Black Steel update

The Commissar said:
There are people today who own private vaults for their own use in the event of an Apocalypse (Or to avoid paying taxes). People who build their own vaults do tend to be survival nuts too. Unless you think the government actively sought to shut down privately owned vaults? Even so, I'm sure many would have still existed, and their owners would have been far more prepared for the Post Apocalyptic world then the majority of the "selected" Vault Dwelling population.


Lich's demo has small shelters like those, but they seem to be series-based, so probably governmental

Fallout's known private bunkers like that, though, like the Toxic Caves bunker.

Doesn't apply to "vaults" in the Fallout term, though, and that's what I thought he was talking about, not private bunkers, like Van Buren's Maxson's Bunker
About locations:
Some example. I live many years in my city and i seen some bunkers arund (two or three) but when start interesting it- i found map and see that real is 20-30 around, hidden on bushes and hills. Just month ago i found really big (hundred meter corridor) shelter in two kilometres distance. So imagine what can be found in half country like game worldmap.

Prior towns will be destroyed, there you found only some survivors and they will say about locations can be found near. Marked as medium or large to it game priority.

For sure this will be more real than Fallout game, ofcourse not perfect.

About mutations
Deathclaws or Supermutants will be fev in game as boss hard to defeat. Mostly animals or.. triffids. I got concept about location where people defeat from triffids attack. (There was book called The Day of the Triffids, mutated plants attack people)
and other:
Rad scorpions will be deadly 10-100 domage (poison)
Yeah, that always bugged me in fallout, about how tame things were. I mean, if the Radscorpions thrived so well, surely the were good at killing things, right? I mean, when you get stung by a Radscorpions, it does practically no damage at all.
yeah and the poison is a joke, so I like Lich's idea of making higher poison damage.
Still the lack of pipboy buggs me.
Is it removed only to prevent people to heal while at the pip boy screen ... sleeping ?

Just set up places safe enough so player could sleep and all others preventing from going sleep. And force player to drink/eat every now and then so he can't just hibernate for few months to fully heal.

It's realy strange way to solve one way of abusing of game weakness.

About random encounters. I thnk they still could be there. Is it possible to set things up so the creatures killed at random encounter give no experience or too few to be worth of it ? Then there would be allways a risk of meeting some nasty thing ( if there are any wild animals on the wasteland they have to hunt ... possibly by making ambushes. and if player happen to travel at night it would decrease chance of spotting any danger ... so player still could be surprised ). Players would have to think twice if it's wise to go into the trip with low healt or unarmed.

If you're after more realism how about not giving food the instant healing effect but rather make food temporarly boost characters healing rate ? If you get shoot then you wont get any better if you eat an apple ... well, you could try to stick it in wound so you wont bleed to death. But if you survive, take care of your wound and all you will more likely get back to yourself if you wont be hungry.

Triffids idea is interesting ... will all people in that area be blind ? *_*
Per said:
I approve of the no random encounters idea. One of my gripes with Fo2 in particular was how after a certain point you could quickly and relatively easily gain any number of xp that way, rendering inconsequential how well you had done in the rest of the game. I mean, why even script a difference between 100 xp (slapping the widow and eating her dog) and 300 xp (feeding the widow and putting the dog in the pound), when you get some 5,000 xp from a bunch of deathclaws in the desert?

My thoughts exactly. I remember playing Fallout Tactics and I tried to level build before a mission by fighting in random encounters. Unfortunately the enemies killed there, even being the same type and equipped as well as teh enemies in the missions, only gave about 1/4 the experience thus meaning it would take a long time to level that way. Needless to say I stopped.

I say just reduce the experience given by random encounter critters and/or keep the same experience, but reduce the frequency of encounters. Also why not try to make "quest" encounters with small things to do like repair a generator and access a mini-storage place?

Murdoch said:
...that always bugged me about TVD. Why no road map?

I burned it to start a fire on my first night out. I hadnt enough outdoorsman skill to learn to wittle a nifty firestarter or find some dry brush. I was offered a lighter when I left the vault, but I thought I could only use it to smoke so I turned it down.

The Vault Dweller
I decided make some randoms. They will be farmers defeat triffids.

enc_00=Chance:100%,Enc:(1-3) ARRO_Spore_Plants FIGHTING (1-2) KLA_Farmers

I build 9 new random desert locations- farm houses.
So world will be not empty when trawel trough.

