Behemoth’s Skulls and Fallout 3 wallpaper

Welcome Perbomb!

It looks like a car door to me, and since SuAside and Brother None both saw the demo for themselves, if SuAside says it's a car door and Brother None doesn't contradict him, seems reasonable to take their word for it.

And aye, the fire hydrant works alright and isn't as retarded as some of the other decisions, but I also just don't see giant, partially-melted orcs wielding fire hydrants as belonging in Fallout.
For all those who have stated their opinion that the fire hydrant is workable I give one question:

Imagine the most terrifyingly huge uber-super-mutant that you can (orclike or hulklike take yer pick).

Now imagine how that giant, amazing and incredibly scary monster should be armed, in a world that posesses powerful chainguns, handheld rocket launchers, plasma weaponry and gene alterring weaponized viruses.

Does anyone think "broken fire hydrant club" should be within the first 10-20 possibilites?

so begins my next rant..

It seems to me that Bethesda is taking the whole "rubbish is the new trees" thing to a ridiculous extreme..
(tire-armor, fire hydrant club, gasoline-sword, lunchbox claymore made of random garbage..)

Why not let people use their "REPAIR" skill on their own weapons to fix run-of-the-mill weapon degredation, instead of giving them the option to cobble together a bunch of crafted crap that will undoubtedly be unimportant to any major quest or plot that the game has to offer, and likely completely un-checked by the actual skills of the player character?

I really don't find the "combine 2 AKs to fix one" talk to be very reasuring, and the behemoths garb says many things about how far they are really willing to go, to take what could have been a reasonbly good thing, and make it stupid.
SuAside said:
Bagge said:
A car door shield would, however, be useful in close combat.
against blunt weapons, maybe, but anything with an edge cuts through it no problem if you swing a little (unless you hit the support structure of the door, but for the rest cardoors are just flimsy sheet metal).
A wooden shield never stood much chance against a battleaxe either, but the idea was that the axe would get stuck in the shield, leaving it's wielder vulnerable.

besides, who's going to melee such a behemoth?
Hopefully it will be possible to close-combat your way through the game, as you could in FO1 and 2. By the same logic, no-one would want to charge headlong into the Lieutenant or Frank Horrigan either, but if you had the right skills and equipment, it was a perfectly viable option.

My problem with the <s>LEVEL 70 CHAOS OGRE </s> Behemoth is not it's equipment - I kinda like how it is using scrap parts as weapons - but rather the generic and alltoghether un-fallouty look of it.
Kyuu said:
...since SuAside and Brother None both saw the demo for themselves, if SuAside says it's a car door and Brother None doesn't contradict him, seems reasonable to take their word for it

I would have to agree.

whirlingdervish said:
Does anyone think "broken fire hydrant club" should be within the first 10-20 possibilites?

For the super-tough-scary-boss kind of enemy this supposedly is, no. Or maybe up there around number 15-16. ;) Unless it fits into the situation somehow.
Somehow I don't think a plasma bolt's gonna get stuck in that door, and obviously you can't parry a nuclear explosion...

Or maybe you can, it is Bethesdia after all...
Mord_Sith said:
Somehow I don't think a plasma bolt's gonna get stuck in that door, and obviously you can't parry a nuclear explosion...
No, I think everyone agrees that the car door is useless against pretty much any ranged weapon.
Ok, a melee weapon then, even if you DO beat on that car door with an axe or a hatchet, the fact that you would use such a weapon against what is supposed to be the final boss is close enough to ridiculous, so let's consider from the past a viable melee weapon that you could potentially attack ol' Frank with.

Ripper: A chainsaw is not going to get stuck in that thing, no matter how much you hope or pray it will, it'll just spin a bit more and come loose.

Power Fist: Whatever model you use, it's gonna blow a hole right through that door and probably a good chunk of fleshy meat behind the door, and odds are it's not gonna get stuck, just leave metal shrapnel in the wound of the beast.

