Apparently the aforementioned Sheik has already apologized for comparing women with chunks of meat and men with hungry cats.duckman said:I know this attitude is not new, as something like this has been said before. But this time being compared to a piece of meat is a little sexist.
He said that it was an absurd comparison and that it made no sense whatsoever. He said that women who dressed scantily should not be called 'chunks of meat', but rather 'sluts' or 'whores' or 'filthy fucking nymphos' and so on. He said that if a woman dared to walk the streets in nothing but a bra, a miniskirt, high heels and black silk stockings, she needn't be surprised when drunken muslim men get horny and attempt to force their talliwhackers into her orifices.
'In fact,' he added, 'said woman should not be surprised if I rape her myself. 'Cause I've had it up to here with all those friggin' whores, goddamnit! They need to be eradicated, and we, the overzealous muslim men, have the weapons to do so. We'll use our goddamn muslim talliwhackers as cleavers, and as medieval butchers we will scrape the sinful meat from their sinful bones!'
A female BBC reporter then asked the Sheik if he realized that what he said was extremely disturbing. 'In Europe and America, you can be put in jail for saying things like that,' she added.
The Sheik went completely berserk. 'Not only am I truly offended by the fact that you aren't wearing a headscarf, heathen, I am also offended that you dare to show yourself to me in such an ugly and extremely slutty outfit,' he yelled and brutally attacked the woman.
The BBC reporter was wearing a grey skirt, black highheeled boots and a red T-shirt that said: IF YOU THINK I'M A SLUT, YOU SHOULD SEE MY MOTHER.
It took more than 50 policemen to pull the Sheik and his bodyguards away from their victim. Fortunately they were just in time to prevent them from cutting the woman's head off with a pocket comb and sacrificing it to Allah, god of all things evil.
The BBC reporter was rushed to a hospital were she was examined. Doctors said they found copious amounts of sperm in her various orifices, belonging to at least 29 different men. Further research revealed that most of that sperm seemed to belong to the policemen who had come to 'rescue' her.
Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said that he regretted the incident. 'This kind of behaviour was totally uncalled for,' he added. 'The BBC reporter should have been wise enough to respect the beliefs and opinions of another culture which, I might add, is as diverse, rich and tolerant as our own. I sincerely hope that this incident will not further complicate the already problematic relationship we seem to have with muslim countries.'
The BBC reporter is looking at a serious fine for criticizing the Sheik's religious beliefs and could even be sentenced to jail for a couple of years.
'It could be a useful punishment in this case,' Kofi Annan stated. 'We might even consider putting her in a muslim jail,' he added. 'That way she might learn to appreciate the richness and deepness of the muslim culture and become more tolerant and social and less discriminating.'