-Spore Plants will give some exp but can be destroyed only by rare and valuable weapon (fire and explode)
-Farmers will give 0 exp after defeat

So this dont broke system "exp and items only from locations"
God Lich, I hope you'll let me proofread any text in English that is going to be in the mod.
Triffids are a monster plants ... with a good old classic hollywood sci-fi/horror movie's "monster" meaning.
I'm not sure about book but in the movie triffids poped on earth and cause quite some chaos ... and to add to that most of humankind got blinded during triffids' arrival which of course made any fighting back attempts a bit tricky.
Frog said:
Triffids are a monster plants ... with a good old classic hollywood sci-fi/horror movie's "monster" meaning.
I'm not sure about book but in the movie triffids poped on earth and cause quite some chaos ... and to add to that most of humankind got blinded during triffids' arrival which of course made any fighting back attempts a bit tricky.

I accidentally missed Lich's post, but I should really tell him I like the idea. Its original...I mean in the idea that most people dont know what a triffid is. As well as the triffids sounding like both a challenge and something that would belong to the environment.

The Vault Dweller


I wonder if you can take any of their parts? Do they bear fruit or seed? Have any sellable glands to make medicine?
Fallout already had triffids... except that they explained it with exposure to radiation which they call spores or something like that
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I mean in the idea that most people dont know what a triffid is.

You'll find that many people know what a triffid is or at least know it's from a book.

Triffids exactly wouldn't work in Fallout, because they were slow, cumbersome creatures whose point of superiority in the end was the fact that everyone was blind, though most people being dead would work too.

So I guess it's mostly about using the name, which is fine
Perhaps Triffid is a translation error from Spore Plant?

(Slightly drunken post - Treat contents with some caution)
They are slowly but single bullet cant stop them, these plants are deadly when realize that only fire or explode can do some domage. Also got throwing spikes, so better is just stay away. And this happend on many months, years- people just ignore them because got better problems. That give them time to grown in large amount and now big problem is starting, they everywhere. Farming is really hard now, people start fight with them (but probably is too late?)

These plants and insects will be prior mutants found on wasteland.
Humans and animals mutations in medium amount. And rare superbeast that will be boss to defeat.

I research new skill system- specialisation. To finish game you must chose three skill in one specialise like fire, electric, standard. For example:

-flame gun weapons (alternate big guns)
-flame hand weapons (molotovs, alternate throwing)
-flame traps (alternete traps skill)

-electric gun weapons (energy weapons)
-electric hand weapons (cattle prod, alternate mele weapons)
-electric traps (alternate repair)

-standard gun weapons (normal bullet or pneumatic guns)
-standard hand weapons (alternate unarmed)
-standard traps (alternate lockpick)

(standard may be also named "primitive")

Many monsters may be found and superbeasts in end game, they can be defeat only using weapon specialise. To find these weapons, first you must get trough traps. Also will be three types of armour. That will make three ways to get trough game and.. three alternate game endings.

Also i research how get pip-boy in start game without using f2 loader creator or replace Fallout2.exe To run this mod only need is replace patch000.dat file.
Pip-boy is important because most story will be written on holodisc, but all locations will got option "can rest=no" I working on script placed on beds, so you can rest when found comfortable place.

Start location is changed to V13 Alpha, experimental cheap vault
(with some interesting background story- fatal place, bad luck)

Some new screens:

Don worry i known many translaters and this pic is just from demo
Final version will be corect.
ratsnack said:
I just see a spelling error. Making some characters talk in broken english would be cool too

You "just see a spelling error"? The following text looks like it was put through an auto-translator:

I was farmer, far away from devestation me and friends want start new life. In half sleep I thinking about better place to settle. Friends wake up and tell about sounds outside, so go there. It was some mutated plants, here...

It does not compute, it should be:

I was a farmer, far away from the devestation me and my friends wanted to start a new life. In daydreams I think of better places to settle in. My friends wake me up and tell me about sounds outside, so you should go there. It were some mutated plants, here...

And that's pure grammar, nevermind that the whole paragraph makes no sense

Plus hot post-apocalyptic people = teh stupid