Super Sledge: Once again, whatever model used, it's gonna break through, or fold that door clear in half, the odds of the super sledge NOT doing damage against a car door is if you misjudge where his arm is and hit the corner of the door instead.

Now then, let's put in some other potential, high-grade weapons that would be final boss material:

Ceramic Blade: Refined ceramics can cut through about a foot of steel in CP2020, generally used in lieu of diamonds in blade edges and garotte wires, powered armor is all but useless in the face of this blade.

Vibro-blade/power swords: Let's assume that instead of some whimsical magical blade we have a kinetic force amplifier in the blade just the same as in the super sledge, however with the added bite of a blade instead of a bludgeoning weapon, definitely that door isn't going to stand a snowball's chance.

Now on to some of Beth's promised weapons:

Flame blade: Through the magical forces of gasoline and bic comes the revolutionary flame blade, though lacking common sense in it's design, it more than makes up for it's combat shortcomings as a great conversation piece. The font at the tip of the blade can be used to pour gasoline, alcohol, or fruity party drinks as you see fit. Who cares where it comes from, it's just THERE and it looks cool, look at the flames at the top of the blade, no not at the flames burning my hand as I hold this upright, just the flames at the tip of the sword. In fact you can get this blade in many styles, Wasteland rust, Gold inlaid wasteland rust, Silver plated wasteland rust, or the classic steel (wasteland rust optional.) This Beaut can cut through a door, a mutant's arm, or that prime rib roast you have at home with minor sawing and little to no effort (actual experiences vary).

Super Sledge Mk XXIIXIXIXIXIXILOLOMGWTFNOOBZ(You know it's going to happen): From the makers of the amazing and combat re-defining people at Beth-Tek comes the newest increment of the Super Sledge Series, now this one may not pack as much of a punch as the other guy's but it's got Beth-Tek slapped on it so it's GOT to be good for the whole family. Take it to the amusement park, and show it off to the carnies when you whack that mole right to the core of the earth (actual effects may vary.) This beauté of a mallet is packed with an armed Fatman right behind the striking plate, giving that tough piece of meat the blast strong enough to soften it right up, your family won't even be able to taste the difference between meat you've hammered for hours to get it soft enough compared to just one swing of this mallet! Comes with two Fatman charges, disposable oven mitts, and one free package of Beth-Tek's Simulated Rad-Away (user is liable for any and all damages to property, family, pets, food, and self)!

Beth-Tek's Powah Fisht: We at Beth-Tek felt it was time to re-model the old faithful Power Fist, oh nothing was wrong with it, but it just didn't explode enough for our liking. So now we bring you, du, du du da, the Powah Fisht! Now instead of a green glow, from the power conduits applying extra hitting power behind every swing without harming the user, we've irradiated the plasma used to increase force giving it a deep red glow, and inadvertently causing cancerous growths to occur on the user's hand eventually melting it away from prolonged usage. Where's the explosions we're paying for you ask? Simple, whenever you hit someone with it, a breach in the plasma conduits causes a small explosion in the fingers of the fist blasting whatever you're hitting with a small nuclear blast and irradiating him significantly (Warning: Loss of fingers or hands from using this product is not the responsibility of Beth-Tek.) Guaranteeed to stop some gargantuan super mutant with a car door for a shield dead in his tracks, or at least wind him a little bit, hey it's the closest you're going to get to a groin shot 'k, blasted ingrates!

(Disclaimer: the last two Beth-Tek items are (at least at this point) fictitious, and should not be considered spoilers, just commentary on what I expect to come from the brilliant minds at Bethesdia)

Edit: Correction to the vibro-blade, it's not defiantly, it's definitely.
Bagge said:
My problem with the <s>LEVEL 70 CHAOS OGRE </s> Behemoth is not it's equipment - I kinda like how it is using scrap parts as weapons - but rather the generic and alltoghether un-fallouty look of it.
I wounder why such creature should exist at all. I haven't seen any evidence of really giant mutations of humans in Fallout.

