They are slowly but single bullet cant stop them, these plants are deadly when realize that only fire or explode can do some domage. Also got throwing spikes, so better is just stay away. And this happend on many months, years- people just ignore them because got better problems. That give them time to grown in large amount and now big problem is starting, they everywhere. Farming is really hard now, people start fight with them (but probably is too late?)
These plants and insects will be prior mutants found on wasteland.
Humans and animals mutations in medium amount. And rare superbeast that will be boss to defeat.
I research new skill system- specialisation. To finish game you must chose three skill in one specialise like fire, electric, standard. For example:
-flame gun weapons (alternate big guns)
-flame hand weapons (molotovs, alternate throwing)
-flame traps (alternete traps skill)
-electric gun weapons (energy weapons)
-electric hand weapons (cattle prod, alternate mele weapons)
-electric traps (alternate repair)
-standard gun weapons (normal bullet or pneumatic guns)
-standard hand weapons (alternate unarmed)
-standard traps (alternate lockpick)
(standard may be also named "primitive")
Many monsters may be found and superbeasts in end game, they can be defeat only using weapon specialise. To find these weapons, first you must get trough traps. Also will be three types of armour. That will make three ways to get trough game and.. three alternate game endings.
Also i research how get pip-boy in start game without using f2 loader creator or replace Fallout2.exe To run this mod only need is replace patch000.dat file.
Pip-boy is important because most story will be written on holodisc, but all locations will got option "can rest=no" I working on script placed on beds, so you can rest when found comfortable place.
Start location is changed to V13 Alpha, experimental cheap vault
(with some interesting background story- fatal place, bad luck)
Some new screens: