
The only thing that prevents me from growing a full beard is that 3-4 day stretch when it's just getting started when my whiskers itch unbearably. If I ever get the determination to make it through that again, I might just grow a full one.
use conditioner on your beard at that stage it helps.

i wish i could grow a lumberjack, but my beard grows too slow. I only have to shave once a week if that.

just wated to take this opportunity to say a big fuck you to the razor companies charging 25 bucks for new razor blades.
*sigh* I blame your foolish youth and silly immature ideas about what a man might be on the silly idea that women like beards.

please review the follow:

A recent survey of more than 2,000 men and women conducted by Lynx unearthed some conclusively anti-beard statistics.

While 63 per cent of men believed facial hair made them more manly and attractive, 92 per cent of women said they preferred a clean-shaven man, with 95 per cent complaining that facial stubble made a romantic kiss a turn-off.

And a huge 86 per cent said they found beards unattractive.

Read more:

Beards, moustaches and goatees are a huge turn-off for women, with nine out of 10 saying they prefer a clean-shaven man.

But men seem to labour under the delusion that facial hair will get them the girl of their dreams, with two-thirds saying they believe that a beard makes them seem more masculine and appealing.

The survey of more than 2,000 men and women for aftershave manufacturer Lynx will revive the debate over the appeal of beards.

The poll found that 92% of women preferred a clean-shaven man, with 95% complaining that facial stubble made a romantic kiss an unpleasant experience and a turn-off.

Seven out of 10 women dismissed moustaches as "out of date", two thirds condemned trendy goatees as "sloppy", and a massive 86% said they found beards unattractive.

But 63% of men believed facial hair made them more manly and attractive.

Failure in the hair stakes can lead to feelings of inadequacy - one in five men admitted they were not capable of growing a full beard and felt ashamed as a result.

But in the battle of the beards and the sexes, women seem to win - as just 8% of men aged between 17 and 74 have beards.


WSJ - facial hair is fraught with negative connotations. An alternative meaning of "beard" is someone who diverts suspicion from the guilty. To avoid sending unintended messages, stylists say, guys should think carefully about what their beards signal.

ZZ Top is the least of it. A thickly bearded man can seem to be hiding something. Within the Amish sect, a long, full beard may denote mature stability, but on an unemployed financial planner, it suggests rather the opposite. Grooming the beard doesn't remove all problems. A man with stubble that's cut close -- à la Tom Ford -- can seem narcissistic.

Kelly Lynn Anders, associate dean at the Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kansas, and author of a new advice book called "The Organized Lawyer," tells students to avoid facial hair entirely. As the term "clean-shaven" implies, "people find it cleaner," she says.

read it and weep boys. of course, you could keep your geeky beards and thus assure yourself the dubious distinction of making over 75% of the women you know gag everytime they see your beard... :roll:
Why should I let a statistical percentage decide how I should look?

Should my whole life be an attempt at conforming with the largest percentage of any group? That's a pretty bland outlook...

"Oh noes, most women don't like beards!" So? There ARE women that like beards. There ARE men, who don't need a Lynx study to reassure them that they are statistically maximising their chances with the opposite sex.

I personally don't like lipstick and I find thick make-up (foundation, coverup, whatever it's called) gross looking (not to mention it feels wrong to the touch). I also don't like high heels. Yet a lot of women torture themselves, because some backwards arms retard study told them men like it better that way. These are the same women who might not even be looking for a man - they're just stuck in the habit, simply because in their eyes that statistical claim was never challenged.

So I say challenge the retarded norm, be interesting, stop sucking the conformist ding dong and grow a beard - or don't! The point is, you should do it for yourself, not because some guy with backwards arms told you it's the shit.
I am the owner of a face that can sport a variety of beards. I usually shave though because I prefer the smooth-skin look.
The real problem with such statistics is, that they're pretty much insubstantial.

It's hardly possible to judge a beard without the face 'behind' it.
So when you ask people if they like facial hair they'll think of how such a thing might look, taking pictures from their memory and imagine a bit.
So when they judge they might think of Lincoln and full beards while not thinking of Orlando Bloom and some 'small beards'. So the judgement is somewhat screwed.

Not to forget a study of american women doesn't mean that all women think that way.

