Bethesda robbing Interplay blind

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Angry Gamers is angry at Bethesda's treatment of Interplay (thanks GameBanshee).<blockquote>Bethesda's parent company Zenimax, has reared its ugly head and turned Bethesda into an evil pawn in this sleazy form of license acquisition. These are the conditions set by Bethesda to allow Interplay to complete their MMO, you tell me if this seems fair:

* No single player or offline mode in any way.
* Must be for PC or Mac only, no ports to console whatesoever.
* Minimum of 10,000 monthly subscribers.
* Furthermore, Interplay must enter "full-scale" development of the MMO with a minimum of $30 million in funding by two years from the signing of the agreement, or it immediately forfeits its rights to the license.
* Interplay may not sublicense any part of MMO development without Bethesda's approval.
* The MMO "must meet or exceed such quality standards as may be set by Bethesda from time to time" in order for Interplay to remain in good standing, and Bethesda has the right to inspect Interplay's offices and development progress at any time during normal business hours provided two days' notice is given.
* The company must launch the game in North America and Europe within four years of that development commencement date, with the potential for a one-year extension if development is progressing adequately, giving the game a final release date limit of April 9, 2014
* In return for granting Interplay the MMO rights, Bethesda will receive royalties of 12% of sales, subscription fees, or other revenue generated by the game.

Why would Zenimax and Bethesda buy the exclusive Fallout rights? Quite simply, ownership leverage. Acquiring the licensing rights allows Zenimax to set ludacris conditions for Interplay and purposely led them to believe they would still be working on the MMO. They knowingly created these conditions so Interplay would forfeit the MMO rights, at no additional cost to Zenimax other than what had already been incurred upon buying the exclusive rights. Then their new MMO studio, Zenimax Online Studios produces the game and makes a potential profit of at least 88% more than the 12% of royalties it would have gotten from Interplay. Read ahead and see for yourself why these sleazy bastards are robbing Interplay blind.</blockquote>Not to put too fine a point on it but that doesn't make any sense, guys. Interplay signed a contract fully aware that those conditions were part of it. Of course Bethesda's plan was to get the MMO license back for free all along. And of course you can argue it's not a very good deal from Interplay's side.

But how can you blame Bethesda for the contract? They didn't exactly cut off the head of Herve Caen's $600.000 stud horse and put it in his bed while he was far as we know. Still, the sentiment goes on...<blockquote>It definitely seems like Pete Hines is trying to deny it repeatedly. He also said that they're trying to protect what they created but in reality Interplay made the Fallout series a cult classic, not Bethesda (...)

If they do decide to create a Fallout MMO can the greedy assholes at Bethesda/Zenimax handle the launch and upkeep of an MMO? If they can't even release downloadable content without major glitches, how are they going to take on the large-scale issues unique to Massive Multiplayer Gaming? </blockquote>On the other hand, can Interplay? Interplay surprised and impressed quite a few people by actually managing to get a retail Fallout PC bundle rereleased and into major gaming store outlets (Best Buy, Walmart) that barely carry PC shelf space at all (if you don't know why that's actually pretty impressive you haven't been keeping track of the PC industry much), but an MMO is another matter.

Which is part of the reason for this quote from GameInformer magazine that has been floating around (thanks VictorPresper).<blockquote>Flogging the dead horse that is Interplay could be everyone's best interests, if our fourth-grade lawyer logic is correct. Interplay, which had a deal with Bethesda to develop an online Fallout project, has failed to do so in the time allotted in a deal. Now it looks like the rights for a Fallout MMO title are going to Bethesda - which opened its own MMO studio in 2007. Right now, the different sides are hashing things out, and hopefully we'll soon be hearing about a result in Bethesda's favor and a Bethesda-made Fallout MMO to boot.</blockquote>Sucking up and unashamedly showing their bias? Sure. But worried justifiably about a half-alive company taking on FOOL (they seem to be somewhat unaware of Masthead)? Sure.

Sounds like "Dont screw up and pay us 12% and everything is cool" but honestly most MMO's do poorly, I have a hard time seeing one succeed if it has baggage before starting.

