Bethesda Reacts To Three Major Fallout 3 Criticisms

I am worried by Todd's attitude, righ now it's like:

<Journalist> Mr Howard, there are numerous players who would like a deep story and good dialogues instead of photo-realistic images of blowing off people's heads. How do you respond to these pleas?

<Todd> But I like blowing off heads, DUH. So no, no dialogues for you.
just compare some comments Bethesda guys gave before Oblivion was released ...

"Fantasy, for us, is a knight on horseback running around and killing things"

"However, with Morrowind I think we saw that our kind of game appeals to a wider audience, given the game’s success among more casual gamers who are neither "hardcore" nor "RPG geeks"

"So even though we have this really deep RPG, we recognized that no matter how many parts the game has -- combat is the number one thing people do a lot of, so we need to make it great."
He admits it. fallout 3 is mediocre FPS.
Now , lets see.....Mediocre FPS, non-existant RPG elements=AWESOMEGAME!!!11! ?
What is there to like in fallout 3 ?

People who dont like RPGs and like mediocre FPS will like this game ?
Patton89 said:
He admits it. fallout 3 is mediocre FPS.
Now , lets see.....Mediocre FPS, non-existant RPG elements=AWESOMEGAME!!!11! ?
What is there to like in fallout 3 ?

People who dont like RPGs and like mediocre FPS will like this game ?

it sounds like his math is a bit fuzzy. NO todd, two mediocres do NOT equal one good.