Best part of fallout 1 & 2?

Fallout 1: The dude from the Trading Company that's scared shitless of the Deathclaw.

Fallout 2: Sulik!!!!! Or killing those uptight elitist assholes in Vault City.
fallout 1 :
-The Glow
-Gunners and Death Claws

fallout 2 :
-Military Base ( the same which was in f1 , it is so cool to visit place from f1 :)

-Harold in Gecko ( how good is to see old friend )
Battles are really fun and surprisingly intense. Gambling your action points on an aimed shot from across the screen with 12% hit probability is exhillirating.

also mib88 megamod is full of quests and dialog that make f2 extra-extra enjoyable. I'll leave them a mystery :)
Fallout 1:

(no way I can pick just one)

The Demo. I played it and new it would the game I'd always wanted.

Vault 15. At that point, it was for REAL. The first place you could really explore, and where you first experienced the sheer joy of opening a locker.

The Hub. Junktown was great and all, but nothing compared to walking into the Hub for the first time. Many a gamer walked in and murmured, "I must have that green armor." The missing caravans and deathclaw rumors? Awesome.

Necropolis. The first time I went it was dusk, casting everything in an eerie light. Beautiful.

The Glow. Obviously a popular pick, and with good reason. Never was reading a holodisk more fun.

Getting into the Brotherhood. I don't know how the developers were so brilliant. Amazing contrast with the game up until that point. You could practically feel the air conditioning.

Getting the power armor. Getting a minigun was cool, rocket launchers were badass, and you looked hawt in combat armor, but there was no item that compared to the power armor. Twas the Holy Grail.

Fallout 2

Harder for me. As fun as it was, it just doesn't compare to the first one.

The Sierra Base. I could explore abandoned army bases all day.

Vault 13. You can never go home again. (Especially when there are talking deathclaws. )

Military Base. It's just fun to come back to these places.
Brother None said:
Fallout 1 has too many classic gaming moments...

...My favourite would be making your way through the LA Vault and finally meeting and talking to the Master. That's some fantastic dialogue with a great atmosphere. The entire Glow would probably be second.

Couldn't have said it better, myself.

Well, maybe I could have, but obviously, even if I could, I'm not going to make the effort. The Master's story is just so well-crafted and so subtly interwoven throughout the whole of the first game. I spent a lot of time during my first few playthroughs reading and re-reading holodisks, spamming "Tell Me About" for all it was worth, tracing histories and just... appreciating. Talking Richard Grey through his inevitable self-defeat was a watershed (ha ha ha) moment in gaming for me-- hell, for storytelling in general, for that matter.

Fallout 2 was a lot of fun, but the tone wasn't nearly as consistent, so there wasn't a whole lot that stuck with me down through the years aside from a general sense of enjoyment and a lot of WTFs. If I had to pick a favorite locale off the top of my head, though, it would be the tanker in the SF harbor. The tanker was probably the only thing in that whole city that really made any damned sense, and I loved the updated Junktown feel it had going for it. I feel strongly that there was a lot of potential there that they failed to use, and if I were to redesign the game, the tanker (and attendant vagrants) would be the only element of San Francisco that I'd keep.
Classic gaming moments in Fallout:

- Junktown
- Harold
- The Glow
- The Master

Classic gaming moments in Fallout 2:

- The fortune in the well scenario in Broken Hills
- The arguing mutant couple in Broken Hills
- Stand-up comedian in New Reno
- Myron (talking head)
- Solo to Navarro
- Tanker cut-scene
In Fallout
-The tell me button I really liked it sad that Fallout 2 doesn't have this option
-The talking heads especially Tandi, Decker, the Master and Loutenent
-The Master I don't think that he was evil he just thought that the end justifies the mean, and you weren't forced to fight him you would able to join him or persuade him that he is wrong
-The animated movies (they still looks awesome)

In Fallout 2
-The new NPCs especially Vic Cassidy and Marcus
-The return of some character from Fallout 1 like Tandi, Dogmeat
-Sg. Drill in Navaro (he was crazy)
-The ability to continue the game after the end
-And like in the first the animated movies
Fallout 1:

- Playing as a stupid character for the first time.
- The music in the brotherhood and military base
- Sets diologue. Dirtnap!

