Borderlands Teaser

Brother None said:
Mord_Sith said:
Does anyone have any decent suggestions for RPGs that are of a more recent mark that don't have the stink of Ob-livion and it's ilk?

Eschalon: Book 1
The Witcher
NWN 2: Mask of the Betrayer

The first one is a good indie that emulates Ultima 2-3, the latter two have been universally praised for the storytelling, TW being strong on choice and consequence and MotB being compared to PS:T favourably.

Mass Effect
Well I guess it looks okay, it just not really gives me "I really have to try this out" vibe.
I don'tneed to say what it kind of looks like as others have already made those references.

And yes, the whole gun part was really overdone.

I take it that this is probably taking place in some game future in which once a great human federation/empire/government controlled a lot of planets but fell at some point, leaving scraps of technology behind and places such as that vault.
Now scavengers and adventurers like the player are looking for such places to make their own fortune.