Such philosophical musings for the beard thread... 

3 years later and i still can't grow a full beard. The thought circled through my head when i just watched a clip of Bill Evans last concert. The man has gone from a soft spoken baby face, to a full lumberjack. Would love to pack that kind of hair if just for once in a lifetime, though seeing as Brahms had the same problem in his youth, but still managed to pull off a huge beard in his later years, maybe i'm not at my peak yet.
Me and my brother are both Norwegians, but we share a mixed heritage, including some strong beard-killing genes. Me, being a scientist-type, knew this, my brother was much more unaware, and finally came to me in his early 20s, desperate, "When am I gonna get a damn beard!? I shave and shave but nothing further grows!" "Yeaaah, about thaaat... what you have now is basically as good as its gonna get." "WHAT!?"