Fallout 2:

- The "tanker to derrick" cutscene. :clap:
- Annoying the sarge in navarro
- The gauss weapons. love at first sight.

Getting the power armor. Getting a minigun was cool, rocket launchers were badass, and you looked hawt in combat armor, but there was no item that compared to the power armor. Twas the Holy Grail.

I agree. Even the Turbo Plasma Rifle wans't as cool as this. With Power Armor, everything changed forever. You FEEL the sheer aura bad-assery and masculinity in your soul! There's nothing more awesome than being able to go to someone you hate and say "You my bitch now. Any time you shot at me, I can laugh it up. I can laugh ALL OF IT UP. I'm the biggest, meanest, baddest badass of of the wasteland. FUCK YOU!"

I still need to think about the best moments. So many good moments...
Fallout 1:

1. The general atmosphere. They did it much better than they did in F2.

2. Talking that raider into letting Sinthia go during the hostage situation in Junk Town. I love to play as CH heavy characters, and that's one of my favorite parts of the game.

3. That major ass battle when you turn in Decker (I think that's his name) in the Hub, and have to help the police round him up. I don't know why, but it's one of my favorite battles in the entire game. The first time I played Fallout, it took me forever to actually win.

4. It's silly but - putting the moves on that female guard in the Brotherhood of Steel. Obviously, she never sleeps with you. But I still laugh my ass off every time my character tries to get into her pants.

Fallout 2:

1. Boxing in New Reno. I know that a lot of people fault the atmosphere in New Reno for not fitting with Fallout. And, I agree that there are some problems. But, I LOVED those boxing matches.

2. Taking out the slavers in the Den. The first time I played F2, I actually did this WAY earlier than I should have, so it took me forever to win. I was role-playing as a very anti-slavery character, though, and didn't want to have to "give money" to the slavers in order to free Vic. Big sense of accomplishment when I finally won, and was able to free the other slaves, to boot.

3. Helping to find a cure for Jet. Whether I "talked" the solution out of Myron, or smuggled a sample into Dr. Troy for him to find the cure, helping to solve the wasteland's "Jet problem," as well as to undermine the Mordino Family's bid for control of the wastes, was big fun for me.
The fight with Decker is great. Might be because it's a planned battle with personalities on both sides, rather than fighting your way through a base of anonymous mutants, or attacking unsuspecting victims (like the CoC people in the Hub) at your leisure. Taking out Gizmo isn't the same - he's just not enough of a challenge.

Which BoS guard can you hit on? I don't think I've done that before.
Kanhef said:
Which BoS guard can you hit on? I don't think I've done that before.

I think on the first level of the BoS base (I'm not sure) there are two guards in power armor guarding the elevator. One of them is female. If you talk to her, there's a dialogue option for hitting on her. It's been such a long time, so I can't remember exactly - I think it's something along the lines of asking if she "wants to go back to her quarters" with you after her shift on guard duty is over.

Most people probably think it's rather lame, but I laugh every time I run through that dialogue, and her response. Nothing ever comes of it, no matter what your CH or speech skills are like. But, I do it every time I play a male character in F1. Heavily armed women in power armor are hot. :-P

You might want to try it multiple times, too, as I think there's actually more than one potential response (perhaps based on a combination of chance along with your stats/skills?). As I said, though - she never does sleep with you (probably to her credit).
Humm... I guess both intro's, they were the best ever.
from fallout 1 the cathedral and of course the finale.
From Fallout 2 getting Marcus on my team (fuc..' awesome!) and crippling people:
"Enclave patrolman was critically hit in the eyes for 148 hit points, sadly, he is too busy feeling the rush of air on the brain to notice death approaching"
"Vault citizen was critically hit in the right leg for 98 hit points. The intense pain of having the leg removed causes him to quit."
That's some D. H. Lawrence, for christ sake!
Judici said:
Don’t remember so much from Fallout 1, but I remember that I liked the glow.

