
I'll say more on the game when I have time..... I've been seriously swamped lately, so I haven't been around, and hardly available for anything. But I would like to comment on this:

Bloodborne: Looks great, mechanics are a bit 'lolwut'. Already people are exploiting two weapons to make PVP no longer 'enjoyable', the Rifle Spear (Or what I like to call "THIS. IS. MAH. BOOMSTICK!") and the...what the fuck..Bone Ash'd Cannon playstyle. Basically the idea for both is kind of the same, though the Cannon is more entertaining: Shoot2win. For the cannon playstyle, R2 until the player is parried, then press L2 to watch them fly back and insta-killed. Seriously, I don't think any player can survive a one-shot from it when parried and it's not even hard to be parried in BB. For Rifle Spear, just spam the shooting. That's it. You win. Of course, you need to upgrade said weapons, but yes, both are gibbed to do insane damage at the end result.
Not quite. For one thing, the Rifle Spear issue is a bug and will be patched shortly, just like the bullet costs were patched in v1.03 a little while ago.

As for the Cannon... that's a one-trick-wonder, and it's very easy to screw up. You say it's easy to get parries, but it's really not. Latency can be a real bitch, so while it mostly DOES just take one good kapow from the Cannon while staggered to end a fight, a player has to manage their bullets while doing so because they need at least 13 to pull off the stunt (12 for the Cannon, 1 for the Reiterpallasche parry shot), and every shot that misses gets you closer and closer to empty. It's much easier to use the Cannon in PVE with Runes that replenish bullets, but that's virtually impossible to utilize in PVP- all but physically impossible if you're the invader.

The Cannon and its utilities is a hotly raged about topic among BB boards because fans of it hate what v1.03 did to it, and detractors see the nerf as a step in the right direction but taking the wrong path to get there. I myself find the Cannon completely underwhelming for PVE and laughably hit-or-miss in PVP, so I really don't like the way it functions right now. But suffice it to say, it is NOT as overpowered as you make it out.
Not saying it's OP, I'm saying it's strategy is all dribbled down into one thing: Shoot to win. True, it's harder to score with the nerf, but it still can be easy once you get a pattern down on enemy attacks (just like how Dark Souls with the latency issues, I was still able to parry most players with nothing but Dual Dragon Bone Fist for lulz, only time it became hell for me was Russian players for some reason). I myself had a relatively easy time with the Bone-Ash'd Cannon strat, the only issue, like you said, was when I was facing someone from Russia or who knows what. I just find it unappealing when most players huddle into the 'easiest one-shot kill' strat, or 'spam till win'. Remember the monoscim spam2win crap in Dks2? Either way, I'm glad they're patching and paying attention to their game, and it makes me happy.
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Console exclusives are always made to be accesible to players, to convince more people to get the console to play them. They won't risk making it too hardcore because they need to convince people to fork out the 460 dollars to get it.
Uh.... no. Exclusives TRYING to sell more boxes doesn't make a game more accessible. That's utilizing the relative INaccessibility of the game to push players into buying more units. The tactic utilizes inaccessibility by its very definition! Dark Souls (and its sequel, by extension) WAS an example of an accessible title, because it was made for multiple systems, so more people could access it. Hence, accessible, by definition.

also if this kind of game is the "vision" of the director then that guy has a single idea only, one trick pony game designer...
If his "vision" was making action RPGs with one playstyle in mind, sure. But that's not it. FromSoft's "B Team" did exactly what you think made Dark Souls great when they created DkS2, and it was received with tons of hate and despair because of how much of a departure it was from Miyazaki's vision. As he put it himself, the story of the Souls series was inspired by his wonderment when reading Western fairy tales as a younger man, unable to understand the full story because he wasn't fluent in English, so he was only able to pick up on bits and pieces, and he used his imagination to fill in the rest. He wanted to recreate that with his games, and he's done a stellar job, 3 times out of 3, so far. That's not a one-trick-pony at all. =P

Yes, as much as I've butted heads with SnapSlav over it, Demon's Souls is a masterpiece.