Just to add a personal anecdote, my last girlfriend said, long hair and a beard was a no-go. But than again she was into Nickleback and mentioned once or twice how good Chad Kroeger looked. When i said to her "Erm... what's with your 'long hair and beard is a no-go'?" she just said how it's okay for him but not for me . Well she was right about the long hair and also that form of beard.
So it's not a question you can answer generally.
DammitBoy said:
[long post]
So, what's the point? Some women still like beards.
And yeah, the woman of my dreams likes my beard.
What do I care about the rest of the women out there who don't like beards? It's a matter of principle. If she couldn't live with my beard, then she couldn't live with me and thus wouldn't be the woman of my dreams, simple as that.
So, we bearded men are too young and immature to know what a man should be?
Then, o wise man of manly men, DammitBoy, priest of testosterone, please enlighten us with your vision of manliness.

And finally, are you really that dense that you listen to a survey about beards, conducted by a goddamn aftershave manufacturer? I mean, would you pay attention to an Apple-conducted survey that surprisingly reveals that 99% of all customers use Apple computers?
And that city-data poll? Did you even read that? Not only is it completely unrepresentative (81 people, lol), but if you were to interpret it as conclusive, you'd see that in most demographics women actually like facial hair. Of course, the margin of error here is higher than the histogram value, so it's pointless to even think about it.

Your trolling grows weak, my friend. Simple generalizations mixed with bad spelling won't do the trick anymore.
I'm growing something that vaguely resembles a beard. Mostly because I'm lazy.
My dream beard.

Fuck women! I'll go gay and keep my beard. Women are nagging pieces of shit that have had it easy for too long. I payed for the date, I tried to impress her and what do I get? A complaint about my beard!

Hassknecht said:
DammitBoy said:
[long post]
So, what's the point?

the point was, I said the majority of women don't like beards and beards hold you down in the workplace.

Somebody said prove it, so I posted several links.

It ain't rocket science junior, and you can google it yourself and find plenty of other similar results.


Alsoplustoo - that was an english survey, not american
DammitBoy said:
Hassknecht said:
DammitBoy said:
[long post]
So, what's the point?

the point was, I said the majority of women don't like beards and beards hold you down in the workplace.

Somebody said prove it, so I posted several links.

It ain't rocket science junior, and you can google it yourself and find plenty of other similar results.


Alsoplustoo - that was an english survey, not american
What if I'm gay and a logger? 2000 people don't represent the whole world or else we are doomed.
DammitBoy said:
Hassknecht said:
DammitBoy said:
[long post]
So, what's the point?

the point was, I said the majority of women don't like beards and beards hold you down in the workplace.

Somebody said prove it, so I posted several links.

It ain't rocket science junior, and you can google it yourself and find plenty of other similar results.


Alsoplustoo - that was an english survey, not american
You call that "proof"? I'm pretty happy that you are not a scientist :D
Surveys of 2000 people don't tell shit, especially when they were done by an aftershave manufacturer.
The surveys ignore cultural factors.
The surveys ignore all the different possible workplaces. They are completely and utterly worthless.
Yeah, they are fun pseudo-science, but in reality, they don't tell a thing. As do most surveys and polls, they are fun numbers for the masses. Learn a little bit about statistics and scientific methods, you'll be surprised how much bullshit there is out there.
Also, why do you call me "Junior"? Are you so much older and wiser than me?
Beards are awesome. Women love my beard when I have it, but they don't want to sleep with me. I'm currently clean shaven and looking for a GF, but I miss my damn beard.

You guys that can't grow one need to suffer the pain of having a shit beard first, then a good one will grow in. When I went traveling my cheek hairs would not grow in, but after 3 months eating curry and enjoying the sun in India it went epic.

Why are you people giving into his trolling? Jeez, you like beards, have a beard, who cares what other people think. It's all a matter of personal choice and preferences.

Although, I must admit, the worshiping of beards does seem a tad juvenile.
The few times girls have hit on me aggressively at the bar i was sportin a shaggy beard.

While my beard wasn't a deturrent, my accute sarcasm always is. 8-)

As for holding me back in the workplace, well I'm a carpenter so that doesnt matter.

If 90% of girls go for that metrosexual 90lb tight jeans justin bieber type, well, I'm not interested in 90% of girls.
mobucks said:
If 90% of girls go for that metrosexual 90lb tight jeans justin bieber type, well, I'm not interested in 90% of girls.
Having a beard doesn't make you manly. Not having a beard doesn't make you a "metrosexual 90lb tight jeans Justin Bieber." I've seen many a skinny legged 90lb tight jean wearing bearded male.