I don't like it.
I like Bladerunner. I don't 'love' it, but I like it.
So my expectations aren't astronomically high when it comes to a sequel.
And still, it managed to fall short of what I'd want out of such a film.
Something about it just screams "HOLLYWOODIZED!!!"
I can't explain it but the reason I can't stand watching modern films is because of how eerily similar they feel. The cinematography(?), how unreal the people in it looks, how typical certain scenes are as if they are just copying what they know is certain to sell. Everything about it just feels too clean. Too polished. Too consumer-friendly.
I've had this problem with modern big budget films for years now and I have no idea what it is, I don't know how to put my finger on it. It's like if an interesting artist or band suddenly shifts their music towards what is currently trending in the charts. They haven't necessarily abandoned their sound or genre, but it doesn't feel real. It feels too prepackaged. Like it isn't a work of a passion as it is hidden under layers of coating of plastic.
There is also the problem of a lot of newer films not feeling "real" to me. Characters, especially the protagonist, looks like beautiful models and sure there are people who look like that in real life but I'm kinda sick of seeing them being the protagonists of everything. And...
Yknow what. I know exactly how to explain this. Look at Scrubs' first episode and then look at an episode in the last season.
Pilot episode Elliot:
View attachment 6816
Season 8 Elliot:
View attachment 6817
The camera quality, the setting, the make-up, the way it is filmed, over the course of the series it upped its production value in every way imaginable to the point that it looks unreal. It looks fake. It looks plastic. Hell, in some ways it changed right after its pilot episode in fact. But there is a stark contrast between the pilot and Season 8 and it is exactly the problem I have with big budget crap when it comes to films and tv series'.
And I personally like it when it feels more down to earth. Even a sci-fi setting can feel down to earth in the way it portrays its story, chracters and scenes.
And that trailer for the new Blade Runner film? It feels plastic. Fake. Unreal. Uncanny even (and not in a good way like androids).
It doesn't mean that it is inherently bad or anything. People seem to enjoy this sort of thing which is why it keeps popping up whenever a project gets a big budget. I like Blade Runner but I don't love it and I have never clamoured for a sequel or anything like that so I didn't care before and I don't really care now either.
Then again, I felt the same way about Fury Road and while it doesn't feel like Mad Max at all it was a fucking blast to watch. But this trailer? It does nothing for me. It just reeks of modern Hollywood to me, a stench I don't much care to take a big whiff of.
Avatar was released in 2009 and it has yet to get even 1 sequel. At this rate I doubt we'll be seeing that many Avatar films. Hell, I'd be surprised if we even see anything at all.
And oh my, there's Avatar porn parody. I'm uh... Gonna do... Research...
What, Prometheus? I mean was a fairly average film but I wouldn't call that a dick-move.