Blasphemous Talk. (Halo 2)

satanisgreat9 said:
So, I go online today and get this message from Steam:

Friday, March 25 2005

Next week we'll begin beta testing the new Valve Anti-Cheat system. For people playing multiplayer games, there will not be any visible difference while we're conducting the beta, but we will be logging cheating violations into our database to make sure it's ready for general release. This will be the last public notice before the system is released and active for everyone.

If you have any cheats for multiplayer games installed on your computer, now would be a good time to uninstall and stop using them. When a cheat infraction is detected, the offender will be permanently banned from playing on secure servers.

First, poor example. Second, pathetic use of a straw man argument. I am very good at tearing them down.

It seems like they're having problems there as well,

Seeing as you have also claimed to have had zero education regarding network architecture, I think you're still way out of your league in making any comments about this subject. Being able to identify and remove cheaters from secure servers, which is certainly a hell of a lot more than Bungle's obviously been able to do, is better than a poorly-constructed console FPS that doesn't have ANY real support for proper dumb client operation.

and are being just as vauge about the solution as Bungie/Microsoft.

The difference is, Valve isn't wholly clueless as to where the cheating is occuring. Their problem isn't in knowing how the cheating is taking place (as Bungle has been for years over their own engine - fucking comical), it is identifying and filtering out the cheaters. I think that was pretty simple to understand, but then I'm discussing this with a self-admittedly clueless twit, who keeps tossing out more crap in some desperate attempt to hopelessly fanboy for a game that is already a laugh in the real FPS genre.

How the hell was Valve being vague? "We're fixing some of the cheats...but we're not saying which ones!" is vague. "We are working on a new system to identify and remove cheating players from playing on secure servers." is not. Trying to pass that difference off as the same thing might have worked on your idiot buddies, but not in the realm of the educated, child.

I also can't say for certain if their new engine is as dumb client as Quake's. I was only using Half-Life as a reference to address your similar assumption in claiming that the FPS genre has not changed much since Wolfenstein 3d. If that is the case, CRPGs haven't changed much since Wizardry I.

Sounds stupid? Then you had better educate yourself before you look even more stupid.

So, now that you've brought up an irrelevant point, still haven't bothered to educate yourself, and still want to continue with your argumentative cluelessness, I think I won't bother changing the avatar back this time.