Actually no one said it was the Mass Effect guys except when it was still all speculation, some people have commented on DA2 but that was a different studio than the one working on ME3.
Generals 2 is made by TWO studios: one from Bioware and Victory Games (now Bioware Victory).
Victory Games, employing Jon Van Caneghem (the guy behind the Heroes of Might & Magic III and other wonderful games from 3DO), is a key part of making this new strategy game.
Therefore, do not assume that Mass Effect folks are working on an RTS game, that's stupid and makes you look silly.
I'm not sure that many comments have contradicted that, heck it contributed to why I said that it's a Bioware game in name only. That's awesome, I'm replaying HoMM3 as we speak but turn-based and real-time strategy are two different beasts. I'm hoping for the best but HoMM3 experience doesn't bring a lot to a RTS game in my mind.