stop the Calculator's genocidal mission and several of its factories are taken out.

In the end a group of paladins led by a hero named the Warrior manages to enter the Calculator's inner sanctum and take out its defenses.
The Warrior is left with the decision to merge with the Calculator, fixing it in the process or let it shut down permanently.

Fallout Tactics 2

Very little information.
We know that the Mid West Brotherhood would had to take on a mutant and sentient jungle that was the result of a damaged GECK.
The mutant jungle saw humans as carriers and fertilizer.

Fallout Brotherhood of Steel.

Several decades after the events of Fallout 1, a remnant of the Super Mutant army led by a former lieutenant named Attis travels to Texas in search of a secret that could possibly restore the Super Mutants back to strength.

A Brotherhood force led by general Rhombus pursues the Super Mutants, but after setting up a base of operations looses track of them.

When Rhombus and several other paladins disappear while searching for the Super Mutant army to determine their goal, several initiates are given the mission to track down the missing paladins as part of their initiation into the Brotherhood.

The initiates visit the town of Carbon, and after eliminating the raider force threatening it gain information that leads them to the Ghoul city of Los.

There the initiates eliminate the technology hating Church of the Lost, and assassinate its founder and leader Blake while freeing Rhombus from the Church.

Rhombus instructs the initiates to search for a hidden Vault underneath Los which the Super Mutants are looking for.
This Vault contains a secret the Super Mutants want and the initiates must prevent them from getting it.

When confronting Attis he reveals to the initiates that the scientists in this Vault were performing research on curing tissue and genetic damage caused by mutation and radiation.
Attis hopes that the treatment can fix Super Mutant sterility, allowing Super Mutants finally to reproduce and build up numbers to take over the world.

The treatment proves to be ineffective and instead mutates Attis into a rapid expanding blob that now seeks to absorb all life into itself.

The initiates prevent this by destroying the Vault by activating a nuclear weapon that was placed in the Vault as a precaution.

Fallout Brotherhood of Steel 2: Vagrant Lands

A man named Miles Reese wants to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel and create a new Eden on Earth; a world without humans.

He has learned about about the Garden of Eden Construction Kit and has stolen the prototype from the Nursery.
Heading to the south of Texas to set up a base there he starts working on modifying the GECK prototype for his goal.

Later Reese also allies himself with a raider group called the Jackals which he instructs to raid the Brotherhood of Steel for their technology, weakening the BOS while Reese prepares to execute his plan.

Unknown to the Jackals they are all infected with an organic bomb which Reese plans to detonate to destroy the Jackals and all technology around them.

The Brotherhood in Texas discovers Reese's activity and a group of paladins with amongst them several new initiates are sent out to investigate what is going on.
The group is overtaken by a heavily armed Jackal force who kill most of the paladins and strip them of their equipment.

The initiates survive thanks to the help of Harold and pursue the Jackals across the Texas region, visiting various locations such as a truck stop, Lubbock, Lone Star, Fort Worth, Austin, and the Alamo.
During this journey they assist various factions or oppose them such as the Lawmen, the Ghoul Trading Caravan, Caesar's Legion, the Twisted Hairs, and the Super Mutants from Austin.

Inevitably they arrive at Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, now called The Corpse where Miles Reese has set up base.
His experiments with the GECK have radically altered the region, water of the Gulf now covers most of the city ruins and the base, and the base itself is covered by an organic shell that reaches above the water.

After dealing with one last group of Jackals the initiates enter the base through an underwater walk and one last time confront Super Mutants from Austin before taking on Reese himself who has been mutated through his work with the GECK, being able to merge with and control mutant plants.

The initiates defeat Reese and set the enhanced GECK to self destruct, destroying the base around it.

Try to think big, not just a single settlement or group is under threat of some thugs or raiders as a main plot.
I prefer to see something bigger than a Mad Max plot.
Chernobyl AES (don't know how it can appears in USA :) )
some kind of lakes
remains of Los Angeles
Nevada nuclear polygon
Las Vegas (for FO2)
Grand Canyon
Area 51
Interesting Graveworm,

But Los Angeles appeared in Fallout 1 (the Boneyard)
The Grand Canyon would appear in Van Buren (site of uranium mining, a terrible environmental disaster, and some horrible mutants not seen anywhere else in the wasteland)
And Las Vegas appears in Fallout New Vegas.

I have been toying with Area 51 in the past, having mentioned it several times before.

Rather then it being a site where they store remains of UFOs and alien corpses and experiment with alien technology, I envisioned it as a base where the US government and various corporations were working on and experimenting with various new technologies on fields such as cloning, genetic engineering, airplane technology, space travel, robots, artificial intelligence, and so on.

The used the whole alien conspiracy thing as a cover up of what really took place there.

BTW, what is the Nevada nuclear polygon?
I can't find it on Google.


I myself have been looking in inspiration of real life projects and experiments such as;

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
Super High Altitude Research Project (SHARP)

But I just can't come up with interesting locations or Pre War stuff still lingering around.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Interesting Graveworm,

But Los Angeles appeared in Fallout 1 (the Boneyard)
The Grand Canyon would appear in Van Buren (site of uranium mining, a terrible environmental disaster, and some horrible mutants not seen anywhere else in the wasteland)
And Las Vegas appears in Fallout New Vegas.