I'd advise playing Dark Souls, it's spiritual successor, after you're done. If you feel like more, then move onto Bloodborne.
Hands down, the level of customization possibilities was the best in Demon's Souls, I think we can agree on that?

I'm trying out an Arcane build in BB right now, but there are a great deal many downsides to it. Namely, it doesn't come online for a LONG time. You have to beat EVERY dungeon and unlock the highest level Root dungeons and THEN begin farming them for decent Blood Gems. Meanwhile any physical build will, at latest, come fully online by the time you reach Mergo's Loft and can spend 5-10 minutes killing Winter Lanterns (the corrupted dolls with gigantic frenzy-inducing eyeball brain tentacle heads) so going for an arcane build is a really slow endeavor. It's also just NOT the same as making a "wizard" in previous games, or hell, a "battle mage" that still utilized melee combat to go along with his spells. Ultimately, an arcane character just uses a different type of damage, so their main draw is being able to USE those Hunter Items that other builds just can't really utilize effectively.

I guess it's sorta like the new version of Cannon cheesing? Unless of course v1.04 changes that again! XD

Not saying it's OP, I'm saying it's strategy is all dribbled down into one thing: Shoot to win. True, it's harder to score with the nerf, but it still can be easy once you get a pattern down on enemy attacks (just like how Dark Souls with the latency issues, I was still able to parry most players with nothing but Dual Dragon Bone Fist for lulz, only time it became hell for me was Russian players for some reason). I myself had a relatively easy time with the Bone-Ash'd Cannon strat, the only issue, like you said, was when I was facing someone from Russia or who knows what. I just find it unappealing when most players huddle into the 'easiest one-shot kill' strat, or 'spam till win'. Remember the monoscim spam2win crap in Dks2? Either way, I'm glad they're patching and paying attention to their game, and it makes me happy.
Still haven't played DkS2 yet, so I wouldn't know. All I know is that SOMEHOW lagstabs weren't an issue at all in DS, then suddenly with DkS there were lagstabs to abuse, courtesy of latency issues, and they made up the vast majority of PVP encounters in the game. You could go hours into Demon's Souls without encountering many cheesy PVPers, but you were practically guaranteed a minimum of 90% of Dark Souls PVP encounters would end with a lagstab to the face. It was frustrating as fuck. Add to that the ridiculousness of Havel Darkwood Grain rolling and the terrible imbalance of elemental weapons, and the PVP scene in DkS was simply a mess. It had the great potential to be the most fun in the series, but it simply wasn't because of the balance issues.

BB, meanwhile, takes a full step forward while taking a massive step back. Changing how critical hits works makes lagstabs physically impossible to pull off, latency or no, however the incredibly sparse covenant systems and, indeed, reverting to the maximum number of 4 players in any one game like the first game is a considerable downgrade from Dark Souls' no-holds-barred open PVP matches of upwards of 10 players inhabiting a single game. Also the Bell system is just crap for PVP, but that's its own topic... ~_~
Crni, there's a difference in accessability when meaning learning curve, as opposed to how accessable it is to varying platforms.
-snippy snip snip!-

Oh god, lagstabs. I know that feeling. "Let's have a good g-oh lovely, guy's trying to circle me for a lolinstastab". Glad they patched the havel thing, but it was still annoying to deal with sunlight blade/PW uber insta-killing users.
Actually, I must correct myself. You could have five players in a single world in Demon's Souls, not four. (Host, 2 summons, 1 black phantom, 1 red phantom.) So Bloodborne limiting the total number to 4 is an even bigger step back than its steps forward, in terms of online multiplayer... That's sadly disappointing. =/

On the plus side, I reached a satisfactory point in my Arcane character that I can say with confidence that the build is TOTALLY viable. It has the potential to wreck in PVP, and it's not weak at all in PVE once you truly get it off the ground! The major drawback, however, is that it's INSANELY hard to GET it off the ground. You're heavily reliant on your weapon base damage from upgrades until you unlock the deepest Chalice Dungeons, and then you have to farm very difficult Root Dungeons for the Blood Gems that finally get your build to go full steam.

