Bethesda allegedly pulls negative Fallout: New Vegas review

Then the point falls..for you, but not the others whom seem to the contrary. Lexx i seem to agree with you on that point but can you define what a "lulzfest" is and how is FO3 one.

No sarcasm just want to see what hangs over your head concerning FO3....which was my main point of questioning before this unpleasantness ensued. :(

sorry for aforementioned unpleasantness :oops:
The fact that you seem to not care for evolution of RPG or game play or seemingly even graphics is the very root of why you will never like a fallout game to come.

No, fact is that you think that "evolution" of gameplay necessarily means making it real time and first-person. Combat mechanics-wise, Fallout Tactics was an actual evolution of the Fallout gameplay, for example.
HyperionOmega said:
Well seems like i stepped on some toes. A logical entreaty was my first option but got soon after labeled "all that is wrong with FO3" . The thorough dicing of my argument as above is commendable but several of your counterpoints are contradictory. First off the fact that a turn based RPG is the epitome of RPG's then the maintaining that it is better off dead than to enter into its current incarnations. Of which most of the industry and gaming culture has moved on from. However I guess you could chalk it up to personal differences and move along.

I guess you didn't read the part where we said not caring whether it's first person, or not (and by extension real time or turn based). Which we don't. The epitome of an RPG is, oh I don't know, one where you can actually do some RPG'ing, like in Fallout 1&2 and New Vegas, to a certain extent. And then you continue to throw this 'evolution' junk at us, which we're open to. However, logical game design should not be tossed aside in the name of 'evolution'.

HyperionOmega said:
An lulzy fight conveys better the spirit of Fallout? This is why we have problems with Fallout 3 fans. You don't even understand Fallout, and yet you come here telling people what Fallout is all about. Fallout was never about humour-ish violence. It was a by-product of the setting.

Secondly how could us newcomers whom have discovered Fallout from FO3 then pursued the genre back, how could we ever have an opinion to rival that of yours whom have been here longer and know what is right. Really? That your stance "I was here first":clap:
If that's what you understood, then I can't do the understanding for you. You take the spirit of fallout to be an lulzy fight, with retro music playing in the background. That's great. However, that's not the 'spirit' of fallout. The spirit of fallout is, mainly, an RPG with choice and consequence.

HyperionOmega said:
Yet my main point of nostalgia was not refuted in fact your entire counter argument can be used as proof. The fact that you seem to not care for evolution of RPG or game play or seemingly even graphics is the very root of why you will never like a fallout game to come.
Uh, I said we weren't looking for nostalgia. We want an RPG with choice and consequence... uh, what? How is that nostalgia, because we want to play a good RPG? I don't care about the graphics; if it's a shitty game, it's a shitty game. No matter how pretty it looks.

HyperionOmega said:
The fact is you want the feeling that fallout 1&2 gave you and care very little for trying to advance a story. You have Dogma that BlackIsle has handed down from god and any new info from Bethesda is from a second rate mostly drunk prophet at that and therefore damned to ire.

HyperionOmega wrote:

So tell me how i am wrong ohh great elder.

Why? So you can tell us how we're wrong and all we want is nostalgia, even though it has nothing to do with that?
Nope you seemed to do that easily enough by yourself. Thanks for the help though
No, but thanks for trying
Jeez, you should really study up on your punctuation and grammar, if you really want to sound like an educated arrogant fuck. As of right now, the "educated" part doesn't come off very convincing.

Keep practicing.
Hmm, I think Incognito wasn't referring to you, Sicblades, but to HyperionOmega's pretentiously formal writing style, which is full of grammatical and punctuation errors. Seems to me like a young troll using a thesaurus.
HyperionOmega said:
The fact is you want the feeling that fallout 1&2 gave you and care very little for trying to advance a story. You have Dogma that BlackIsle has handed down from god and any new info from Bethesda is from a second rate mostly drunk prophet at that and therefore damned to ire.

