Bethesda puts the Pitt back up

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This was actually a few days ago but I could hardly be bothered to post it.<blockquote>A new version of The Pitt is up on Xbox LIVE. If you’re experiencing crashes when trying to access content on The Pitt, delete the content off your hard drive and re-download. If you haven’t experienced any issues with freezing, there’s no need to re-download.</blockquote>Link: Update on The Pitt.
If it is the third attempt:

i wonder how they get away with it. Anyone else would have had their balls nailed to the wall.
Go beth , Go ! :lol:
real talent folks, real talent.
Just looked at their support forums and it appears that this version has worked... for some people but there are still some who are having freezing issues. Fourth time's the charm?

I get the impression that Bethesda draws from a very unique group of customers seeing as they get a shitload less flak for their fuckups than any other company does. It's pretty amazing that customers would suggest that other customers should be thankful that a company has finally made their product work after it being released and having no official word about the problem for a week. It's like buying a car and then complaining to the manufacturer for a week that the damn thing breaks down after two minutes of driving and getting no response until two weeks later. I just don't get why one is supposed to have gratitude towards a company for making their product work, seems counter intuitive to me.
UncannyGarlic said:
Just looked at their support forums and it appears that this version has worked... for some people but there are still some who are having freezing issues. Fourth time's the charm?

I get the impression that Bethesda draws from a very unique group of customers seeing as they get a shitload less flak for their fuckups than any other company does. It's pretty amazing that customers would suggest that other customers should be thankful that a company has finally made their product work after it being released and having no official word about the problem for a week. It's like buying a car and then complaining to the manufacturer for a week that the damn thing breaks down after two minutes of driving and getting no response until two weeks later. I just don't get why one is supposed to have gratitude towards a company for making their product work, seems counter intuitive to me.
The issue is just that you will not hear many of this voices cause well ... the official Bethesda forum to say it that way isnt really the best place for complains, even if they have a well thought out background. It seems to be just a uncomfortable place for valid complaints and asking questions like "why do you have to fix it so many times?" cause in one way either its ignored or just put down with flame posts. I mean I dont say this with the intetion to attack their official forum or any developer, as that is not allowed. But its quite a fact that the Bethesda forum is generating for it self a place of "positivity" when it comes to their games where any critical voice is seen as some form of personal attack. With doing this on a long term you as developer can really loose the conection to your own costumers over time.

I am talking about critical interchange between the "community" and the "developers". From all the time I followed the forum with others since the begining you really could see more and more people with inteligent comments move away from the place and thus lowering the imput of creative comments and discussions that go further then just "we looove your game so much!" or "you just produce shit all the day that no one should buy!".

Such kind of things of course lead to nowhere, particulary since the offensive posts will be at one point either removed of course only leaving a positive looking place in the long run ...
Public said:
I wonder what they messed up, and where, to make this DLC so broken...

Remember back when Bethesda bought the Fallout License? I think thats where they messed up.
Eternal said:
Public said:
I wonder what they messed up, and where, to make this DLC so broken...

Remember back when Bethesda bought the Fallout License? I think thats where they messed up.
Already with the first day they started working on Oblivion if you ask me ...
Sort of the question no Fallout fan asked; "Can Bethesda make a Fallout game?"

Enough sarcasm.

With the final DLC (so far) coming out this month or early next we can look at Bethesda's Fallout track.

Well the Oblivion fans seem to be quite happy, a portion of the Fallout fans on the other hand feel rather screwed.
well if you ask me the quality of the DLCs are defnietly a indication for the future of Fallout. In all seriousness now. Imagine a company like Blizzard would have started to do such a thing with "their" World of Warcraft addons where you need 3 or even 4 times huge patches to make the content work for most people! And if you think about that you pay for it every month.