Then again I hope it does well, if they make a great game and market it correctly they could have an MMO that is not fantasy (therefore not directly in the WOW shadow) yet not as convoluted as the past failed sci-fi MMOs.
Thanks to Interplay, Zenimax and Beth are getting shit loads of money.

Guys at Interplay probably have nightmares to this day, for selling the franchise to Zenimax.
Actually I think Herve is more dreaming of how he can make some more money before the Interplay zeppelin comes burning down.
I find it hard to sympathise with the Herve led Interplay, but they can't win for losing here.

* The MMO "must meet or exceed such quality standards as may be set by Bethesda from time to time" in order for Interplay to remain in good standing, and Bethesda has the right to inspect Interplay's offices and development progress at any time during normal business hours provided two days' notice is given
Quality standards set by Bethesda
Are you fucking kidding me?
What a joke first of all, and what kind of nebulous, ambiguous bullshit is that? And "time to time", so they can establish standards and change them later to pull the rug out from under Interplay later? What kind of bullshit double standard is this? If they apply the same criteria to themselves that they do to Interplay - they'd have to fire themselves! This is insane it's like a Dilbert comic strip!

Interplay is totally setup to fail and if by some miracle they do succeed Bethesda still makes out at 12% royalties.

Kudos to the Bethesda legal team. But I don't want to hear any bullshit "good faith bargaining" strokery from that fucking bush-league paper-hanger Hines either.
More reinforcement that these guys are just corporate pukes.

Interplay was stupid and shortsighted to agree to any of this, How inept is that numbnuts Herve? Then again I don't know if they had much other choice, they are in pretty desperate straits.
FOOL seems doomed from the start.

This reminds me of that bullshit where that scumbag record producer who owned and pimped out the CCR catalogue sued John Fogarty for sounding too much like himself.

Who cares anymore really, Fallout is so far gone from the purpose that the original devs had in mind that it's just a name on a piece of paper.
Interplay, Bethesda. They can both take a long walk off a short pier AFAIK.

Fuck em both, I won't give a penny to either one.

edit: I can't spell, type or use grammar :crazy:
must meet or exceed such quality standards as may be set by Bethesda

If they're the same standards that they had for Fallout 3, Interplay won't have a problem exceeding them. Most of the mod community has already managed that.
I am willing to bet MDKSupra at AngryGamer had no clue Herve was hours away from being forced, by a california court, into involuntary bankruptcy. And, that Herve had only two choices, accept Beths offer, or lose everything.

Herve took their money on the arrogant hope he could weasle 30 million from some stupid morons and build FO:OL.

Then again, could just be herve ranting under a nom de plume.
Wouldn't be surprised if the game Interplay has been working on isn't even Fallout related though.
I think it went down more like this, Herve was forced to take the deal due to the bankruptcy coming down the line. In it Beth/Zen knew they could hold him over the fire for the worst deal because it was all or nothing for him. In doing so Herve hoped to recoup enough cash to pay back the old fallout people who were owed paychecks from 10yrs ago, and then let beth take back the MMo lic.
Herve should have managed his money better and would now be in the position to make far more money of Fallout 3 and other fallout titles or sell the license for way more money.
It was a shitty contract that never should have been agreed to (better off asking for more money and having no rights to the MMO than following those guidelines) so it's partially Interplay's fault, but as Corith points out, Herve didn't really have much time. The deal does nothing to improve my feelings towards either company, Beth looses points for being dicks and trashing the Fallout IP (far more than it gains for getting such a weasel legal agreement [would have been more points to them had it actually been cleverly written]) and Interplay looses points for being morons.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
it was probably one of those things the seemed like a good idea at the time.

Nah, as Corith said, Herve needed to save his ass before the court would have declared Interplay bankrupt.
Not only would he loose his cash cow, he would actually have to use all the money left over to pay his employees.
I still think he should have sold the whole thing getting as much money as possible and then developed a new IP.

I'm not saying that Interplay cant do anything good with Fallout, but they could be creating something new with a couple more million in their battle chest and no leash on their neck.
If Interplay didn't want to get jerked around like this, they shouldn't have sold the franchise in the first place.

Nobody to blame but themselves.
interplay should cease its existence, they even fucked things for Glutton creepers games, I mean if they only fucked up their own existence...

Still the whole quality standards set by BethSoft made me lol. Oh there I go again: LOL!