Bioshock has gone gold

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Probably winning a price for the most unhyped going gold in the past 10 years, Bioshock seems to have gone gold in hiding:<blockquote>BioShock has already gone gold. How have you celebrated this milestone in the past, and how did you celebrate this milestone for BioShock?

We just had a team party in Boston, and then we have a event on the launch night on August 20th, which we’re inviting lots of people to, including members of the BioShock fan community. I'm actually looking forward to that, because launches are usually such abstract things. You wake up launch morning and it’s like, "Hey, our game has, umm, shipped to retail!" It’s not exactly like headlining at Madison Square Garden.</blockquote>Street dates are (I assume still) August 21 for NA and August 24 for Europe.

Link: Level Up interview with Ken Levine.
Just in time for the school season.
Bioshock will be held accountable for lowering my GPA 1.2 points.

I need my Adam fix.
Congratulations to them, and much deserved. They are a prime example of actually listening to your fans, little or no advertising and now gone gold. A job well done.
Well, actually, it has been hyped pretty bad, and I wonder if it can live up to all the promises.

It isn't a prime example of an unhyped game, though they did indeed handle their fans and criticisms better than average. I like how they invite fans to their launch party, that's fairly awesome, reminds me of Fallout 2's launch party.
i have preordered it :)

i'm not overhyped about it though, so that wont be a problem.
i didn't follow this game enough so i don't know anything about it's rpg elements, but it looks like a shootemup. Interesting art tho and will be a trip to be in that mad environment. I'll wait for a few months after release.
FeelTheRads said:
How can a game have fans before its release?

It's the same like winning prizes before being released?
euhm... no... :roll:

sounds like a feeble trolling attempt there Rads...
I think the big draw was "a spiritual sucessor to System Shock", and the interaction Ken Levine had with the fans.

I've swapped a few emails with him, and he's a pretty cool guy
This isn't the only game that had fans before even being released. For example STALKER had at least one fan-site. And probably other games.

euhm... no...

So... what is the difference then?
FeelTheRads said:
So... what is the difference then?
other than the fact that award are given for achievements and not likelyhood of achieving something?

this is going nowhere, if you really want to carry on about this, go back to the thread where this started...
FeelTheRads said:
How can a game have fans before its release?

It's the same like winning prizes before being released?

FeelTheRads said:
This isn't the only game that had fans before even being released. For example STALKER had at least one fan-site. And probably other games.

You seem to be responding to your own question there. :?

Mostly I am guessing they either liked the companies previous games or liked the way this one looked or both.

Pre-order limited edition here
LOL, that's exactly why I ordered mine. Pretty cool how the company gave insight of what they were doing.

Learn from this Beth.
Brother None said:
Tempted to preorder the CE just for the Big Daddy miniature m'self

Yup same here. Plus all the other goodies. Part of me is saying "wait for reviews, why pay more than full price, it's Gamestop exclusive for cyring out loud" and the other is like "Big Daddy would look good perched on my desk, Irrational = good game developers, it's a shiny new game."

*sigh* I'm torn right now...
Brother None said:
Tempted to preorder the CE just for the Big Daddy miniature m'self

Ditto that here as well.

I think it is great that they quizzed their fans on the contents of the limited edition box and then included a few of the top items. Probably one of the coolest pre-order things I have seen offered from a game company.
Gigashlork said:
Brother None said:
Tempted to preorder the CE just for the Big Daddy miniature m'self

Yup same here. Plus all the other goodies. Part of me is saying "wait for reviews, why pay more than full price, it's Gamestop exclusive for cyring out loud" and the other is like "Big Daddy would look good perched on my desk, Irrational = good game developers, it's a shiny new game."

*sigh* I'm torn right now...
Same here. I was kinda pissed at them patching in live in-game advertising to SWAT 4, and am a bit annoyed at the phoning home Bioshock does when you install it, buuuuuuuuuut I really do enjoy their games and damned if big daddy doesn't look cool for $10 more.

I'll probably end up preordering. I CAN'T SAY NO TO YOU BIG DADDY.
I've had my pre-order in since April. Was a bit ticked that it was GameStop/EB exclusive since I hate shopping there but was swayed by the Big Daddy.

OXM UK gave the game a perfect score.

PC Gamer gave it a 95/100.