Brother None said:
Oh, tweak up. For some reason I thought you meant tweak down.

How about tweak up as in "if you're shooting at something that's only 20 feet away, you die."
I think it should be something like:
"If you're shooting something that is only 500 feet you die almost instantly, when you're shooting something that is only 1300 feet you die after some time."
Not as much as that stupid giant (yeah, it so easy to take already written code and turn shields to doors and mauls to hydrants) - but that "power armour" - what an incredable totally crippled toy-crate with metallic shoulders is that? What kind of brutally wounded mind could spawn that shitty thing and call it PA? Who cares about miniguns, flame frowers, power fists?
It more and more becomes a situation like:
"Hey, Todd, have you ever played original game? I mean F1,2? C'mon, give an auditory a honesty reply!"
"Honesty? Well, yeah, I have! You know - in case if I wouldn't know which part of fallout remains unscrewed".

I just got that picture in front of my eyes:
-Aye! Enemy approaching!
-Whats that?
-A pack of BOS soldiers armored with toy-crated boxes and silly looking peas-rifles!
-OMG! Boys, prepare your doors and hydrants! Those snails won't take as easy!
-Sir, there is no hydrant left for me, may be, anyone could spare..
-Spare what? Are you mad? How are you going to attack these BOS freaks? With minigun, huh? You make me laught!!! Go to the back line!
Some thoughts after deeply analyzing those pics:

* The supermutants do not resemble those from FO 1/2 which means only one thing: They are not of the same origin. Though they do not even "feel" like mutants for fallout, still it is a good thing, because it shows that the story will be somewhat unique.

* As i read the NMA preview of Fallout 3, it became clear to me that men and women in power armor are not brotherhood of steel. And this power armor. It looks different. And that's a good thing. Advanced Power Armor was engineered by Enclave. This one looks like it was modified by qualified people.
So instead of Brotherhood, we have Brother-wannabees, and instead of super mutants we have what, super pseudo-mutants?

Ok Let's assume that FO3 is picking up after Tactics with the east coast blimp stuff, so let's also then assume that only the high ranking brotherhood members would be awarded working power armor. Would that then make this patchwork armor plus cussing like an old sailor equate to them merely wearing broken power armor, would make sense then if they aren't wearing the helmets, if it's broken it could hamper or even kill the wearer due to lack of oxygen if the filtration system's fused for example.

So we have initiate brotherhood fellows running around in suits of armor crafted either by them or scribes of that chapter of the brotherhood in the image of the other suits of power armor.

From what I know about the brotherhood, somewhat limited compared to some here at NMA, those scribes making this fake armor instead of the real armor would likely be flogged at best, before being told to make it right or else.

As for the pseudo-mutants, the FEV should have only affected the area around California, where the military base was situated, I wonder if there's mutie humans who have started living underwater due to some genetic modification by the FEV, but that's neither here nor there.

The splintered mutant army scattered to the four winds, a handful of them set up their own town by the time FO2 came around, so super mutants on the east coast should be almost like a unique encounter rather than a horde of them constantly reminding you that 'they're mean, they're green, and they're going for your spleen' or in this case orange, but that wouldn't work for the rhyme.

Super mutants can NOT re-populate, they are sterile, unless some doctor can fix them, which would have been a neat side quest for Van Buren, however once again I digress.

That means there's limited numbers of the beasts, not a rampaging horde, but a frightened, and disillusioned lot of very large, and temperamental humanoids, they're no longer the scourge of the wasteland by Fallout's general time line, however still a moderate threat nonetheless.

If they're taking after Tactics, that would mean that we're going to see lots, and lots, of robots, oi the robots we're going to see!
like the super-laser-ticketbot who kills muties for you?

