I have played Halo 2. Christ, they should take a few notes from System Shock 2 and a few other games that have some competence and imagination in map design that doesn't solely consist of "watch these things move so awesomely!" Now only if that bullshit had some use other than to make XBrick sheep baa at the graphics and wet dream about a Halo 3, which is little more than a Transformers rip.
Nevermind how short and simple the game is, that is supposed to make it all up. Or something. The single-player game really does feel just like the first, but with perhaps a couple of more weapons. It doesn't help that the maps are neautiful but shallow as hell. I beat the "end boss" without even realizing it.
The multiplayer, on the other hand, is utter shit unless you have a group of friends who also have the game, as the mainstream multiplayer audience of this game appears to be slightly over the age of 8 years old. Then there's the usual problems with the XBrick multiplayer component and cheating.
It was clearly just an expansion pack, with little else new. Again, Metal Arms whips the pants off of this game in terms of gameplay, level design, and shooter fun with imagination...except for perhaps the vehicles. Actually, those parts in Metal Arms were fun as well, and the botjacking was even moreso given how you can recruit enemy Mils to your side. Too bad the hype drowned it down into a sleeper hit, to the point where many reviewers suddenly became retarded in giving Halo 2 100% and Metal Arms a lower score because of the XBrick's inherent horizontal tear.