Bethesda and Namco Partner to Distribute Fallout:New Vegas

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Namco Bandai Games and Bethesda Softworks have reached an agreement for the distribution of Fallout:New Vegas which involves a release across Europe and Australia.<blockquote>“We are pleased to be teaming up with NAMCO BANDAI Partners to distribute one of our flagship titles. Fallout: New Vegas builds upon the immersive gaming experience that made Fallout 3 the 2008 Game of the Year. We are extremely happy to be able to offer Fallout fanswith another premium gaming experience”, said Sean Brennan, Managing Director, ZeniMax Europe Ltd. “NAMCO BANDAI Partners have a terrific European distribution network and this partnership will help establish Fallout: New Vegas as one of the premier games of 2010”.</blockquote>You can go to the Namco Bandai website for the whole press release.

Thanks to cronicler for the news alert.
They partnered with 2K games to distribute Oblivion and Ubisoft to distribute Morrowind, so it's not unheard of. That said, I believe that both of those were before Bethesda set up international distribution centers in different parts of the world. One would think that if a company spends the money on setting up international distribution centers that one would distribute games through them, especially when a company publishes the small number of games that Bethesda does.

What seems particularly strange to me is that they are partnering with them for distribution in Europe and Australia but not Asia. I know that Bandai distributes a lot of anime in the west but it seems odd that for a game, they wouldn't also distribute it in at least Japan.

The thought pops into my head that this shows less support or interest in the title from Bethesda than they would for a game that they developed so past publishing issues may present themselves (they partnered up with 2K for Call of Cthulhu). I'm not sure how justified any of it is (given the amount of information, I'd say minimal) but it's what popped into my head.

As for Namco Bandai, I have a liking for the games that Namco develops but I have mixed feelings towards Bandai as a publisher, for the quality of products that they distribute. As for game distribution, I have no clue.
Maybe on the contrary, they don't think that their European division is strong enough for a big release like New Vegas yet?
It shows how serious Bethesda is handling with the Fallout Franchise. It is like someone is banging your girlfriend and is laughing in your face when doung it.
Surf Solar said:
It shows how serious Bethesda is handling with the Fallout Franchise. It is like someone is banging your girlfriend and is laughing in your face when doung it.

What? How does them partnering with a professional publishers to release a game show anything even remotely negative?
Ausir said:
Maybe on the contrary, they don't think that their European division is strong enough for a big release like New Vegas yet?
Yet it was good enough to release Fallout 3? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless they plan on pulling out of Europe and going back to third party developers.

maximaz said:
Namco is bad news.

They're the worst when it comes to sucking fans' wallets dry.
Ouch, I hadn't heard about what they did with DLC. All of the unlocking stuff on the disc stuff is outrageous but the pricing seems like the standard ripoff crap. Also, if it's on the disc then you can gain access to it anyway you want (other than illegally acquiring the patch) and are in completely legal bounds. The Tales of Vespia content made me laugh and the fact that he's bitching about it is equally laughable.

The guy clearly loathes Namco more than is reasonable, but amongst his excessive rage ("Namco? Fucking NAMBLA more like," in response to objectifying women is comically stupid) are some solid points (like how commonly DLC is overpriced). I don't support games that try to rape me with DLC, I know that it's going to happen so I don't buy them. All in all, a lot of examples of how not to do DLC unless you want to piss off your fans.

Keep in mind that Namco will not be in charge of making the DLC but there is a real possibility that we'll see stuff like we saw for Fallout 3 if it does well enough.
Yet it was good enough to release Fallout 3? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless they plan on pulling out of Europe and going back to third party developers.

Maybe they weren't that happy with Fallout 3's sales in Europe?
That said, I believe that both of those were before Bethesda set up international distribution centers in different parts of the world.

Yep, I was surprised to hear this now, I thought ZenimaxEurope would handle the distribution, but seems it still isn't ready. It's taking a lot of time to be ready...
Ausir said:
Maybe they weren't that happy with Fallout 3's sales in Europe?

In case this would be true: Yeah, it's the fault of the publisher and not the crappy Fallout game, that most of the 'ol Fallout fans don't like. :lol:
UncannyGarlic said:
The guy clearly loathes Namco more than is reasonable, but amongst his excessive rage ("Namco? Fucking NAMBLA more like," in response to objectifying women is comically stupid) are some solid points (like how commonly DLC is overpriced). I don't support games that try to rape me with DLC, I know that it's going to happen so I don't buy them. All in all, a lot of examples of how not to do DLC unless you want to piss off your fans.

Keep in mind that Namco will not be in charge of making the DLC but there is a real possibility that we'll see stuff like we saw for Fallout 3 if it does well enough.

I mostly linked it for that DLC crap. Charging to unlock stuff that's already on the disc is not only extremely shitty, it should be illegal.

Also, the Katamari thing was complete BS. I could care less about the game but selling literally half a game and selling the second half as DLC is... well, it also should be illegal.

The last company I'd want to publish a game would be Namco. Bethesda is bad enough with its horse armor crap and now we have two of the worst combine forces.
After reading that, I am reminded of another article on Edge magazine.

That arse was arguing FOR paying resale DLCs and games.

He did bring up something that was interesting, and it was about how big the second hand market is for games and how devs and pubs don't get a share of that with the retailers taking hold of a huge market share. A lot of retailers are really pushing hard on trade ins because any money they make resale of these games is 100% their own.

So, if you resell your game/trade it, do you still own your DLCs? What about the new guy/girl?