Behemoth’s Skulls and Fallout 3 wallpaper

SuAside said:
whirlingdervish said:
2 design element nitpicks, from a Fallout fan who thinks that idiotic additions to an already working equation, should at least be plausible:

Modern Fire Hydrants are designed to break off at ground level so cars don't get cut into pieces by a collision. Much like freeway gaurd rails. They break off after reducing the speed of the vehicle, whereas a solid pipe would destroy that car.

There wouldn't be a long stub of pipe sticking out of the bottom of it, unless he carefully unscrewed it from the pipe threads of the original connection and then stuck an equal sized and threaded piece of galvanized pipe into the coupling..

Considering the lack of dialogue ability in mutants, I doubt that they are all that "crafty".
well, it's another future, so nothing says that they have the same hydrants.

if you're going to nitpick, you should rather be offended by the use of a car door as a shield. a car door doesn't block anything. forget all the cop movies you've seen. a car door only hides you, but doesnt protect you at all.
A car door shield would, however, be useful in close combat.
Bagge said:
A car door shield would, however, be useful in close combat.
against blunt weapons, maybe, but anything with an edge cuts through it no problem if you swing a little (unless you hit the support structure of the door, but for the rest cardoors are just flimsy sheet metal).

besides, who's going to melee such a behemoth? since the thing is so fucking huge and the cardoor so small, it wouldnt take much skill to hit next to it anyway.
how can someone who played FO 1/2 get something so far from those games?

oh wait, i guess they never played 1/2 did they.
Oblivion. With. <strike>guns</strike> Nookya'lar Catapults. :crazy: I wonder if it can drop the flame-sword recipe. :roll:

When Todd said they were doing the games they know I didn't realize how literal he was being.

On the Super-Duper-Duper Behemuntant (Now with more BLOOM!)
<blockquote>Car Door - I'd call that a logical fallacy on the part of the artist. Do you're homework ya' post-apocopliptic fallout noobs!
Fire Hyrdant - I'd call that a logical phalluscy.</blockquote>
SuAside said:

besides, who's going to melee such a behemoth? since the thing is so fucking huge and the cardoor so small, it wouldnt take much skill to hit next to it anyway.

But would hitting it with any type of melee weapon do any good?
If it took 5 nuclear blasts to take it down, I don't see anyone putting a scratch on it with a super sledge, a ripper, or even the ridiculous sword-o-flames..

The bottlecap bomb might bother the thing enough to have it come kill you, but short of a completely idiotic nuclear catapult, fired multiple times at point blank range, no weapon that bethesda has shown us so far did any useful amount of damage to the beast in their own demo.

The plausibility of being able to fire any sort of nuclear weapon more than ONCE, from point blank (catapult/slingshot) range, remains to be seen. :)
well, i'm a Krav Maga practitioner, whirlingdervish. we assume that ANYTHING goes down with a strong enough hit to the nads... ;)

as for the nukes, i surely do hope that they tweak damage on them (as well as on the Behemoth's HP).
How do you mean "tweak damage"? The Behemoth's HP might be unrealistic, but the nuke is a *nuke*. Of course it'll cause a 1000 times more damage than a bullet.

That ogre-mutant is wearing a METAL-SKIRT!
That's so fucking nonsense.
Why wrapping a part of your body in heavy metal when the rest of your body is staying naked? What the? WHAT THE?

They really just took the standart fantasy ogre and retextured the skirt to metal.

Can't believ it.
I hope someone kicks them in the nads, if they don't nerf the behemoth down past the needs-5-nukes-to-kill-it threshold.

(and possibly if the fatman makes it into the final product as anything but an easter egg)


edit: ROFL @ the cat.
I think my brain just set itself on fire...
I better listen to Bethesda and put it out with this icepick!

It's the next-gen extreme way to do it!
Brother None said:
How do you mean "tweak damage"? The Behemoth's HP might be unrealistic, but the nuke is a *nuke*. Of course it'll cause a 1000 times more damage than a bullet.
tweak damage as in "if hit centermass by a fucking nuke, you DIE!"
Oh, tweak up. For some reason I thought you meant tweak down.

How about tweak up as in "if you're shooting at something that's only 20 feet away, you die."
Brother None said:
Oh, tweak up. For some reason I thought you meant tweak down.

How about tweak up as in "if you're shooting at something that's only 20 feet away, you die."

Perhaps more like, "When you fire, you take the block with you."
Its in many ways so sad that Fallout is becoming what it originally tried to break away with; a stereotype.

Okay it used some of those in the early games but in a good way, and it had the fortunate that things like a 50's like retro future and a post apocalyptic RPG setting had barely been done on the PC.

Its a bit more common now, because well Fallout might have set the trend, but now it is going the EXXXTREME way.

I hope the the War hammer fans on this boad don't feel offended as that is not my intention, but as Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40.000 felt like extreme fantasy and extreme sci-fi (well somewhat), Fallout is going to become 'extreme post apocalypse'.
Wow, the mighty ork warboss' (from the warhammer 40k universe) and nemesis' son has come to visit Fallout. Whoops how did this Redeemer from UT get here?

I wouldn't be surprised if it's more powerful/weaker variant would be named "goliath" (ahh the 1337 naming...).

Seriously it looks unimpressive and very stereotypish. (as said before me)
Do we know from before that it's a car door? I can't really see it.

...and yeah, it sucks. The fire hydrant is kinda cool, but to me it doesn't really feel "Fallout" for some reason.

Edit: Oh yeah, first post. Been lurking for a while. Hi!