Have you even played Fallout 1 and 2? I have played Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, 3 and New Vegas. I have used Killap's restoration pack for Fallout 2, read the Van Buren documentation and even created mods I uploaded to the Fallout 3 nexus. And I'm here to tell you - This isn't just pointless fan loyalty. I liked Fallout 3. But I feel that other companies without such deep pockets may have stayed closer to the originals. Obviously, from the reactions of some of these reviewers and "journalists", not everyone likes our preferred gaming niche. "Too much dialogue." "Too much choice." Well, that's what Bethesda failed at. They hold your hand through the experience, making it abundantly clear they don't want to upset their players with too much challenge. They magnified the FPS portion of the game.
Now New Vegas comes along. When reading many reputable reviewer's thoughts, the writing, story and amount of choice are hailed as relatively blowing away Fallout 3's material. And now a large percentage of this community suddenly likes the game. Then people like you, who likely never even picked up the classics, come by and tell us it's because of the company who designed it. Well, you're right. You are 100% right. It is because of the company that designed it. But what you're 100% wrong about is that it is not because of a blind devotion, it's because they make the player's actions matter in the world. They care about canon. They aren't just shoving events in your face and saying, "THIS IS COOL?! RIGHT?!" There are still several things I miss from the first two games(original S.P.E.C.I.A.L. design, eccentric player dialogue), but New Vegas was a huge step in the right direction.
This said, don't you have some Halo Reach or CoD:Black Ops you need to be playing?

...and then you rant about how you want to go back to a isometric turn based, Japanese rpg like monster with crappy graphics (compared to nowadays)

LOL! That statement shows you officially know very little about Fallout. Japanese? Do you even know what defines a jRPG? A western RPG? If ANY of the three main Fallouts was to be even remotely considered to be a jRPG it would be Fallout 3. You know why? You're forced to be a 19-year-old. You're forced to do the same main quests. Fallout 3 tells you a narrative, letting you make a last minute decision that you can change to see all the endings. Fallout: New Vegas let's you craft the narrative, just like Fallout 1 and 2.
I see people who, having been introduced to the franchise by Fallout 3, being somewhat bored and disillusioned by New Vegas. Conversely, those who were clamoring over each other to cast the first stone at Bethesda for squandering their license of Fallout would end up loving New Vegas.

What I was doing was judging a game based on the feeling of discovery and novelty that the first game gave me while some how expecting this game to up the ante somehow.

There is pretty much always a difference of opinion between people who started at Fallout 1 and those who started at Fallout 3 and went backwards. It's the same with Elder Scrolls fans who started way back with Daggerfall vs people who started with Oblivion. When you fall in love with a game, all the other games will be judged and compared with that initial experience and the things that made that particular game what it was. New Vegas is about as close to a middle ground as we'll get any time soon.

Anyway, you're not fighting on the home front here buddy, this is deep deep F1/F2 territory. You can like Fallout 3, but you're mostly making arguments without an understanding either the community or the original titles. Some of these people have been here like... 10 years? They already know what they want in a game/Fallout title. I too have to restrain myself from posting in some "lulz Fallout 3 sucks" threads and especially the "If you like Fallout 3 you are retarded" ones, but it's best to pick your battles and try to fight them sensibly or not at all.
Wow just... wow. So much for my apology. A post on the pathos of some peoples intense dislike of FO3 warrants this. :shock: Well I think I hit a nerve. A post to open the dialogue is immediately shot down, and mostly ignored then when anger kicks in and I respond in kind, now I have everyone's attention.

Yet attacks on my punctuation, grammar, intelligence, and how I probably use a thesaurus are the answering calls from the kind heated individuals we have gathered.

If freedom is your issue or hand-holding then it seems like your not the person I was talking about. You are right Bethesda tends to be overbearing at times. This was not the issue the issue was how a sense of nostalgia played a larger role in peoples dislike of FO3. The anger you showed actually illuminated a key argument yet you respond in a hostile manner without ever saying "Look kid this what I think sets Fallout 1&2 above the rest." So much for understanding, no lets just yell at one another.

Your first paragraph is exactly my point although much more eloquent than I put it. My argument was "hey just give it another look its not that bad".

I had no idea I was deep in any territory. Merely making an observation concerning a judgmental fallacy that myself and seemingly several others have fallen into at one point or another.

