
Faceless_Stranger said:
(Rapists) to make an example. I'd do it myself: Crucify them then set them on fire whilst broadcasting their screams as a detterant.

I actually wouldn't mind that one.
Hoxie said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
(Rapists) to make an example. I'd do it myself: Crucify them then set them on fire whilst broadcasting their screams as a detterant.

I actually wouldn't mind that one.
I figure the world lacks consequences. So sometimes order must be installed with examples of what will happen if you act in such ways.
Faceless_Stranger said:
Hoxie said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
(Rapists) to make an example. I'd do it myself: Crucify them then set them on fire whilst broadcasting their screams as a detterant.

I actually wouldn't mind that one.
I figure the world lacks consequences. So sometimes order must be installed with examples of what will happen if you act in such ways.

I full heartedly agree. I must admit, you got creative. I would've just ripped of their genitalea.
Grin said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
Hoxie said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
(Rapists) to make an example. I'd do it myself: Crucify them then set them on fire whilst broadcasting their screams as a detterant.

I actually wouldn't mind that one.
I figure the world lacks consequences. So sometimes order must be installed with examples of what will happen if you act in such ways.

I full heartedly agree. I must admit, you got creative. I would've just ripped of their genitalea.
Just seeing someone's pain won't cut it. You gotta make them hear it. Feel it. So that they'll always hear the screams of the person who had the same idea as them.
Ah, yes, wouldn't want to forget them, but dosn't the president fit into that catagory? (or am I thinking clinton?)
No one, unless it's the last viable way that solves more problems than the aftermath of it would create. Then again, i don't have any relatives that have been wiped out by genocide or something of that nature, so my emotions aren't playing their part.
Bal-Sagoth said:
I think he meant as in relation to this thread. Which also makes me wonder if this thread is going to pop on some government think tank super computer monitoring terrorist activities because a string of words including "Obama" and "Assassinate" were joined together :P.
ah, well now I understand. Though I still dont find it really controversial. But thats just me :p

Faceless_Stranger said:
Criminals (Rapists, killers etc.) to make an example. I'd do it myself: Crucify them then set them on fire whilst broadcasting their screams as a detterant. I promise the crime rate will drop.
Debatable. There is no proof that crime rates drop in relation with capital punishment. It happend in some cases even that the number of violance increased in crime as criminals would be more likely to kill any person knowing they could identify them later ~ and thus end with death punishment.

Not to mention the moral issues with torture and cruelsome killing of criminals inside a society.

remember: A society is measured on the fact how they threat their lowest scum
Crni Vuk said:
Debatable. There is no proof that crime rates drop in relation with capital punishment. It happend in some cases even that the number of violance increased in crime as criminals would be more likely to kill any person knowing they could identify them later ~ and thus end with death punishment.

Not to mention the moral issues with torture and cruelsome killing of criminals inside a society.

remember: A society is measured on the fact how they threat their lowest scum

I guess this debate is quite problematic as the studies or data on which such debates are based cover themselves only more modern times, so that speaking about more harsh punsihments often only mean the difference betwenn 1 and 2 years of jailtime.

At least historical the rule of Vlad Tepes seem to be an example that you can reach some stability and fight crime through very draconic punishments.

If it's ethical acceptable, is somewhat of a second step question, after having determined if harsher punishments would help fighting crime.
the ethical question comes in to play when you seriously advice to crucify certain criminals cause you decided rather emotional then ratinonal. All decisions by a court are some concept of a rule-set that someone came up with at some point. While here you get to pay a fee for your freedom other societies would eventually cut your whole hand or stone you to death even for sexual misconduct. I am not judging those or their decisions. I only judge the actions that I see here directly and I would not want to live in a society that is applying capital punishment. That doesnt mean I am right and they are wrong. It just doesnt fitt in my eyes.

If its helpfull or not in preventing crimes. That is indeed a complex topic. That for sure. But my bigest beef on it is simply that it's not perfect. Regardless how acurate the research is you will always face situations where someone is walking in to prison for the wrong reason or even for a crime he hasnt done. And for someone thinking that for example a genetic evidence is always 100% correct thats wrong as well. While I have not the numbers in head but there is a chance that in the population one might have the same or extremly similar genetic code it probably goes in to the millions, but when we are talking about a city as big like New York it becomes a factor ~ and they did let Simpson walk out as a free men afterall. So even the best evidence is left to interpretetion and since humans are doing them mistakes happen. Now someone who got killed cant challange the curt for its decision. But someone that is spending 160 years in jail can eventually. And it did happend more then once that people have been killed while later they have realized he was innocent.

That alone is for me a reason to be against the death punishment. One inocent killed person does not equal any gain you get from it. But thats as said my oppinion. And I choose NOT to live in such a society.
I understand what you mean, but it comes more or less down to the question if you're willing to sacrifice some to maybe reach some 'greater good'.
As said it's completly a question of ethics and i wouldn't want to be the one who's in charge of determing how hard punishments should be.

I just wanted to point out that i don't think that todays studies represent effects of more 'traditional' punishments very well.
For example a study of modern prisons and their effects which show that modern prisons function as 'crime schools' were prisoners learn new things and get even more into troubel after coming out.
I don't doubt that it functions today this way, but i somewhat doubt that such a study is applyable to more 'dungeon' like prisons.
Also i think older data might be quite less reliable than todays - which seems to hold for a lot of other social sciences.
I don't mind eliminating the death penalty if the public no longer has to support them.

I suggest prisons find more ways to generate incomefrom the prisoners themselves.

Inmate League Football ??