Oooh I can't wait.


btw- nice avatar. It's good to see that another Alpha Centauri player exists somewhere in the world.
Heh, or just it's a fact that super mutants are a side effect of other base research/genetic experiments with humans by some scientists.. (Oh wait, it's sierra army depot...) Still, you can think of anything:

"Some group of military scientists tried to create an advanced power armor and using drugs like buffout, psycho and stuff like that create a super drug, which makes US army very agile, endure and strong. The ultimate goal is to combine these two to change the course of war with china. Unfortunately the bombs fall and their research facility gets a direct hit from a nuclear strike or simple bombardment, until years later after the war some scavangers find the crap and accidentally use it on themselves"

Ok, i admit that this story almost resembles the fava virus story, but why can't the United States start creating a new form of the virus in a different facility after the FEV research was exposed to the public? The public would get their eyes to the original research facility, while other scientists would try to develope the virus more, and this causes the resultants to be more brownish.

And you can think of whatever you want. We'll just have to wait and see everything for ourselves (or at least read/hear about it) so we could make clearer conclusions about the mutants.

And Beth surely will not go after tactics, because they already said, they are making a game, which does not even "know" about tactics (that is they never happened).

And still i believe that with all that military equipment left after the war, some people would find it and use it for their communities. Just like Mad Max, Jericho, Wasteland, Fallout 1/2 communities build on unused but still working equipment.
The new community which uses advanced technology shouldn't be the complete good guys (like FO 1/2). They could be more neutral.

And so on... and so on... and so on...
The people in power armors use the Brotherhood of Steel symbol and were identified as the Brotherhood by the devs.
Ausir said:
The people in power armors use the Brotherhood of Steel symbol and were identified as the Brotherhood by the devs.
I was about to say that, darn you!

Also, Bethesda refers to their disfigured orcs as supermutants. So either they are of the same origin, or, if what Literacy_Hooligan is suggesting is true, Beth is simply incapable of thinking of a new name for something that has nothing in common (either physically or lore-wise) to the FO1/2 critters of the same name.

Further, while I think the fire hydrant is the least ridiculous of the design choices on the Behemoth (the shopping cart with bodies isn't a bad touch either), Whirlingdervish does make a good point. Although one could argue that the Behemoth would be incapable of using most types of guns and other weaopns simply because his hands and fingers are too big. I certainly wouldn't think he could fit his finger inside the trigger-guard of most guns.
Umm... BoS was never a group of 'good guys' as you put it, they were a group of technophile zealots who jealously horded technology and only sent people out to collect more technology believing themselves the only capable group to safeguard humanity from the technologies that destroyed most of the world.

As for the Vaults, well the vaults are just a bunch of schmucks who took cover when the sirens blared, there's no real good or evil polarity, just paranoia and perhaps some seeds of a superiority complex.

As for the Muties, they were outfitted from the military base that they found the FEV2 in as they had plenty to choose from due to the entire building being sealed off, stopping scavs from getting in, and the dwellers from getting out. A base might I add that the BoS had no idea existed until the Muties started taking a more aggressive stance.

Everyone had shades of Grey in Fallout 1/2, there were no truly pure good guys, no truly evil guys, except maybe a handful of the characters that lost their humanity along the way, but that's not because they became mutants, but their inability to associate with humanity any more as a peer.
Umm... BoS was never a group of 'good guys' as you put it, they were a group of technophile zealots who jealously horded technology and only sent people out to collect more technology believing themselves the only capable group to safeguard humanity from the technologies that destroyed most of the world.

The BoS were mainly a A Canticle for Leibowitz organization, with echoes from the Templars and the monastic orders. It seems that the Templars connection will be highlighted, with the military BoS fighting the infidel supermutants trying to protect the Holy Land (the Capitol, Washington) and probably some Holy Graal type Mcguffin (the Declaration of Independence? The cure for FEV?), while the Canticle monks connection won't be as important.

That's the vibe I'm getting, but Beth is so secretive about the story that I'm most probably completely wrong. We'll see.