Bethesda Defends "3" in Fallout 3.

Tyshalle said:
Personally I like it. A lot. There are things about it I don't like. I feel like it tries to play to the strengths of both Fallout and Oblivion, and doesn't live up to the high level of quality of either, but it comes close. It doesn't wind up being quite as complete or expansive of a world as Oblivion, and it's really left the tabletop concepts of Fallout by the wayside, but the wasteland does feel like Fallout.

Alright, you lost me here. I've played all the major installments of the elder scrolls games and, to me, Oblivion was anything but high quality. If Oblivion was the mark Bethesda was shooting for, then they weren't aiming very high. Oblivion felt more restrictive, land mass wise, than any of their other installments to date. And Oblivion was nowhere near as realised as Morrowind. Less quests overall, and the ones it did have sucked by comparison -with the notable exception of Knights of the Nine.

Then again, they could have made TES 4: Knights of the Nine(based on an expanded version of that quest line), and then constructed the game world and the other quests around that- and it would have been infinitely better than what Oblivion was.

Tyshalle said:
I really wonder how many of you are sticking to your fairly ridiculous biases even now that the game is out and you have the opportunity to play it. The continued accusations that anybody who says this game feels like a continuation of Fallout must be lying or never played the originals is bullshit. Fallout 1 still remains my all time favorite RPG, and I've played both it and Fallout 2 several times over, and have had those two games affect me in many ways, but I still feel like Fallout 3 does feel like a continuation of the story, in the same way that Fallout 2 was a continuation of Fallout 1's story.

It's all opinion. It may be informed opinion, or supported opinion, or biased opinion, but it's all opinion. We're entitled to ours just as you are to yours.

Tyshalle said:
And I seriously hope that anyone who's going to level an insult at someone accusing them of "probably never touched the originals" has at least played the 3rd one for themselves, else they are a big fucking hypocrite who doesn't deserve to have his opinions heard.

A third Fallout has been released? When was this? And by whom? Why does nobody tell me these things!?!?

I kid... I kid... (well mostly.)
Zeld said:
Oh yeah, that reminds me that Deux ex 3 is gonna have "some nice changes from the originals". This phenomenon could be called "doing the Fallout 3". It means that any intelligent and original (often cult)game you could imagine will be turned to shit for teenagers.

*fingers in ears*


.. this is exactly why I refuse to get my hopes up again. Eidos has my testicles in their evil metal claws, but i'll be damned if I'm going to let them think I ENJOY it.

I truly was a Fallout 3 hopeful, even with the news that Bethesda was making it. Conned by the shiny-ness of their trailer and the smooth and sultry sound of Ron Pearlman, I again let my balls fall like limp putty into Bethesda's hands.

Words of advice. Never let a retard play with your balls.


It's just.. bad writing. It's all too.. forced.
hey even fucked up the intro! The entire game feels like it was written by 15 year-old 'fanboys' who'd played Fallout 2 with a guide over their laps while watching Pokemon.
They get the gist, and the look to an extent, but the feel and soul of the originals just isn't there. And without that innate connection a sequel is *supposed* to have with its predecessors, it plays like a half-baked game that completely fails to inspire 'immersion' or any real connection with the player.

Combine this with the inherent gameplay flaws and it's simply an ordinary game. Not worth 10 out of 10. Hell, not worth a 7.
TheRatKing said:
If the game were called Fallout: Blah Blah, then the main Fallout series could still have a chance to stay true to its roots and remain TB and iso. As it is now, however, there is no chance of getting a true fallout game unless it is in the form of a spin off (unlikely) or a very elaborate fallout 1/2 mod. Beth is definitely not going to be wondering how to make Fallout 4. Just imagine Todd right now going "Hmmm should Fallout 4 be turned based or real time???" Obviously Todd and friends will be making the games they make best, shitty real time Action games with lite rpg elements.

Not really. Do you think Prince of Persia is ever going to go back to its roots and there will be a side-scroller game just because the Sands of Time games weren't called Prince of Persia 3, 4, and 5? Think again. Titles don't matter.
Your right titles don't matter. What does matter, is the fact the producers call this the spiritual succesor to the originals, which, IMO, it is not.
Yeah, but if the rights ever pass to someone else, or even a different team within Bethesda takes over, they can always choose to ignore the current games and claim theirs to be the true spiritual successors to the original two games.
Nodder said:
Not really. Do you think Prince of Persia is ever going to go back to its roots and there will be a side-scroller game just because the Sands of Time games weren't called Prince of Persia 3, 4, and 5? Think again. Titles don't matter.
To be fair though, they aren't called Prince of Persia 3, 4, 5, and now 6, they are Prince of Persia: Subtitle. I don't know if the new one will have anything to do with the previous three but by using subtitles and not numbers, they give themselves room to reimagine the series (kind of like Metroid: Prime).

ShatteredJon said:
Your right titles don't matter. What does matter, is the fact the producers call this the spiritual succesor to the originals, which, IMO, it is not.
Even worse, they call it a sequel.
ShatteredJon said:
That would be a god-send, if only buy a different game developer.

