Bethesda: IPLY intends to undermine F3's plotline

Christ, I read this today....
Love how Bethesda always likes to claim how they bought the whole fucking franchise which automatically makes them the makers of original Fallout and universe. What a load of bullshit again. What's the problem of letting the goddamn Interplay make the MMO, like it's going to be so overwhelmingly good compared to the other MMO's out there. Who are we kidding exactly here?
It's the same shit every time, Bethesda said something which has to apply to everyone. Who the hell cares what Todd and his company thinks anymore except themselves. They made what they made, it's utter crap with great graphics in the end and it will stay that way always. They created their canon so why should there be any problem with Interplay if they don't touch their stupid canon? Undermine what exactly?
The inevitability is that FOOL will be out and they can't do anything about that, crying over stupid claims is hilarious.
I think Bethesda is trying to prolong this legal bullshit in order to shut down Interplay. A lawyer sucks money like a leech sucks blood. Beth can go on forever but interplay is slowly bleeding to death.
Bimmy said:
I am confused...
what is it exactly a Fallout game?
Fallout was a great game
Fallout 2 was another great game (my favorite) but a bit different, more grim with silly black humor and stupid jokes. Many FO fans were enraged by this heresy against their beloved game.
FO3 came out and it was a tes game with some random Fallout things in it.
now there is NV wich is a tes game blended with a bit of Van buren and some old FO cut content.
Every Fallout is very unique, even the ones with the same engine.
Its like if every FO has his own lore and vibe.
IMHO everyone has a different FO icon his mind. Maybe any sequel is going to disappoint someone in some way but I dont see anyone happy with a MMORPG using either beth or IP humor.

I'd say Fallout was an RPG.

Getting subjective here, but RPGs- from all subgenres are about people, and by people I mean characters. Even Final Fantasy 7 is about Cloud and cohorts- who are characters who are individuals (some more so than others, some more interesting than others, but the game revolves around them).

Fallouts main plot all boils down to the Master and his plans for the future of humanity. It is hung on that characters personality and is, in some ways, about him. The side quests mostly boil down to a character who due to who this character is needs X, Y and Z to happen, and thus these side quests are about the NPCs involved in them. All of these are linked by the PC, a character created by the player who can be played in various ways which effects how quests about other characters end up being resolved. Much of Fallout is also about society (i.e. The People), both pre and postwar.

Now consider Bethesda RPGs. Oblivion had 1000 NPCs were told, about 6 of whom actually had personalities in any way shape or form. The rest were just drones with ranks in factions who gave out quests because there needed to be quests, otherwise there'd be nothing to do. Most of them are kept as baldn as possible so that the same voice clip can be used for multiple characters telling the world and his dog how annoying mudcrabs are. All of these are linked by the PC, who cannot speak beyond the most simple, personality neutral, phrases (in Fallout 3). There is no scope for plahying this character in a variety of ways, as there is no scope to give them any form of personality. The PC is thus a stat line, consisting of stats that have little to no effect on the game. If Fallout 3 is about anything, it's about explosions.
In other words, Interplay intends to use the copyrighted Fallout artwork and backstory, which is undisputedly owned by Bethesda, to undermine the plot-line of Bethesda’s awardwinning Fallout 3

That's great as to me Fallout 3 did not happen.
But this is ridiculous. They don't want to say that their Fallout 3 is main canon because it's like originals never existed and they have a REAL game story compared to that crap. But they talk about it in a way, they bought the license=they made first Fallout/it's theirs now?!

I agree with -Bimmy- that this is legal bullshit to prolong before the game goes official. What I don't understand is why waste money to try and destroy the idea when it will live on, like Van Buren did in FNV. In fact I think it would have been much better for them to just stfu because they "revived" Fallout in console players eyes and media eyes. Now they want to fuck it up with legal lawsuit which doesn't prove anything they want to prove. It's only my thought but it looks to me that they send a message that they are not true to Fallout as they have claimed always to be.
Serifan said:
In other words, Interplay intends to use the copyrighted Fallout artwork and backstory, which is undisputedly owned by Bethesda, to undermine the plot-line of Bethesda’s awardwinning Fallout 3

That's great as to me Fallout 3 did not happen.

I concur, BethSoft's "Fallout" 3 doesn't exist to me... and I do not consider it canon.
Alphadrop said:
Zenimax requests you call Bethesdas game by it's full name, "Award Winning Fallout 3".
Thank you.

Sorry man! I was just trying, you know. To use copyrighted material to undermine Bethesda’s reputation and the reputation of Bethesda’s award-winning Fallout 3 game. :p

I concur, BethSoft's "Fallout" 3 doesn't exist to me... and I do not consider it canon.
I'm not alone! Fallout canon is F1 & F2 & VB, no matter what Bethesda's lawyers will say.
Fortunately I can still decide what do I consider canon or not. If you like money and lawyers to decide for you, well that's another matter.
Geez, I can't believe those c*nts from Beth. I mean I am not really surprised. Throughout the whole Failout experience they tried to make me feel like that was the first game in the series (despite the big 3 stamp on the box). I can understand they're trying to establish their own franchise and cater to the shareholders but forgetting legacy is bull in my book. It's good I can still choose my own canon.
Bimmy said:
I think Bethesda is trying to prolong this legal bullshit in order to shut down Interplay. A lawyer sucks money like a leech sucks blood. Beth can go on forever but interplay is slowly bleeding to death.
Bingo. Bethesda doesn't care if their claims are ridiculous and aren't going to go anywhere. Their mostly brain-dead fans will cheer for them regardless and they can crush any chance Interplay had at producing an actual Fallout game by burying them in legal expenses they can't afford. I think the whole Masthead thing is what got Bethesda stirred up and worried about Interplay's FOOL affecting their new franchise's darling reputation with the gaming media.

Not that it's any great loss. This Interplay is not Black Isle, and the franchise was effectively dead after the abandonment of F3 by Interplay in favor of POS. Bethesda buying the IP was just the dismemberment and burning of the body to prevent any possible necromancy.
Lexx said:
That's Fanon then, not Canon.

Wikipedia defines canon as "In the context of a work of fiction, the term canon denotes the material accepted as 'official', in a fictional universe's fan base."

It's the fans who decide what's canon and what's not, not the creators.
Courier said:
Lexx said:
That's Fanon then, not Canon.

Wikipedia defines canon as "In the context of a work of fiction, the term canon denotes the material accepted as 'official', in a fictional universe's fan base."

It's the fans who decide what's canon and what's not, not the creators.

But this is not the case here as no one asks "the fans" if thing XY is "canon" or not. They take their own writings as base, not that what the fans like.
I would say canon is perceived by the audience in a context where material is presented by artists (for lack of a better term), and neither group can fully dictate the outcome. Canon has no useful meaning if you exclude the audience from that context.

We have a thread somewhere where this is being discussed.