At The Foot Of The Ladder (this is no fan art)

Check your pm. :wink:

Pirengle said:
You need to see this movie if you haven't already. I'm reminded in particular of the scene where Salieri labors for what seems like days to compose a piece (a minuet?) for the emperor and performs the simple work well for him and the newly arrived Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Much to Salieri's chagrin, Mozart not only plays the piece by ear after hearing it once but adds counterpoint and harmony and complexity as well, blowing Salieri out of the water as far as his reputation with the emperor is concerned.

You can find everything on YouTube these days.
alec said:
Thing is: I am skilled and talented enough to combine my drawings and writings into some sort of book, but I don't have a friggin' clue what I should be telling people. I'm my own worst critic. Everything I come up with, I almost immediately destroy. It's a sad affair, but I'll figure it out sooner or later. Just you wait and see.

Isn't that what some editors are for? To help steer authors in trouble in the right direction, give helpful comments etc.
Man, I kinda know how you feel. All this creativity and alot of good ideas, then you sit down to do it and either decide it sucks, get bored, or both. Honest to goodness I have over a dozen unfinished screenplays, novels and stories floating around in the hard drive of some old computer at the dump.

Best of luck!

....wait a minute, what happened to the deadline anyways? Isn't it well past 52 days?
El_Smacko said:
....wait a minute, what happened to the deadline anyways? Isn't it well past 52 days?
On earth, yes, but on the small planet Ampersand in the constellation Lyra a day often lasts for months.


Carry on.

I've started working on this project again.

Yeah. :roll:

I'm not going to post the whole thing anymore, but I wanted to show this illustration I did. It ain't perfect (but what is), but it'll have to do (for now).
It's a summary of the Big Bang - Proto-stars - Solar System - Earth - Evolution - Extinction dinosaurs - Roman Empire - Crusades - Space Age - etcetera. Of life on earth, basically.

So yeah... here you go.



-- alec
Nice, all in a nutshell. I love all the small details and especially the six-arms-clueless-guy. I'm missing some of the Beans' origins of inspiration like booze and herb though. Keep it up :)