I have been toying with Area 51 in the past, having mentioned it several times before.

Rather then it being a site where they store remains of UFOs and alien corpses and experiment with alien technology, I envisioned it as a base where the US government and various corporations were working on and experimenting with various new technologies on fields such as cloning, genetic engineering, airplane technology, space travel, robots, artificial intelligence, and so on.

The used the whole alien conspiracy thing as a cover up of what really took place there.

BTW, what is the Nevada nuclear polygon?
I can't find it on Google.


I myself have been looking in inspiration of real life projects and experiments such as;

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
Super High Altitude Research Project (SHARP)

But I just can't come up with interesting locations or Pre War stuff still lingering around.

I am fan of only true canonical Fallout - FO1&2 so...
polygon - place, where US government experienced nuclear weapon

as for polygon - search as Nevada Test Site (rus en[/url]
I treat Van Buren as canon where I can, I still find it way better than what we really got.

A nuclear test site, will look into it.

Any interesting projects you perhaps know?
The Dutch Ghost said:
Any interesting projects you perhaps know?
i think, you may take look at MegaMod or Restoration Project. (I prefer MM). That similar projects are about to add some locations and quests to game and expands the worldmap a much, so there is much free space. as for other projects - i don't know
heh, you misunderstood me but I should have written it better too.

I mean scientific or government projects like the ones I mentioned, experimental power plants, high tech engineering, that sort of stuff.
The Dutch Ghost said:
heh, you misunderstood me but I should have written it better too.

I mean scientific or government projects like the ones I mentioned, experimental power plants, high tech engineering, that sort of stuff.
:mrgreen: you mean that projects :mrgreen:
it must be real projects or any kind?
Well something like those, but projects from science fiction pulp/comics are good too as long as they fit Fallout.

Please try to avoid cyberpunk/later sci fi era stuff like nano technology as that doesn't really fit Fallout.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Please try to avoid cyberpunk/later sci fi era stuff like nano technology as that doesn't really fit Fallout.

can it be machines to control humans or animals brains, it could be a plan made by the government before the war, so they could control the new kind of humans or animals that will appear in the wasteland, but the goberment could not do it, so a new or old (ghouls, reavers?) faction start the project to have an army and know.

you are doing a story? is the story set after the war between NCR and BOS? something like they are doing in new vegas?
I haven't exactly decided on a specific plot, I just have a loose set up idea.

That is why I hope that some of my fellow NMA'ers have ideas we haven't seen before in Fallout, and not necessarily super weapons or such.

Places like Boulder Dome, The Nursery, Helios One, would be really great too.

Or interesting factions.

I was watching Six String Samurai earlier and I really like the Windmill People, weirdo's dressed up as astronauts who apparently control a windmill park.
That sort of stuff is fun as it is really out of place.

As for your idea Tremer, it sounds a bit like the Beastlords, controlling creatures.

Any idea doesn't necessarily require huge armies and such in the end.
Take for example Van Buren, the threat was Dr Presper and his plans for B.O.M.B.001.
He had some followers to help him with his work but not a huge army a la the Super Mutants, Enclave or Vault Zero Pacification Robots.

Sometimes the threat can also be a determined individual and his/her followers.

Think outside the box, let your imagination flow.
some kinda rocket startpad? after doing some work on it hero can sell it to hubologists :)
also a huge dump with some people... like in StarWars (don't remember in which part, they sold R2D2)
ruined dam
some military base, which is isolated from outworld and don't know about war
abandoned battleship or aircraft carrier
few hostile between them towns/villages, and only Chosen One can make them peace... or erase them from the Earth...
huge underground hangar full of computers, which appears to be... Google servers :)
also it can be old big cemetery
or factory to produce some kinda bricks or sth like that
Heh, I have been thinking of a large place full of computers but I probably best tell you about that in a PM, and not on the forum as I would like to keep a few things a secret.
The Dutch Ghost said:
As for your idea Tremer, it sounds a bit like the Beastlords, controlling creatures.

Any idea doesn't necessarily require huge armies and such in the end.
Take for example Van Buren, the threat was Dr Presper and his plans for B.O.M.B.001.
He had some followers to help him with his work but not a huge army a la the Super Mutants, Enclave or Vault Zero Pacification Robots.

Sometimes the threat can also be a determined individual and his/her followers.

Think outside the box, let your imagination flow.

maeby i have to read the vault wiki again, but i am pretty sure he have the help of the NCR army (well, not all the army)

and now that i read the summaries you did of the game, i see a lot of people that want to "purificate" the wasteland.

maeby i have to change my idea only to control humans, the factions that use this machine are controling the liders of NCR and the BOS (i am thinking how they did it) to make them war.
Presper indeed had help from the NCR army, Coleridge and his men.

But not all of NCR's forces were on his side, only those who felt it had been corrupted beyond recovery by the caravan houses and Brahmin ranchers, and being threatened with destruction by the Brotherhood of Steel.
Lost knowledge regained... It's like humankind's head emerging from the water of the Dark Ages following the Great War, its lungs catching the fresh air of short enlightenment. Though often they still catch nothing but the smell of smouldering rubbles.

Scarcity or lack of information sources means that knowledge acquired most certainly equals knowledge misinterpreted. And the way the primitive human mind perceives the remnants of the civilization it never belonged to is the most striking experience for those who are looking at that mind from the other side of the monitor...

Meet Know-it-all. Ever since he was taught to read by a Knight of the passing by BoS patrol, he had been involved in the sacred war with wastelanders who found no better use for books than making a fire or using them after taking a crap. The few natives of his settlement willing to get rid of their ignorance enjoyed his lectures, and if you are possessed with the same desire he won't miss the pleasure of doing some sightseeing with you.

The huge shattered building just outside the settlement used to be called the Colloseum. In the pre-war times such constructions were used as arenas for slaves, condemned criminals and outcasts to engage in violent confrontations with wild beasts or each other in order to free themselves from charges.

Colloseums were the place where the toughest raider gangs like Arizona Cardinals, Denver Broncos and San Francisco 49ers had the possibility to set their dominance in an honest hand-to-hand or melee combat, claiming the territory of the defeated gang and racketing further its residents who came to see the outcome of the battle.
An exploration force from another country? There would be a degree of culture clash as well as some information on other countries but still keeping with the American wasteland setting. They would be fairly limited in numbers but could cause serious damage to a barely stable society with their outside influence.

Another idea, maybe a floating city? It has a SCIENCE! feel to it as well as being fairly mysterious as to it's origins and what has become of the populace.
A fair amount of time would be spent trying to get to the city and competing with scientists, BoS and bounty hunters who are after pre war tech and other treasures.
Could lead to small clashes and fighting over what possibly is a very powerfull weapon or a new way of life which keeps with the themes of the previous games such as the Enclave virus, B.O.M.B.011 or the New Vegas solar laser.
It is all just personal opinion, but I am not sure if there should be explorers from other countries appear in the US mainland.

People from Canada or Mexico I can understand but to me the idea has always been that with the nuclear war all international travel ended.

It also gives me the idea that there are more advanced settlements and perhaps even governments on other continents, capable of financing expeditions again, while at the moment expansion in their own region might be more important
Even the NCR after more than a century had not expanded very far.

Flying city... flying city... I have toyed with something like that in the past, but somehow it doesn't work for me.

Placing a space station in orbit and ensuring that it has enough fuel to maintain a geosynchronous non declining orbit is one thing, building something that has floated in the sky, defying gravity for two hundred years is another.

You mustn't forget the situation was like before the War, fossil fuels were almost depleted, and the demand for nuclear fission and fusion could barely be met.
I am not even sure if they had real fusion power plants even, at best fusion cells for power armor and vehicles with cities and installations still depending on fission reactors.

I am indeed looking for interesting new super weapons like you said, FEV1/2, B.O.M.B.001, Helios One with its Archimedes 2 laser.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Not a main plot but maybe an interestin location:
What about people living in a concentration camp, raised and born in it for so long that they don't even know that the outside world exist, and how it could look like.
The predecessors of the director of the camp would have built it after the war to have a large supply of slaves they could sell. But with the emerging of the NCR and the rangers, the actual director doesn't dare anymore to sell slaves, but he can't resolve himself to free the slaves cause he doesn't want to lose his power over his little kingdom...
The population is growing, the ressources begin to lack, the prisonners are occupied by doing mindless work (make a building, then unbuild it, so another team can build it again), the guards begin to mind only to be paid in women and not in money and booze like before...

You learn about it by a ranger, whose father was sold as a slave to a ranchero. The mytic slaver camp is but viewed as a legend by all, like vault 13, because noone could ever find it. The ranger who told you the story ain't even sure his father wasn't crazy, since he was always acting lost, like he didn't know what he was doing there.

After finding the camp by following a caravan in the wasteland, I guess the player could hook the guards on jet so the director keep control over his camp, or find him a safe partner to sell his product.
I fear that even if the player would kill the directors and the guards, the prisonners still would live the same lives as before, not being able to endure freedom. And many of the ones that would go would went crazy, only a few would adapt to life in the wasteland.
Hope it's the kind of thing that interest you.
...mmmh... a location: maybe a Clones Valley?

A small city, 150-200 citizens, a secret laboratory and old experiments... not very original. :lol:

Every five/ten years citizens are killed by robots of the Laboratory.
Then, Central Computer of the laboratory clone all the dwellers.
Their memory are pre-War and always the same, so nobody remember the massacre or other informations.

This was a secret area, a valley with high mountains and some robot guards, for automatized test of radiations, virus or weapons on "living subjects". After every test (or five/ten years), the clones were replace.

After the War, the Laboratory/Computer was still operative and continue to work and replace clones although there were no more experiments.
The Laboratory can clone animals and plants and repair/clear every damage of the city too... but only every five/ten years, when replace clones.