One can hope the arguments can be me more enlightening from now on and engender understanding.

Again thanks all for pointing out my bad punctuation however my bad grammar is new to me. Troubles this brings me(get it bad grammar...*sighs*. I thought it was funny)
I didn't know calling a spade a spade was a judgmental fallacy. Where's that quote from Per when you need it?
You ask for steak, I bring you fish. You say that you think steak is better than fish. I say that fish is much more popular than steak so obviously it's better. You say that no matter how good the fish is it can't be better at being steak than the actual steak we used to serve. I say that's just your perception and you're entitled to it but you should accept that fish is the future and that's good. You begin to say something but I stab you in the eye with a fork and run into the kitchen.
Granted Oblivoin was even more bland then F3 but it was clearly possible to see the similarities so Oblivion with guns is somewhat accurate for F3. Now thing is both games seem to have sold extremly well (if you believe Bethesda). So either they have extrem luck or the consumers really buy everything when the hype is big enough ~ which is much more likely.

I think most of us consumers are just stupid or out of options.
Oh we are out of options.

When the selection of games available consists of a lot of games with average design policies or made to appeal to as much as the masses as possible by being 'extreme' and having a ridiculous bad storyline with hand holding gameplay, there isn't much choice.

You can wait for the occasional good game to come out while trying to pass the time with average to acceptable titles, or going old school.

Or you give up on games and try to find another hobby.
the issue was how a sense of nostalgia played a larger role in peoples dislike of FO3.

And we are saying you are wrong, that that isn't the issue. Is that inconceivable according to you? It's impossible that maybe -just maybe- FO3 fails on the things that made us love the first two games?
I wonder how many of the people that complain F:NV is an expensive mod are the same people that buy the next flavor of CoD every 8 months.
HyperionOmega said:
Wow just... wow. So much for my apology. A post on the pathos of some peoples intense dislike of FO3 warrants this. :shock: Well I think I hit a nerve. A post to open the dialogue is immediately shot down, and mostly ignored then when anger kicks in and I respond in kind, now I have everyone's attention.

Yet attacks on my punctuation, grammar, intelligence, and how I probably use a thesaurus are the answering calls from the kind heated individuals we have gathered.

If freedom is your issue or hand-holding then it seems like your not the person I was talking about. You are right Bethesda tends to be overbearing at times. This was not the issue the issue was how a sense of nostalgia played a larger role in peoples dislike of FO3. The anger you showed actually illuminated a key argument yet you respond in a hostile manner without ever saying "Look kid this what I think sets Fallout 1&2 above the rest." So much for understanding, no lets just yell at one another.

Your first paragraph is exactly my point although much more eloquent than I put it. My argument was "hey just give it another look its not that bad".

I had no idea I was deep in any territory. Merely making an observation concerning a judgmental fallacy that myself and seemingly several others have fallen into at one point or another.

One can hope the arguments can be me more enlightening from now on and engender understanding.

Again thanks all for pointing out my bad punctuation however my bad grammar is new to me. Troubles this brings me(get it bad grammar...*sighs*. I thought it was funny)

Write legibly and I'll give you respect where it's due. Right now your shit is an unreadable mess, thereby making it moot. However, I don't think you will make an attempt writing clearer sentences with appropriate punctuation, I think you will continue to accuse us of angry fanboyism, so go post your pseudo-intellectual bullshit somewhere else, you goddamn nimrod.

--with love, glittering gem of hatred.
HyperionOmega said:
This was not the issue the issue was how a sense of nostalgia played a larger role in peoples dislike of FO3.
Before you start making claims you might want to search the board to see if it's ever been made before. I know, I know, you had an amazing insight on the community but amazingly this has come up countless times. If you'd bothered to read what people do and don't like about Fallout 3 then you would see that NMA has more specific citations and rationales than anywhere else I've seen.

Also, not everyone on NMA hates Fallout 3 but the same portion that didn't like Oblivion have issues with it. Then of course there is the question of gameplay. Does Fallout 3 play anything like Fallout 1&2?
well, my question is, is NV worth purchasing?

keep in mind your join date will hold some weight on how much i value your opinion :P