Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

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I think that's rather the point of Return to Sender, it throws you out in 5 entirely different directions and takes you to places you might not think to visit by yourself, at least the first time or two you play.
Yeah, I wouldn't fault the mission for that. It still had consequences.
Antler makes things better. I liked how it changed the ending slide. I suppose I was just thankful after Fallout 3's disappointing ending slides.

That and the quest had an interesting dynamic going on. The Nightkin's story was pretty compelling - almost a prelude to Lily's sub-plot - with many ways to go about things. Then you get to do a couple of fetch quests while you take care of other things on the way.

The rocket's taking off is a huge payoff depending on whether or not you blow it up or not. Or you can be an asshole and murder the whole lot of them. I think it has several things going for it. Plenty of interaction with NPC's with impactful dialog and plenty of choice. Then you get to do a little exploration while fetching some items which I know some people dislike, but it takes about 5 minutes. It's a decent quest that demonstrates something Fallout 3 didn't capture.
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Come fly with me is the best early game side quest in my opinion. It supports pacifist builds and there are a lot of phases on it.

The worst early game sidequest is "Can you find it in your heart?" as it is not only a simplistic kill monster quest but you are supposedly "clearing" a zone you had to go through to get to the Outpost in the first place and you didn't find the Ants untilyou started the quest. Only reason to do it is for the AP 5.56mm ammo, the service rifle and caravan lunches that they reward you with.
I didn't know that you could do it all in one trip. I thought that Rad guy at the facility wouldn't spawn if you chose Gibson first or her dialogue wouldn't be there if you chose the other, but I guess I was wrong. Still, I find Come Fly With Me more tedious than Return to Sender probably because CFWM all takes place in pretty much one big facility and it gets kinda repetitive to me to see the same places over and over again though that's only really a problem if you do the quest all in one go like I do. RtS lets me travel around the Mojave which varies up the scenery.

You don't even need to go to the rad guy, you can just buy some rocket souvenirs from Cliff Briscoe at the Dino shop. I honestly love this quest, clearing out the building with those damn ghouls in it can be quite terrifying depending on the difficulty. Oh, and Antler is love.
Come fly with me is the best early game side quest in my opinion.

Agreed, because there are just so many ways you can do the quest. You can skip it entirely by reading Manny's e-mail, sweet-talking him with the right perk, or just walking past Novac to Boulder City. Once you get to the basement you can kill everyone there, you can talk to Davison, and you can kill Harland or you can hear him out and investigate the fate of his lady-love. Having acquired the information about the Stealthboys Antler will advise Davison to believe you only if you have't killed too many of his friends. Then you can either sabotage the flight or help out, with three possible sources of the rocket fuel, and you can get the parts from Old Lady Gibson either by paying her for it or by stealing it.

It's basically a master class on how to design a quest with different options at every term to accommodate different styles of play or different characters.
I imagine this interview has been seen by most here? Hand-holding confirmed, companions can't die:

Howard's reasoning - I have to say - is bad. "People saved, then reloaded if X Died" Yeah, if they weren't playing differently like a "No Reload" runthrough. That's how it is in any game with companions that can die, its part of the strategy, your playstyle, or specifically tied to a difficulty option (like Iron Man) if its included in a game. XCOM allows you to save and reload if your characters die, but did the XCOM developers say "Hey, we saw players reloading on easy difficulty, so we decided in the new XCOM2 nobody can die, ever! Problem solved!"

So the dog can't die, and you can simply use it as a bullet sponge. Neat. That sounds realistic and very immersive. I'm assuming they made it so any companions can't die or numerous characters are essential for plot completions instead of adding in ways to resolve things with specific companions or characters out of the equation. Then again, Bethesda's games are terrible when it comes to ordering your companions what to do anyways.

So what I've seen so far is showcased so far with this game seems to be so far removed from a strategy or roleplaying game now, I can't bring myself to be excited about what they have decided is 'best' for FO. The only thing that looks better compared to FO3/FO4 is simply the gunplay, which looks more like RAGE, so at least it doesn't look so stiff/weird.
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Well if I did plan on buying Fallout 4 I would use the dog as a bullet sponge to take all the damage for me and laugh when the damn thing ragdolls "unconscious".
It also seems they've removed traits. Selecting them could be done when you emerge from stasis, but then I realized the better time would be in the character creation stage when the Vault Tec representative asks you to fill out the form.

Legit question: Are we seriously going to have this same damn dog coincidentally named dog meat in every damn future Fallout release by Bethesda?
Legit question: Are we seriously going to have this same damn dog coincidentally named dog meat in every damn future Fallout release by Bethesda?

It's not Fallout without Dogmeat, obviously, he's the main feature.
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Come fly with me is the best early game side quest in my opinion. It supports pacifist builds and there are a lot of phases on it.

The worst early game sidequest is "Can you find it in your heart?" as it is not only a simplistic kill monster quest but you are supposedly "clearing" a zone you had to go through to get to the Outpost in the first place and you didn't find the Ants untilyou started the quest. Only reason to do it is for the AP 5.56mm ammo, the service rifle and caravan lunches that they reward you with.

See that's interesting because come fly with me might be my least favorite quest, I hated having to send those ghouls into space. I wanted a way to turn those rockets and the whole facility for that matter over to NCR, Mr House, the brotherhood or something like that. Just sending them to the moon to most likely die is just a huge waste of technology. Plus it just got annoying towards the end, having to fetch quest for the scientist by gathering materials and equipment for their mission. The whole time I was gathering stuff for this guy and I was just thinking to myself, why the hell am I even helping these people, they're dumb and crazy. The only way you can not help them is to either stop doing the quest and leave it hanging around in your quest journal or murder all of them. I'm in the minority though, I know people loved that quest, just like how I'm in the minority for hating Old World Blues when everyone loved that DLC. Those robot scorpions man, horrible level scaling.
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See that's interesting because come fly with me might be my least favorite quest, I hated having to send those ghouls into space. I wanted a way to turn those rockets and the whole facility for that matter over to NCR, Mr House, the brotherhood or something like that. Just sending them to the moon to most likely die is just a huge waste of technology.

Well, the NCR isn't going to want it since they're more focused on the war with Caesar and a space program isn't going to help there. The Mojave brotherhood isn't going to want it because they're barely hanging on for survival and it's not going to help them much. Assuming Mr. Bright's calculations are correct, and the radiation involved in the launch is going to kill anybody who isn't a ghoul, House isn't going to want it because he'd presumably prefer to colonize space in a manner that does not doom the human race (ghouls, after all, are sterile) and would probably not want to use 200 year old rockets anyway. That's even considering that the ghouls aren't going to be happy to give away their rockets, as it's a holy mission for them (and they're probably the only people who know how to make this work at the time of the quest taking place.)

But we can be reasonably confident the ghouls knew what they were doing, since in the ending slide for Novac they return from their pilgrimage to help out Novac against the Legion.

The "these people are dumb and crazy" ending for that quest involves getting 5 boxes of sugar bombs.
With the right audio editing programs you can kind of "shift" the pitch of some of the words to make it sound more natural. Boom, instant voice actor replacement.