Back after who knows how many years.


Mildly Dipped
It has been a long while since I was on these forums. Life got really busy and I was not able to log on. Anyways, I am one of the early backers/kickstarters for Wasteland 2 is there any other backers are you playing the Wasteland 2 Beta?
It is the sequel that would have happened before Fallout if Brian Fargo had been able to secure the rights to Wasteland from Electronic Arts. He was not able to obtain the rights so he started the Fallout Franchise instead. Wasteland was made 1988 and it was mostly a text based RPG game with character portraits for enemy and npc characters that showed up during encounters. Here is the wiki for Wasteland
This is the wiki for Wasteland 2
I don't care if it is satire. The attitude in the satirical article? I have that attitude and I had it before that article existed. I remember picking up the box for Brotherhood of Steel and thinking it was a piece of shit same with the box for Tactics. Fallout started on the PC it should have stayed on the PC. I did not like the fact that Brotherhood of steel was console only. It should have been released PC first then console release second. Tactics was way off the rails for a Fallout game.
I did not like the fact that Brotherhood of steel was console only. It should have been released PC first then console release second. Tactics was way off the rails for a Fallout game.

While I liked some of the ideas such as a surviving Super Mutant army searching for a cure for sterility, and the secret Vault Tec Vault, and some assets like Vault Tec's own security robot designs, PC gamers honestly do not miss out on not being able to play FOBOS if they did not own a PS2 or a Xbox.
I mostly got the game for the sake of collecting.

FO Tactics, I really liked the game at the time thought over the years I have come to see why it doesn't really fit in the Fallout RPG canon.
I am one of the people who consider Fallout Tatics and Brotherhood of steel to be abominations. To me it was like taking the Anime movie, "Akira" and making it an American live action movie using, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Batfleck.

Hey now, Brotherhood of Steel was actually pretty good. Lots of action and no boring bits. It was my first Fallout game and got me hyped for Fallout 3 when the news hit that Bethesda was going to make it. In fact Fallout 3 could have used some lesson from Brotherhood of Steel on how to make extreme action.
While I liked some of the ideas such as a surviving Super Mutant army searching for a cure for sterility, and the secret Vault Tec Vault, and some assets like Vault Tec's own security robot designs, PC gamers honestly do not miss out on not being able to play FOBOS if they did not own a PS2 or a Xbox.
I mostly got the game for the sake of collecting.

FO Tactics, I really liked the game at the time thought over the years I have come to see why it doesn't really fit in the Fallout RPG canon.

To me the boring bits help the gameplay. I like games that take a while to play. I hate games that I can finish in less than 2 weeks after buying it. It makes me feel like I wasted my money.
Yeah I m back here too, hoping to see a possible true RPG game.

Last time I returned was when I saw a brilliant turn based action game called XCOM enemy unkown that really brought up good memories from Fallout games :-D

Some Fallout 3 people remind me of this: the little kid there in the vid at 30:00 .

But it seems like they are the true fallout fans now. I might like being a wasteland fan and a Brian Fargo fan from now on, see ya folks ;-) (I m off to the wasteland 2 forum).
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