Been a long time, NMA

Sebastian of the Wastes

It Wandered In From the Wastes
Hello community!

It's been almost 5 years since I last posted .... I feel like I'm in confession .... and if you remember me at all then you might know that I used to be a major player for an old, now defunct, Fallout 2 total conversion mod called Fan Made Fallout. Do a search, there are some old posts of ours/mine still floating around here somewhere. Sadly, that project closed it's virtual doors in 2009 and if you go to the website now you'll find a page that you'll likely need to translate in order to read.

But a lot can happen in 5 years.

Last year, in November, a friend of mine who has worked on a number of official Fallout titles passed along word that there was a new mod in the works that was looking for people. And that's how I became a part of my new Fallout TC project: Fallout: Lonestar. We are creating a brand new game, currently modding on the G.E.C.K., that takes place in Texas (ironically, so did FMF). We are currently in pre-production and there's a TON of writing taking place on a daily basis. We are also creating a fair amount of concept art we're sharing with the community as we go. I'd like to invite you all to come over to our website and check us out!

To get the basic project information, go here (not updated to often, yet):

And to interact with us, check out our Facebook and Twitter pages (which get updated the most, so be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW):

Please feel welcome to come check us out any time and follow along with our development!

As a member of this community for almost 10 years I know how rare it is to see a project of this scope succeed. I've seen projects come and go ... and I've been a part of one for over 4 years. This feels so different. Come on this journey with us and see for yourself!

See you all in Texas!

Jack Shipley
Wow, another Fallout project that takes place in Texas.
I have been working for a while now on a Fallout RPG setting that also takes place in Texas, of course it is nowhere up the level of your project.
We need a Fallout project that takes place in the Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, maybe Colorado). I mean before Caesar's Legion.
Mutants Rising covers that area, or at least a part of it.
Speaking of which, what's the latest on that? The last time I checked, the website url no longer fit, and I hadn't heard ANYTHING about it here for over a year, so I'm a bit in the dark as to how it's coming along..... if at all.
Mutants Rising is fine...writing dialogue is taking up a lot of the man power ATM. I work on art and maps. This game will be finished...and will be glorious. :V

See new doors and doorways, well reworked doorways anyway.

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Yeah, I already knew it was still progressing, once I checked out the new website, courtesy of valcik. But I do wonder, since it's essentially its own game, despite using assets of another game, will it be able to play on its own on the same system with FO2 installed without having to change any directories, or modify anything when you want to play one or the other? For example, though they're drastically different, you play the F2RP if it's installed and you wanna play FO2, and if you want to play FO2 without the RP, you gotta uninstall it, or otherwise change a few lines to temporarily disable it. Would the finished MR be its own separate entity on any computer (yes, this would mean it have its own "humoungous" install size, but by today's standards, that's not even a minor inconvenience in file size) and if so, THAT'S AWESOME! =D
While I know Chris Parks and I wish Mutants Rising all the success in the world, I would like to mention that we're discussing another project in a thread about Fallout: Lonestar :)
Welcome back Sebastian; that's great news. Looking forward to seeing what you produce.