*BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*


Antediluvian as Feck
Send all your mapper inquiries and requests to this thread...who knows someone might just know the answers, but please read the Fallout_Editor PDF first (it comes with the BIS Mapper)...:wink:

Hopefully over time the mapper will be upgraded. But first download Mapper2 High Resolution Patch v3.0.1.


The Mapper2 High Resolution Patch:

Features comparable to version 3.0.1 of the Fallout2 Hi-Res Patch
Added a button to the iFace-Bar to toggle Block Object Viewing.
Added a button to the iFace-Bar to open the Map Edge Setup Window.
Added a toggle button to view all map edge lines.
The Map Edge Setup Window has been overhauled and should be far more intuitive to use.
Added an option in the top-bar settings menu to switch between hi-res and original blockers.
Added an option in the m2_res.ini to increase the max number of scripts to 10000.(by Timeslip)
Mapper2 High Resolution Patch v3.0.1


.Pixote. said:
But some maps crash when you attempt to shift them, is this because the map area is fully tiled, and it has hit an invisible boundary? If so, could that boundary be adjusted so it wont crash when reached.

Darek -

Yeah, I'm also curious of this. I believe there is some tile boundary. Why else would a map only crash when shifted in a specific direction (can't remember what map I've seen this happen). But there's more to it than that, on the old tribes map there where a few blocking hexes stacked on the same hex, pretty central on the map, and unless they where removed it couldn't be shifted. The strange thing was that there were other stacked blocking hexes that didn't cause any trouble.

Lexx -

While we are at mapper stuff: There is a bug with placing scripts. At approx 16 placed scripts, you can't place new scripts anymore and the map can't be saved. You need to restart the mapper to get it working again. Any chance to maybe see a fix for that?
Good idea Pixote.

Regarding map moving:
I can see what the trouble is there. It uses a hex tile number to keep track of movement starting at the centre tile at 20100 which give 100 hexes of movement in any direction. The trouble is that it only checks if the tile number is valid(between 0 and 40000). This works fine for movement in a north or south direction and movement stops. The trouble is there is nothing blocking east or west movement, eg: 20199 is a tile on the east edge, move one more position east and that tile becomes 20200 which lies on the west edge at which point some buffer must overrun or something.

I'll go through the posts here once I'm done with the fallout1 hi-res patch. Anything I manage to fix up I'll add to The Mapper patch.
I have a request: Could a keyboard shortcut be added to the "remove spatial script" function? Thanks in advance!
My mapper won't allow me to make new items, I get the "Error saving Prototype" message - the list file shows the new item number, but the proto is not in it's correct folder. I haven't had to deal with this shit before, below is my config file for the mapper, does anyone have the answer... :shrug: and yes I have the dev folder in my Fallout directory.




music_path1=G:\Fallout\Fallout2 RP2.1.2b\data\sound\music\
music_path2=G:\Fallout\Fallout2 RP2.1.2b\sound\music\

critter_dat=G:\Fallout\Fallout2 RP2.1.2b\critter.dat
critter_patches=G:\Fallout\Fallout2 RP2.1.2b\data
master_dat=G:\Fallout\Fallout2 RP2.1.2b\master.dat
master_patches=G:\Fallout\Fallout2 RP2.1.2b\data

.Pixote. said:
My mapper won't allow me to make new items, I get the "Error saving Prototype" message - the list file shows the new item number, but the proto is not in it's correct folder. I haven't had to deal with this shit before, below is my config file for the mapper, does anyone have the answer... :shrug: and yes I have the dev folder in my Fallout directory.

The cfg file looks ok. Check the items.lst file in the proto folder. If it's set to read only, it prevents you from making new protos (although that doesn't sound probable, because the file gets edited, right?). Still, that's the only thing I can think of right now. :|
Your Fallout 2 installation must be in:


Else it doesn't work.
I knew I shouldn't have reinstalled my OS when I needed to finish some delicate Fallout work...fuck. By the way Lexx the BIS mapper can be installed anywhere - sometimes I just drag and drop the folder into a new location, change the config, and I'm away working. But I need to get this mapper working again. :|

This is affecting all my various mappers - all 6 of them. :shock:
Sure you can install it wherever you want to. But if you want to create and edit protos, Fallout 2 + files must be in c:\Fallout2\ or it doesn't work. At least for me it never worked, which is the reason why I have two Fallout 2 mod folders- the c:\ installation and my normal workfolder.

The c:\ installation (without fallout2.exe, so I can't accidentally start the game) also works as a test area for me, because proto editing is *always* a delicate thing. Doesn't need much to ruin everything, so it's better to be save than sorry and backup everything before every proto change. Thus, a second workfolder is very useful.
Lexx said:
Sure you can install it wherever you want to. But if you want to create and edit protos, Fallout 2 + files must be in c:\Fallout2\ or it doesn't work. At least for me it never worked, which is the reason why I have two Fallout 2 mod folders- the c:\ installation and my normal workfolder.

