Black Lives Matter

I love you.

Seriously, though, h3h3, Pyrocynical, leafy, the whole nine yards of these types of idiots should be ashamed of calling themselves "Comedy" channels, because all they fucking do is either the same shtick for months (commentary and poorly-done roasting) until something 'ehhh' comes into play, as a method to kickstart that attention-span engine in their fans or audience in general OR they do something unique, but quickly go into the apologetic stance and tiptoe on fucking eggshells or getting fussy on groups because "BUH MUH PULITIKZ". Should just go with the George Carlin viewpoint and just simply not give a shit. If they cannot take a joke, then they're not worth the time and effort to talk to.

Seriously, though, h3h3, Pyrocynical, leafy, the whole nine yards of these types of idiots should be ashamed of calling themselves "Comedy" channels, because all they fucking do is either the same shtick for months (commentary and poorly-done roasting) until something 'ehhh' comes into play, as a method to kickstart that attention-span engine in their fans or audience in general OR they do something unique, but quickly go into the apologetic stance and tiptoe on fucking eggshells or getting fussy on groups because "BUH MUH PULITIKZ". Should just go with the George Carlin viewpoint and just simply not give a shit. If they cannot take a joke, then they're not worth the time and effort to talk to.
I was really annoyed at h3h3's video on leafy and how he acted like some kind of moral crusader and like this "community" of totally separate dumbasses on youtube and their fans were responsible to police leafy's content. Like, look, I don't like leafy at all. I saw one of his video once and it was unfunny and cringy but I really don't give a shit if he makes fun of some retard on the internet. It's the internet, if you didn't want to get made fun of don't post videos of yourself. I also was annoyed that apparently the guy was too autistic to criticize but not too autistic to be raking in patreon money and hebrew3hebrew3 started talking about how he doesn't make fun of people like that despite having multiple videos of him ripping on kids. He just came across as a hypocrite on some self righteous high horse.
I remember when police brutality wasn't treated as a racial issue. People were mostly rational and talked about how the assumption of that everyone has a gun is the main issue (the 2nd amendment). People tell me that I shouldn't care because the issue is being addressed. However I can't accept the immoral becoming moral. That is stain in society that can't be easily washed off.
I remember when police brutality wasn't treated as a racial issue. People were mostly rational and talked about how the assumption of that everyone has a gun is the main issue (the 2nd amendment). People tell me that I shouldn't care because the issue is being addressed. However I can't accept the immoral becoming moral. That is stain in society that can't be easily washed off.

If you think the second amendment is the problem you have a few screws loose too. Violent people will do what they want if they have a gun or not. Putting a gun in someone's hand does not make them do any of these things. Maybe people should look at their own actions and culture that influences them. I am completely sure that listening to people glorify rape, robbery, and murder for respect has not influenced how these people react. How about being raised in a household where they were told not to trust police. Or you know being raised in households without proper role models for one reason or another. Maybe people in low income situations should stop pumping out kids making their situation worse.

Don't blame an inanimate object for the choice a person makes. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Now for some math. Estimated 300 million firearms in the states, around 120,000 firearms related incidents (suicide, death, and injury) so:

120000/3000000= 0.04

This means that firearms are used correctly 99.96% of the time. Would you ban any other item that had that success rate. But wait you might say that guns are designed for killing people. Well if that is the case the are pretty horrible at it with a success rate of them being only 0.04%.

A person makes that choice to pull a gun on the cops, a person makes a choice to punch a cop in the head. I have a feeling that 90% of these people would still be alive if they just listened to the cops and didn't think they would be able to somehow get away. Also its not police brutality when you attack the cop first.
I am waiting for an Asian-American protest titled Yellow Lives Matter.
This Asian-American woman makes her live matter alright! Three burglars invaded her house, she gunned them down. One fucker killed, two other just shat their pants and ran away:
If you think the second amendment is the problem you have a few screws loose too. Violent people will do what they want if they have a gun or not. Putting a gun in someone's hand does not make them do any of these things. Maybe people should look at their own actions and culture that influences them. I am completely sure that listening to people glorify rape, robbery, and murder for respect has not influenced how these people react. How about being raised in a household where they were told not to trust police. Or you know being raised in households without proper role models for one reason or another. Maybe people in low income situations should stop pumping out kids making their situation worse.

Don't blame an inanimate object for the choice a person makes. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Now for some math. Estimated 300 million firearms in the states, around 120,000 firearms related incidents (suicide, death, and injury) so:

120000/3000000= 0.04

This means that firearms are used correctly 99.96% of the time. Would you ban any other item that had that success rate. But wait you might say that guns are designed for killing people. Well if that is the case the are pretty horrible at it with a success rate of them being only 0.04%.

A person makes that choice to pull a gun on the cops, a person makes a choice to punch a cop in the head. I have a feeling that 90% of these people would still be alive if they just listened to the cops and didn't think they would be able to somehow get away. Also its not police brutality when you attack the cop first.
You are mistaking one statistic for another. Just because a low amount of the guns in America are used in shootings doesn't mean they're not effective. Do some more research before you spout BS. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find statistics on the fatality of shootings. I'm not saying guns should be banned, in fact, I agree with some of what you said. Handguns are mostly designed with killing humans in mind. I support self defense, but don't twist the truth to your agenda.
You are mistaking one statistic for another. Just because a low amount of the guns in America are used in shootings doesn't mean they're not effective. Do some more research before you spout BS. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find statistics on the fatality of shootings. I'm not saying guns should be banned, in fact, I agree with some of what you said. Handguns are mostly designed with killing humans in mind. I support self defense, but don't twist the truth to your agenda.

No I am fully aware and not mistaken about this. I think you are missing the point I am trying to make, that Firearms are not a problem, none at all. Your right I am looking at certain facts to make that point but if you look using that same method a vehicles, you will find vehicles are far more effective killers of general population. Handguns are not designed with killing humans specifically in mind, just with making the firearm more compact and concealable. I love the whole "designed to kill" as you brought up, so how many bows, crossbows, knives, swords, axes, etc. should be banned? All of these were designed with killing in mind (if at least as a secondary function).

Also the progressive's are famous for twisting facts. All violent crime in the U.S. has been declining since the 1970's, so please tell me how guns are the problem? Seems to me like there are less problems now then 40 years ago. But there is a "gun control" thread for this.

Criminals are and will always be a problem, especially when their is a culture the glorifies them, the "rap" culture.