Bio-engineered monsters? (Resident Evil way)


Mildly Dipped
I was just curious about bio-engineered monsters. We have biological warfare and viral weaponry is quite normal these days.

I know that there has been some sort of bio-engineering of birds so that they could spread diseases better, but anything else? Of course normal breeding, but have they ever tried to make something really nasty that way.

I just read a book Resident Evil Underground, and that just got me thinking of man-made/altered monsters. Are there any?


Rehab forum
Well, there are lots of transgenic animals. Fish have been engineered to fluoresce, not to mention rabbits, mice and other critters.

Mice germlines are also altered to express/knockout all sorts of metabolic, cell cycle, immunologic and other processes, all for the purpose of understanding those processes. Hell, in just my lab we have five transgenic strains of mice, from severely immunocompromised to ones that express transgenes if you add specific antibiotics to their drinking water.

But as for monsters, in the resident evil sense, no. Its way too hard to engineer an animal with altered processes that is viable in an F1 generation, let alone have viable germline alterations. Brahmins and geckos are still a pipe dream.

Hell just look to South Korea for how complicated it is to create stem cell lines are correlate that to what you need to make new critters. This guy set my field back a few years, what a tool.
So to create a "monster" or something similar at the moment you could only pump it up on steroids, change it's behavior and add some cyborg-elements (like hearing aid or electric eye etc.).

"Here you go ratty, have some steroids"

"Bad ratty!" *whack*

"Good ratty!" *throws Ashmo inside the cage*
There already WERE flourescent (how do you spell that anyway?) fishies.

It's one of the oddities you can find near the ground of the ocean.

Scientists have transplanted various genes to try to figure out how they work, but there are no engineered creatures outside the labs.
Well, sure, I guess. Theoretically you can change a critters behavior, but unless you are altering their hormone levels from gestation you'll never really alter the creature beyond its basic genetic profile. The best you can do is alter the epigenetic control of its genes, modulating global expression patterns and things. In a sense this is creating a mutant, but the underlying creature will never have different DNA.

Remember that the scientific definition of a mutant is having an altered DNA sequence. Additionally, altered chromosome structure, a la Down's Syndrome and other genetic abnormalities can be considered mutations, but not in the true sense.
The fun part about genetics is that 99% of all mutations you can create will either be unable to survive, unable to reproduce or just plain pointless.
Ashmo said:
The fun part about genetics is that 99% of all mutations you can create will either be unable to survive, unable to reproduce or just plain pointless.

Never underestimate human stupidity. It doesn't matter if it's pointless or not. If we can do it, well do it or just try.

The ability to reproduce will probably lose some of it's meaning when cloning becomes a possibility that works. No need to breed, when you can just grow them. Of course this is a little fat fetched at the moment, but in the future.
Free xxx
You're not trying to say that genetic engineering is stupid, are you?
You read books with titles like "Resident Evil Underground"?

Dude. The game already sucked. I dread to think how a bad a book would be...
Ashmo said:
You're not trying to say that genetic engineering is stupid, are you?

No. Just that human stupidity is.

Yes. I read a book about Resident Evil. I know it's garbage, but hey once in a while you just have to indulge yourself into some small sins. Something like making practical jokes to your co-workers. This was a practical joke my superior mind. If I don't do that I won't pass for a human...and my world domination by genetically engineered superchickens isn't operational yet ( damn you Hwang Woo-suk).
Herbal Vaporizers
frissy said:
The ability to reproduce will probably lose some of it's meaning when cloning becomes a possibility that works. No need to breed, when you can just grow them. Of course this is a little far fetched at the moment, but in the future.
First, you can't grow humans(or mutants, genetically altered cyborgs...) like wheat, you have to grow them, like the soldiers they are...
But to make monsters, you could make a few pairs of the best example you have, and make a treatment for them, to make more of themselves, so the genetic code doesn't change, and you don't have to make more of the same kind of embryos every time you want to have one more of them. This is possible by changing the reproductive systems, to give always genetically the same kind of ovum and sperm :arrow: the babies have always the same kind of genes, the change in the reproductive systems has to guarantee that a twin is born so that it can reproduce itself in via this.
TheWesDude said:

Sea Bed is the term you were trying to use.

:: throws a dictionary in your general direction ::

Thanks for pointing that out. My word pool has just been doubled in size and produced a tsunami large enough to swallow a third world nation.