They can do a gag in a future Fallout game where rival factions in an abandoned Interplay mega-skyscraper are fighting over who are the true successors to "the vision of Caine."
Nodder said:
Yeah, but if the rights ever pass to someone else, or even a different team within Bethesda takes over, they can always choose to ignore the current games and claim theirs to be the true spiritual successors to the original two games.
Ehm, they could, but this is less likely to happen with each iteration. As this is Fallout 3, the franchise has now changed to a first-person action-RPG.
True. Perhaps there's no going back to isometric turn-based RPG. But there's still the chance that someone will 'reimagine' the series to bring it back in line into the spirit of the setting/story of the original games. I mean, I think Prince of Persia is still in the same hands of the same developers, but after the Sands of Time trilogy they're giving it a cel-shaded animesque look. So there's always possibilities for reinvention.
I think its totally possible for them to keep this same "style" but still make a good fallout game. While unlikely to be a sequel, most anything would be better than the respectless version out now.
To me, the exploration has an almost STALKER feel to it, to the point where I think the correct name for the game would be "Fallout: Clear Sky", although that's kind of already taken.

I also feel like F3 is a better "Spiritual successor to System Shock" than Bioshock was, the influence is there. It also takes ideas from a lot of other games--you can feel it in the gameplay, and regardless of its flaws, I feel it pulls them together into a pretty decent game. But, it feels like the use of the Fallout core concepts is sort of incidental, and only one of the many influences. (A decent game[*], but the fruit did fall a long way from the tree.)

* - ...a game that would be better than decent if it used a game engine that doesn't suck and colors other than brown.
JR Jansen said:
I'm not going to go into a yes/no debate here but if you're only defence is that people who are saying a certain thing are whining, then you've got a very weak one. Come up with something better and more logical next time.

At least i gave you an example. Seems that wasn't good enough.

What I was trying to say is... you just used the more technical and literal sense in my words... I wasn't talking about how "sequel" and "spin-off" can or cannot be mutually exclusive... I was talkin' in a more general way about people dismissing the fact that FO3 IS a sequel... so nitpicking about how those words mean or don't mean something or another is what I can sometimes refer to as "whining".

beverageleverage said:
You should keep your complaining about complainers to a minimum, especially since you haven't even played the game. I suppose it explains why you had nothing to add other than your childish WTF'ing. I think you need take your honest and coherent advice to heart given your professed ignorance on the subject of actually playing Fallout 3.

well.. I don't need to play it to know its not an "unfinished elder scrolls game" seriously what did you mean with such a (childish, perhaps?) phrase? WTF is just the first thing that came to my mind when I read that! I know (way) more people who have played it and liked it than people who have played it and didn't like it... and I have seen videos and read reviews... and from what I've seen/read/been told about I think it is a faithful Fallout 3.

Anyway I seem to have offended some people... I didn't insult anybody... it wasn't my intention to offend ye people, so sorry if I did...

Alas, I'm really sorry for some of you who have such a narrow-minded take on this game.... and some, lets say, "profound" (pre?)conceptions about Bethesda...


PS: it seems I might get my hands on the game this weekend, I'll let ye know if playing it radically changes my mind...

PS': more Cheers!!!
TychoXI said:
well.. I don't need to play it to know its not an "unfinished elder scrolls game" seriously what did you mean with such a (childish, perhaps?) phrase?
I mean exactly that, an unfinished elder scrolls game, because that is what it is. Artificial intelligence, dialogue, quests, and game mechanics have actually gotten worse than they are in oblivion. I guess it makes sense given the plummeting quality of each new release from Bethesda.

TychoXI said:
from what I've seen/read/been told about I think it is a faithful Fallout 3.
That's fine, in your opinion, an fps with rpg elements set in a nuclear wasteland full of Bethesdian elements with fallout names slapped on them = a fallout game. I disagree that this makes a fallout game, and after playing it, I don't think it is good either.

TychoXI said:
ye people...
I'll let ye know
I am going to regret asking you, but why do you keep saying "ye" in all of your posts? Did you suffer a head injury, and now think that you're a dwarf from middle earth?
TychoXI said:
I'm hoping to hear from Tim Cain, Chris Avellone or Feargus Urquhart commentin' on FO3 anytime soon so you can all shut up with your whining and accusations towards "teh evil Bethe$da".
That's exactly the problem. People here tend to have their own opinion, and are certainly not going to change it, just because someone from the original team could like the game :roll:

Ulysses said:
That was a pretty dumb question to ask, thinking about it. You'd have to be incredibly unprofessional to take an IP then act as if it were your creation.

Noone said they should act as if it was their on creation. They should've done "the batman thing" and just started over ("Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight").
Should have called it Fallout DC, keep the Fallout title but keep it away from the other games... then you could make Fallout Texas & Fallout Seattle
If the original dev team gave Bethesda their blessing and declared Fallout 3 the true successor to 1 and 2 then it would put to rest any hope for a Van Buren and all this pining for a bygone era by fans and allow them to move on with their lives.
Nodder said:
If the original dev team gave Bethesda their blessing and declared Fallout 3 the true successor to 1 and 2 then it would put to rest any hope for a Van Buren and all this pining for a bygone era by fans and allow them to move on with their lives.

I doubt there are many posters if any whose participation on this board is keyed to the opinions of former Fallout developers.
First of all Nodder, that is an incredible load of crap.
It is not just determined by the makers but also how the original fans feel about it.

If Tim Cain told me tomorrow in person that this is how he wanted Fallout 1 to be from the first place, I would pretty much ignore all his comments on the Fallout franchise from now on.
He likes it, fine, I don't give a shit and don't care for his current vision either.

Second, thanks to the Vault Wiki I pretty much have figured out Fallout 3's plot and in my opinion, the Bethesda development team, in particular Emil who made this story, are some of the most incompetent story writers and RPG designers that walk on this planet.

I really think that they should consider a different kind of profession in which less pressure is put on their creative skills instead they can follow a procedure or order of work that has been made up for them by smarter people.

This is scifi channel movie bad.