Send all your mapper inquiries and requests to this thread...who knows someone might just know the answers, but please read the Fallout_Editor PDF first (it comes with the BIS Mapper)...
Hopefully over time the mapper will be upgraded. But first download Mapper2 High Resolution Patch v3.0.1.
The Mapper2 High Resolution Patch:
Features comparable to version 3.0.1 of the Fallout2 Hi-Res Patch
Added a button to the iFace-Bar to toggle Block Object Viewing.
Added a button to the iFace-Bar to open the Map Edge Setup Window.
Added a toggle button to view all map edge lines.
The Map Edge Setup Window has been overhauled and should be far more intuitive to use.
Added an option in the top-bar settings menu to switch between hi-res and original blockers.
Added an option in the m2_res.ini to increase the max number of scripts to 10000.(by Timeslip)
Mapper2 High Resolution Patch v3.0.1
Darek -
Yeah, I'm also curious of this. I believe there is some tile boundary. Why else would a map only crash when shifted in a specific direction (can't remember what map I've seen this happen). But there's more to it than that, on the old tribes map there where a few blocking hexes stacked on the same hex, pretty central on the map, and unless they where removed it couldn't be shifted. The strange thing was that there were other stacked blocking hexes that didn't cause any trouble.
Lexx -

Hopefully over time the mapper will be upgraded. But first download Mapper2 High Resolution Patch v3.0.1.
The Mapper2 High Resolution Patch:
Features comparable to version 3.0.1 of the Fallout2 Hi-Res Patch
Added a button to the iFace-Bar to toggle Block Object Viewing.
Added a button to the iFace-Bar to open the Map Edge Setup Window.
Added a toggle button to view all map edge lines.
The Map Edge Setup Window has been overhauled and should be far more intuitive to use.
Added an option in the top-bar settings menu to switch between hi-res and original blockers.
Added an option in the m2_res.ini to increase the max number of scripts to 10000.(by Timeslip)
Mapper2 High Resolution Patch v3.0.1
.Pixote. said:But some maps crash when you attempt to shift them, is this because the map area is fully tiled, and it has hit an invisible boundary? If so, could that boundary be adjusted so it wont crash when reached.
Darek -
Yeah, I'm also curious of this. I believe there is some tile boundary. Why else would a map only crash when shifted in a specific direction (can't remember what map I've seen this happen). But there's more to it than that, on the old tribes map there where a few blocking hexes stacked on the same hex, pretty central on the map, and unless they where removed it couldn't be shifted. The strange thing was that there were other stacked blocking hexes that didn't cause any trouble.
Lexx -
While we are at mapper stuff: There is a bug with placing scripts. At approx 16 placed scripts, you can't place new scripts anymore and the map can't be saved. You need to restart the mapper to get it working again. Any chance to maybe see a fix for that?