WSJ - facial hair is fraught with negative connotations. An alternative meaning of "beard" is someone who diverts suspicion from the guilty. To avoid sending unintended messages, stylists say, guys should think carefully about what their beards signal.
ZZ Top is the least of it. A thickly bearded man can seem to be hiding something. Within the Amish sect, a long, full beard may denote mature stability, but on an unemployed financial planner, it suggests rather the opposite. Grooming the beard doesn't remove all problems. A man with stubble that's cut close -- à la Tom Ford -- can seem narcissistic.
Kelly Lynn Anders, associate dean at the Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kansas, and author of a new advice book called "The Organized Lawyer," tells students to avoid facial hair entirely. As the term "clean-shaven" implies, "people find it cleaner," she says.