That's still not the optimum for that build, because better Runes than those found in the story are still important for being self-sufficient, otherwise you "run out of steam" when your Quicksilver Bullets run out and you become just another melee character. Unfortunately, the best gems for making this build completely sustainable are absolutely undervalued by the community, so out of all the efforts of to coordinate great gem farming locations, NOBODY is looking for top-tier Pulsing gems, and the wikis don't even have any decent entries on them because so little information is available due to the lack of interest in them. But being able to regen upwards of 15hp per second is a HUGE boon to a character who's reliant on casting "spells" that run off of Quicksilver Bullets...

Long story short, Arcane builds work, but they're still considerably short of a "wizard" or "battle mage" character. Close, but not quite. But at least they work. I just hope future patches (or maybe DLC?) will fix the issue of there being so woefully few Arcane gems found throughout the game, so the points between being heavily handicapped and being capable aren't as ridiculously long.

In other news, I quite enjoyed this video about the game. Unlike many "Honest Trailers", this one is QUITE accurate! (Barring the emphasis on "long load times", because that WAS patched; even though they're still long, they're not as agonizingly long as they used to be.) But it CANNOT be overstated that the video's comments ARE spoiler!!! If you have any interest in the game and like being surprised, do not watch it!
Guess I need a PS4.
If it weren't for the mandatory PS+ in order to access any true multiplayer, I would reply to that with a "damn straight you do!" But as it is, I'd say it's worth it if the $400 won't set you back considerably. I have issues with the controller (I really think they took steps forward with the Dualshock 3, but the Dualshock 4 is just many steps backwards) and I'm still not quite used to the UI, but all the programs that worked on the PS3 are much quicker and more streamlined on the PS4, so it's integrated itself into my multimedia quite nicely. For sure if you have any interest in some console titles, a PS4 is the way to go. But I wouldn't recommend it if it was only to play one game and one game only. Bloodborne IS amazing, but not for a one-time-purchase of $460 plus taxes. =/

. . . . .

Sure is a pity that so few people are commenting on Bloodborne, but I guess that's a natural consequence of such exclusivity. One choice = fewer participants.

I've been enjoying a bunch of videos, even released a video of my own, and now that the game has been out long enough and analyzed to death and discussed enough, there are even great lore discussion videos I've really enjoyed. MAJOR SPOILERS in both, so watch at your own risk, as always. I wasn't fully satisfied with every extrapolation made by the author of that lore video, but overall I felt he did an excellent job, and if you find yourself completely confused about what's going on it should do a great job of filling in all the blanks for you.

I'd love if more people here were involved with the game so we could discuss the lore, like the Game of Thrones thread tends to be when a season ends, but at least for now that doesn't seem like much of an option. =/ Oh well.
I definitely wouldn't buy a PS4 for one game. I have a rule (I believe I mentioned before) where I won't buy a system unless I can find around 10 or more high quality titles that are exclusive to the system, good for local co-op/multiplayer, usually with little to no mod support. If the game is significantly improved with mods I will often try to get the game for pc instead. I'm not a huge graphics whore, so I don't have to necessarily get the definitive edition for games, like say buying Arkham Knight for pc instead of PS4 due to the improved frame rate. I've held off buying the PS4 for awhile but titles like Bloodborne, Final Fantasy 15, MGS5, and Persona 5 appeal to me. My pc would run Witcher 3, but not well enough, so I'll throw it in with the PS4 list, along with Mortal Kombat X.

Games that require very specific timing, like Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, any fighting game really, I would rather play on a console anyway. PS+ being mandatory is a huge negative for the PS4 though. I bought the PS3 due to it NOT having that requirement. I bought a Wii U since it did not require a subscription. I stopped buying games for the Xbox 360 due to Xbox Live. Not a huge fan. My internet is not good enough to warrant such a service, regardless of all the supposed perks.