The c:\ installation (without fallout2.exe, so I can't accidentally start the game) also works as a test area for me, because proto editing is *always* a delicate thing. Doesn't need much to ruin everything, so it's better to be save than sorry and backup everything before every proto change. Thus, a second workfolder is very useful.

I think I will just reinstall Fallout 2 again - it must be looking for some registry file somewhere. :?
No, this can't be the case. I haven't installed my Fallout 2 "the right way" since many, many years.
Mash said:
@ Pixote
It could be the spaces or '.' chars in your path.

That would be strange since I have been using that folder location all along without any issues...but I reinstalled my OS recently, and I've only experienced this problem after that event. I have 6 different mappers on my PC and none will allow me to save a prototype of any type. :shrug:
Try to search this theme http://www.teamx.ru/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=163&mode=allinone

The whole thing about using mapper as prototype editor is to create folders on disk C:\ (it's important, it MUST be on C:\!):
with *.lst files. Mapper can be installed in any directory, but dev folder must be on C:\. All other steps i think you're already know.
cfmod said:
Try to search this theme http://www.teamx.ru/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=163&mode=allinone

The whole thing about using mapper as prototype editor is to create folders on disk C:\ (it's important, it MUST be on C:\!):
with *.lst files. Mapper can be installed in any directory, but dev folder must be on C:\. All other steps i think you're already know.

It doesn't make any difference - I just checked...I installed F2 on a clean PC - with a clean mapper, the latest version of the RP and tried to make a prototype, and it gave me the same problem. It's a mystery!

Anyway here is my mapper - I would be grateful if someone could check it on their PC and see if they get the same result.

Evil Mapper
Try creating the dev folder with the various sub folders under G:\fallout2\. It worked for me after I did this.
Looking in the exe, it seem to use the drive letter the mapper is installed on.
I got it working again - the shame of not getting the mapper to work, Oh well. :oops:

I reinstalled a new Fallout2 and then reinstalled the mapper, instead of just copying the folder and changing the config file, a practice I've enjoyed before without issue. The odd thing is - now all my mappers work, not just the new mapper...so I'm thinking something was missing in the registry. Thank you to all you helpers out there. 8-)
A new version of the Mapper patch is out. As yet no extra features suggested in this thread have been added. But now that I've updated my Fallout1 patch I should have more free time to devote to it.
Regarding time, my free time is going to be taken up with non-fallouty things over the next week but I should be back into it in a week or two.

Good to hear you got it working.
Mash said:
A new version of the Mapper patch is out. As yet no extra features suggested in this thread have been added. But now that I've updated my Fallout1 patch I should have more free time to devote to it.

Hey Mash - what, realistically, are you able to do to improve the mapper, such as new features, layout change, new shortcuts, etc, it will be good to know what is possible...such as removing the art limit. Also what can't be changed. :look:
Well some of the things I wanted to try were:
-Changing the way the art is displayed and sorted. Maybe a button to expand it out into a grid, customizable sections and what not.
-I was toying with the idea of an extra panel on the right side. It's easier to reduce the size of the game window from the right or bottom sides, top and left are harder. So I could raise the height of the bottom bar to fit more stuff on as well.
-I was going to try to lower the game window at the top to make the top bar permanent but another option would be to get rid of it entirely and move everything it contains down the bottom.
I'm not a map maker so I'm up for suggestions on possible layouts.

As to whats possible, Adding new buttons and windows is relatively easy, adding new functionality is the hard part. In the end it comes down to how long something takes, and you never know the answer to that until you try it out.
The art limit is a difficult one as your limited by the size of the FID. As for the tile limit I've got a couple of ideas that I've yet to try out. So I'll have to get back to you on that one.
-Changing the way the art is displayed and sorted.

- Oh, a button that opens up a big table (like when you add items to critter inventory) would be nice. You click on it and the table from your current category is opened. Now you can look around in there and if you click on an object, the table closes, you are in the normal mapper view again and can place the object. In the same time, the object list in the bottom jumps to the chosen object as well, in case before or after the object is also something that you need.

- I would also love to have a kind of global bookmarks function, so I can jump to objects of my interest in every map without having to scroll through the lists first.

- And I would like to see a switch that enables scrollblockers directly in the mapper and not only in the ingame-testmode, so I can scroll around a lot but only in the (for the pc) visible map area while working on the map.

Not sure about changing the height or position of the interface. Maybe I am just way too much used to it, but when I think about it, it gives me unintuitive feelings. :> Though, having new buttons on the right side of the screen is nothing that would kill anyone, I'll guess.

That's all I can think of right now.

/Edit: Something that could be useful at some point:

- A function to replace all of object X with object Y.

- A function to merge the currently opened map with a different map. Like, merge MAP1 with MAP2, while level 1 of MAP1 should be level 3 of MAP2 or such.