
UncannyGarlic said:
Looking at the art up close I'd really like to see a comparison shot with the black outlines and without them because this closeup gives me the distinct impression that they are entirely extraneous (at least on the flesh, doesn't bother me on the face and hands).

Here's an in-game screen of the guy on the cover that I took from the trailer.



Pause around 0:33.

Notice how the guy is lacking all of those extra black lines that look painted on?

Of course this could simply be the difference between high-res pc graphics against their shitty xbox counterpart (they came right out saying that the pc version destroyed the console version graphically).

It's probably just touched up box-art that you won't see in-game.
Here's a better one from their website. It looks like they added the extra black lines on the torso and arms, not sure why given that it damages the art instead of improves it but I guess it exaggerates their style.

A slightly higher quality version of the same trailer (Gearbox's official release):
Aw come one now. It's the best looking cover in recent memory. Putting a little bit of imagination into it means they're trying too hard? At least it's not the usual lone hero on the cover. They're approaching things with some style.
maximaz said:
Aw come one now. It's the best looking cover in recent memory. Putting a little bit of imagination into it means they're trying too hard? At least it's not the usual lone hero on the cover. They're approaching things with some style.
No I agree that it has style but you've gotta admit that those black lines which accent or outline the muscles on the torso and arms look bad. I'm not sold on the blood thing I think mainly because of the other commercials I've seen it used in (for UFC or something) and the idea of the guy blowing his own brains out with a finger pistol is strange. Again, it ends up in no man's land for me because I can't say whether or not I like it.

I was thinking that it stood out as cover art so I decided to look at other cover art and now I'm less sure. I'll say that I've never seen another game that did the exact same thing but every game has pretty different cover art, especially these days. The one thing that has really dropped off is hand drawn cover art so if you really want to stand out, going old school is probably the best way.
Although they don't bother me, those lines do look a bit weird but if you watch the trailer in HD, you'll see that people have those in the game. It seems that you can only see them in cut scenes though. In the shots that look like gameplay they're absent.

I like the finger thing though. It makes him look like a psycho.

Overall, I didn't like the change in visuals at first but it seems like they're going for style with everything here. Certainly makes it stand out.
maximaz said:
Aw come one now. It's the best looking cover in recent memory. Putting a little bit of imagination into it means they're trying too hard? At least it's not the usual lone hero on the cover. They're approaching things with some style.

They're trying to be edgy, the faux-suicide gesture hasn't been interesting since it was done in Taxi Driver.
That's trying a bit too hard for me, especially if you consider how they already renamed Elites "Bad Asses." That was already a bit eye-rolly.
Eyenixon said:
They're trying to be edgy, the faux-suicide gesture hasn't been interesting since it was done in Taxi Driver.

When was that again? 30 years ago? Old is new again :)

if you consider how they already renamed Elites "Bad Asses."

That is cheesy, I'll give you that.
Here's two awesome trailer/parody vids that they posted semi-recently.


They certainly know how to make awesome promos. I like everything from the trailer to the posters to these "making of" movies. Hopefully, the game is as inspired.
Well, to be fair; watching ANY console player go at an FPS is murder on the eyes. They're also only level 2 (and fighting level 1-2 enemies), which would explain why they're taking a pathetic amount of damage (Although perhaps that's just wishful thinking).


Here's a new interview with a bunch of gameplay footage.
Watching the first bit of that video makes me want to punch them and not buy their game. The starting comments are just that special level of stupid that one hopes that no one can attain.
All's I can say is. "Yeah, I'm going to get it". I dunno. Just looks like some fun and a neat style. Played XIII just for the style of it and I did like Wind Waker's over the top cartoon style as well. Viewtiful Joe also.
<embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="640" height="360" name="gb_player" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="paramsURI=http%3A//">

Here's ~30 minutes of footage of the Giantbomb guys playing it coop.