Though I did play Fallout 2 recently, and I most say that playing as a stupid character (I had 3 in intelligence) was the best part of the game by far. But it was also very sad how everyone treated my stupid character badly when all he wanted was to make everyone happy.

Anyway, it’s very recommended that everyone try Fallout 2 with a stupid character.
I just had made a post at another thread commending how intriguing a stupid character playthrough is.

You may feel lonely, until you find yourself a dog. You may feel limited all the time, even at the very end of the game. You may feel sad at moments, and at the same time laugh your ass off. Both extremely violent and infantile. Know this: if you can get in the boots of the character, as Judici says, it's one hell of a memorable experience no one should miss.
(First post, BTW. Been lurking for awhile now and finally got around to joining :wink: )

In Fallout, definitely the Glow: all the radiation messages, the overall eerie feel, and finding out about FEV for the first time 8-) . I also really liked the Vats, and finding out I could become a Super Mutant. It'd be nice if there was a way you could be one without joining the master.

Fallout 2, I loved the Sierra Army Depot. It was one of the best parts of the game for me, finding out that the base still somehow was functioning, the supercomputer, being able to build your own brain bot, reviving the general before watching him melt, and the whole thing with extracting the Ebola/Smallpox/Anthrax virus from storage. The first time I went through, I messed something up and the moment I got out of the base, Skynet left my party and attacked me :wall: . Also, it was nice being able to have an actual conversation with Marcus from Broken Hills instead of the usual 'Me take you to boss-man' :P . Re-exploring the Military Base, and being able to compare to Fallout was fun, and I liked the wide variety of things you could do withthe Gecko Power Plant. Loved how the sign above the entrance read 'Poseidon Oil' :mrgreen:
Fallout 1: So many...
-Whole story about Richard Grey and Harold was excellent. The Master and his story were extremely well crafted. I always wanted to pursue the dialogue option "perhaps you need more test subjects" and actually help him fix the FEV virus. Unfortunately, you lose if you pick it
-Talking to that farmer in Shady Sands about crop rotation literally JUST after I learned about it in 7th grade made me feel all fuzzy inside.

-Killing Gizmo, hole through the chest.

-Loxley and his tell-me-abouts.

-The Brotherhood of Steel, you feel so safe and sound in their base, no wonder they never leave it.

-Set, nuff said

-Killing Lou.

Fallout 2:
- TEMPLE OF TRIALS!!11!!(jk)

-Conversation w/ Torr(with low INT)

-Cafe of Broken Dreams(nostalgia!)

-How Klamath had many signs from the Hub. i.e. Crimson Caravan.

-Killing Horrigan with a critical hit to the groin
-I love the start of Fallout 2, where you have only a measly spear and a knife, and you have to make do with less trying not to get eaten by the golden geckos and gather cash on that leather armor. Later, when you have some reasources and you go to the Den, trying to scrap off some cash...later the game isn't as interesting to me.

-Vault City is a nice touch

-Never really like Fallout 1 (yeah, I know, I suck)
Just replayed Fallout 2 again (and again) recently, and I must say my initial recollections were highly skewed. The tanker had a lot of potential as a locale, but it was barren and while the general idea of the tanker vagrants was a dead fit for the setting, the character with which they were actually implemented was highly lacking.

ACTUAL favorite moments from Fallout 2:

*The Treasure Hunt in Broken Hills, and the scavenger hunt leading up to it, were gold. For those not in the know on this little tidbit, initiate barter with Typhon after all is said and done for a mildly disturbing bit of a nightcap to the whole ordeal.

*The tanker activation cutscene was truly a moment of beauty. I didn't realize just how much of an impression it had left on me until seeing it again and feeling the chills it gave me in youth resonate in me again.