dear god, the scrapping
Not saying it's OP, I'm saying it's strategy is all dribbled down into one thing: Shoot to win. True, it's harder to score with the nerf, but it still can be easy once you get a pattern down on enemy attacks (just like how Dark Souls with the latency issues, I was still able to parry most players with nothing but Dual Dragon Bone Fist for lulz, only time it became hell for me was Russian players for some reason). I myself had a relatively easy time with the Bone-Ash'd Cannon strat, the only issue, like you said, was when I was facing someone from Russia or who knows what. I just find it unappealing when most players huddle into the 'easiest one-shot kill' strat, or 'spam till win'. Remember the monoscim spam2win crap in Dks2? Either way, I'm glad they're patching and paying attention to their game, and it makes me happy.I'll say more on the game when I have time..... I've been seriously swamped lately, so I haven't been around, and hardly available for anything. But I would like to comment on this:
Not quite. For one thing, the Rifle Spear issue is a bug and will be patched shortly, just like the bullet costs were patched in v1.03 a little while ago.Bloodborne: Looks great, mechanics are a bit 'lolwut'. Already people are exploiting two weapons to make PVP no longer 'enjoyable', the Rifle Spear (Or what I like to call "THIS. IS. MAH. BOOMSTICK!") and the...what the fuck..Bone Ash'd Cannon playstyle. Basically the idea for both is kind of the same, though the Cannon is more entertaining: Shoot2win. For the cannon playstyle, R2 until the player is parried, then press L2 to watch them fly back and insta-killed. Seriously, I don't think any player can survive a one-shot from it when parried and it's not even hard to be parried in BB. For Rifle Spear, just spam the shooting. That's it. You win. Of course, you need to upgrade said weapons, but yes, both are gibbed to do insane damage at the end result.
As for the Cannon... that's a one-trick-wonder, and it's very easy to screw up. You say it's easy to get parries, but it's really not. Latency can be a real bitch, so while it mostly DOES just take one good kapow from the Cannon while staggered to end a fight, a player has to manage their bullets while doing so because they need at least 13 to pull off the stunt (12 for the Cannon, 1 for the Reiterpallasche parry shot), and every shot that misses gets you closer and closer to empty. It's much easier to use the Cannon in PVE with Runes that replenish bullets, but that's virtually impossible to utilize in PVP- all but physically impossible if you're the invader.
The Cannon and its utilities is a hotly raged about topic among BB boards because fans of it hate what v1.03 did to it, and detractors see the nerf as a step in the right direction but taking the wrong path to get there. I myself find the Cannon completely underwhelming for PVE and laughably hit-or-miss in PVP, so I really don't like the way it functions right now. But suffice it to say, it is NOT as overpowered as you make it out.
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