It's like a lot of people have already said here: the gaming industry is comparable to the movie industry or the music industry, in that what sells is generally sanitised, generic commercial crap, and this is definitely the route Bethsoft are taking. This is obviously at the cost of their integrity, much like everything Michael Bay has ever done shows him to be a mindless, gibbering, explosion-centric fucktard, but integrity is easily sold for shiny gold.
The biggest problem with the gaming industry, however, as opposed to the other entertainment industries (and this has also been previously pointed out) is that there is very little freedom for the press to say what they think. Bad previews? Fuck you, no review copy or further preview access. Bad reviews? Fuck you, no advertising.
Basically, play ball by the publishers' and devs' rules, or get no access. It's an issue that really needs remedying, and the only way I can see that happening is if the gaming public stop putting their faith in the big-name gaming websites that are basically on the publishers' payrolls, and start being a bit more sceptical. Commercially successful stuff is always gonna be bigger and flashier than indie/(theoretically) critically acclaimed stuff, but in the movie industry there is room for both. Hopefully gaming will get there one day, too.