Bethesda vs Interplay hijinks continue

Little Robot said:
I'm not a big fan of Tactics.

Fair enough but it's in a entirely different league than BOS IMO.

Little Robot said:
Oh, oops. Sorry, Ausir. :oops:

Actually, I don't know how to check the 2004 employment records of Interplay. I apologize for my ignorance-- see, this is why you have a Wiki and I don't.

Just check the games credits. BOS was done by Digital Mayhem I believe who was also doing Run Like Hell around the same time (now that was a game with a lot of potential, Dead Space seems more like what RLH was going to be).

Speaking of which, I think the producer of RLH had a role in Fallout 1's development, he also did something with BOS as well but I'll double check. Brian Freymuth I think is his name?

C2B said:
It was really miss. Even for an action-rpg on console it was infinitly worse than the Dark Alliance or Champions games.

I only played a little bit of BOS but from what I've heard, gameplay wise it was ok. Either it got you or it didn't. Story wise I think it's apparent that the game had little to do with Fallout.

I think that type of gameplay could have worked for the game had other issues been resolved. Speaking of which, has there ever been a game in that vein of style in a non fantasy setting that was actually a success?

Edit 2: Brian Freyermuth was the Lead Designer on RLH and BOS 2 and the Level Designer for BOS. Was also a designer for Fallout.
Perhaps just some wishreading but:

Gersh: It couldn't be anything else. It would be impossible to suggest. The problem is as we suggest Iin our papers is that I think it is ambiguous from this agreement what did we really get? It is why we think that the intent of the parties need to be delved into in great depth.

I see interplay is still firmly on track with their "bad faith" strategy. And interestingly the judge said:

Chasanow: We use a common ordinary meaning, we do not read any particular term in isolation, we have to read the contracts as a whole and here we have two documents that were executed at the same time, refer to each other and therefore are to be interpreted together.


Chasanow: The Asset Purchase Agreement differentiates in the intellectual property definition between the trademarks and the brand indicating that they are not necessarily synonymous so the license that licenses the ability to create a Fallout branded MMOG indicates to me that maybe we have mroe than the marks involved.
(typos included from transcript)

Wich means that shes eyeing the APA too and not just the TLA and thats where the big landmine for bethesda could lie. I would really stop fooling around with ridiculous claims and keep it strictly about TLA and MMOG if i was beth.

I wonder if Interplay submitted the financial and development data on 7th February. I guess this would be the big moment of truth, showing if Interplay had those 30 millions or not. You can forever discuss the meaning of "full scale development" but 30 million are 30 million. No matter in whose pocket they are exactly (interplay, masthead or some offshore account), they have to be somewhere or not even gersh can keep this ship from sinking.

Thanks for the news Ausir, how do you get this stuff? And did you read the whole transcript? if so, my sympathies, must have been hell. Your dedication is an example to all of us :clap: :mrgreen:
Edit 2: Brian Freyermuth was the Lead Designer on RLH and BOS 2 and the Level Designer for BOS. Was also a designer for Fallout.

Yes, but as a mere level designer he probably didn't have that much influence on what fans dislike about BOS. He was lead designer on BOS2, though, and this one's story wasn't that bad. It also had some non-linear quests and choices and consequences.
Ausir said:
Edit 2: Brian Freyermuth was the Lead Designer on RLH and BOS 2 and the Level Designer for BOS. Was also a designer for Fallout.

Yes, but as a mere level designer he probably didn't have that much influence on what fans dislike about BOS. He was lead designer on BOS2, though, and this one's story wasn't that bad. It also had some non-linear quests and choices and consequences.

The sequel that could have worked! I wonder what lead to the BOS team being structured that way and what thoughts during development were. Have any team members ever blogged about their development experience?
So Bethesda doesn't approve of this MMO if it uses Fallout specific content and they don't approve of a Fallout game with let's say nascar cars racing in it or something similarly retarded like that ?
They made FO3 with "Fallout content" but gone retard all the way . I think they fear Interplay can do a much better job . Less retarded job .

Let's call Uwe Boll to make a Fallout movie , another fun court case like this would be awesome .
LinkPain said:
Let's call Uwe Boll to make a Fallout movie , another fun court case like this would be awesome .

Movie with robots that purify water with beams made from pure democracy!
You know, just name it something else... Like "Aftermath" or "The Omega Effect" or "The Fall" or something... I don't care...

What I want is a post-apocalyptic MMORPG that doesn't fall apart in five months, like Fallen Earth did, because they rushed it out the door in an incomplete stage...
Elven6 said:
I only played a little bit of BOS but from what I've heard, gameplay wise it was ok. Either it got you or it didn't.


Seriously, I'm a big fan of console hack n' slashers/action rpgs and it was awful. There was NO absolutly NO depth to the combat system. Even for said gerne.
Bad_Karma said:
mobucks said:
Fallout New Vegas was the 1000 dollar question on Teen Jeopardy tonite.

I wonder how the 'Question' was in this case ?

It was along the lines of "What city does the latest fallout game take place in?"

Las Vegas.
thats actually not a mustache. It is another laywer. (just like chuck has another fist in his beard)
Little Robot said:
Just because Interplay used to make the games, it doesn't necessarily deserve the rights.

Wait, what?! They created the damn thing and you think they don't deserve the rights? Are you serious?
When Coca Cola made New Coke in 1985, which was hated by most people, they didn't lose the rights. But you are saying any company that makes a side step should lose all rights?

I understand if they sold all rights outright but they don't deserve it? I would say they deserve it far more that Bethesda.
weaponx said:
Little Robot said:
Just because Interplay used to make the games, it doesn't necessarily deserve the rights.

Wait, what?! They created the damn thing and you think they don't deserve the rights? Are you serious?
When Coca Cola made New Coke in 1985, which was hated by most people, they didn't lose the rights. But you are saying any company that makes a side step should lose all rights?

I understand if they sold all rights outright but they don't deserve it? I would say they deserve it far more that Bethesda.

Interplay was just the parent company - It was BlackIsle that made the original Fallouts - sure Interplay financed and published them, (and then shat all over them). It could be argued that without Interplay the games might not have ever seen the light of day, but I'm sure if the main people at BlackIsle (Tim, Chris, Leonard, etc) were in another games company, some version of Fallout will have still been made.

People give too much credit to Interplay...owning the rights and owning the ideas aren't the same.