mortiz said:
You're putting video-games on the level of high art, I'm sure you're aware that most video game designers don't have that in mind when they create a game, their primary concern is if it's fun to play or not.
If course i have that in mind. But that doesn't mean anything. Some cinema directors' primary concer is also that, and that doesn't mean a movie is meant to be fun, just because there are relatively more games meant to be fun than movies meant to that as well. I'm not sure I explained myself clearly.
mortiz said:
If it isn't fun to play, forget it.
Fun? In what sense? Is a survival horror fun? Sometimes games are just not fun in the plain meaning of the word. Then again, if you mean fun by when, after you play the game, you *like* the game, that's ok, but I don't call that fun. Tolkien's books, for instance, are not "fun" to read, but I like Calvin & Hobbes too... Just like Fahrenheit was not "fun" to play, even though I like a round of F.E.A.R. Combat, from time to time. Even Fallout is not "fun" for me (some part's are, of course, but so are some parts of Tolkien's work)...
mortiz said:
Invoking emotions is all well and good when it's driven along by something that makes the player want to keep playing.
Knowing what comes next? Challenge? Having nothing better to do? All of these are reasons for one to keep on playing a game. Of course, you can also keep on playing a game because it's fun, and you like having fun.
For instance: is it fun to spend hours grinding in some random MMORPG? I don't think so, and I doubt many people disagree with me. Even so, there are many MMORP players... Why? Challenge, maybe, or just the promise of a fun yet to come...
mortiz said:
Movies also don't have the problems inherent with bad gameplay.
They have other variables, like bad acting or crap like that.
mortiz said:
As I've said, if it's bad it seriously detracts from the experience and your deluded if you think someone's going to suffer 10 hours of shitty gameplay in order to hear your story.
Look, for instance, a Fallout game just like FO1 is, but where EVERY combat consists on clicking in your enemy and seeing him die. No chances for you to loose a combat. That's not good gameplay for sure. Yet, the game would be good because of other factors. You can also think of the opossite: a Fallout game just like FO1 where every dialog would consist on hearing what other's have to say. The game wouldn't be THAT bad, would it? It still had the combat and the setting and the story... FOT is a good game, just for the gameplay (Tactics....). Final Fantasies are also good games just for the story, and if FFVII had crappy combat, it would rock all the same.