So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

D3 again not released yet so you're really reaching now.
A single page of scrolling dialogue, which everyone reads at a different speed, what else are the developers going to do than allow people to advance at their own pace? Make them type it back at the computer as it pops up, make them read along into a microphone?
Skipping a cutscene is one thing, a cutscene is not gameplay, and Half Life has shown that they are totally unnecessary to narrative in gaming. How can any gamer advocate skipping gameplay? If you can't win a battle drop the difficulty if you don't want to fight or can't be be bothered aren't you playing the wrong game in the first place?

Skipping a cutscene is one thing, a cutscene is not gameplay, and Half Life has shown that they are totally unnecessary to narrative in gaming. How can any gamer advocate skipping gameplay? If you can't win a battle drop the difficulty if you don't want to fight or can't be be bothered aren't you playing the wrong game in the first place?