
DarkCorp said:
I suggest prisons find more ways to generate incomefrom the prisoners themselves.

Well the point of prisons is to generate income by turning the criminals into productive members of society. Though it appears everyone but Sweden seems to have forgotten this.
Alphadrop said:
DarkCorp said:
I suggest prisons find more ways to generate incomefrom the prisoners themselves.

Well the point of prisons is to generate income by turning the criminals into productive members of society. Though it appears everyone but Sweden seems to have forgotten this.

How does Sweden work it?
Hoxie said:
Some of the choice right-wing "personalities" for sure. Glenn Beck, Bill o Reilly and all those likewise idiots. Throw Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage in there too.

The reasoning. I sincerely hate all of them. Savage or Rush, being exceptional pieces of trash, I wouldn't mind meeting a horrible demise. Beck and O Reilly are just morons of painfully high levels.
But you can't do that! It would deprive me of such a great source of humor. What would Jon Stewart be without Glenn Beck and the like? I just love it when Beck constantly accuses people (mostly Democrats) of stuff he himself is doing about all the time.
Them being dead would also be useless because they are but sockpuppets and there seems to be an abundant supply of suitable empty socks in America, which is actually rather sad and a bit frightening.

I guess some people probably "deserve" to die for things they did but that is not for me to judge. Anybody know Death Note? If you had the ability to let anybody die just by writing his name into a notebook, would you use it? How often? Where would you set the line? Fascist dictators? Mass murderers? Bank robbers? Petty thieves?
Bah if fallout has taught us anything is that the world is never black and white.

I dont think i can condemn anyone except for PROVEN serial killers/childkillers/etc. Leaders often have to make tough decisions and either one group is going to praise him while another villifie him.

Glen Beck Jon Steward and their ilk are all phonies. They make money by playing on peoples opinions, no different than those silly televangelists.
Little Robot said:
Alphadrop said:
DarkCorp said:
I suggest prisons find more ways to generate incomefrom the prisoners themselves.

Well the point of prisons is to generate income by turning the criminals into productive members of society. Though it appears everyone but Sweden seems to have forgotten this.

How does Sweden work it?

By being nice to convicts, it's almost surreal how well it works.
Ha ha ha, I would believe you, if i didn't fully believe that I have the right to speak my mind/ and or jump the border, and live out my days in Canada.
DarkCorp said:
Inmate League Football ??

Dammit, what video game/movie does this suggestion remind me of? It's right on the tip of my brain but I can't put it into words
otsego said:
DarkCorp said:
Inmate League Football ??

Dammit, what video game/movie does this suggestion remind me of? It's right on the tip of my brain but I can't put it into words
The Longest Yard. Duh.
More like


I think that old game is what was eating at you.
With the amount of DNA evidence overturning previous rape and murder convictions I wouldn't execute anyone. But I still wouldn't without that because I don't believe in giving the state the power to kill while making murder illegal.
Faceless_Stranger said:
So, let the inmates kill each other with gladiator-esque fights to the death with different scenarios to keep it interesting.

If only we had a brofist emote :lol: